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Birthing ball

8 replies

Grumpy19 · 10/08/2020 23:15

When did you start using a birthing ball? I had one for my DC2 and DC3 but we have since lost/ sold it and I can't remember when I started to use it (bit of an age gap).
I am only 16 weeks but getting lots of back pain and am thinking about when and where to purchase a birthing ball.

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Superscientist · 10/08/2020 23:21

If you think you are likely to use it at any point I would get it as soon as its convenient to do so even if you don't keep it pumped up straight away. I used it if for lots of niggles I wouldnt necessarily have thought to buy it for. For lots of things it helped the only thing it wasn't helpful for was the birth so I'm glad I got use out of it earlier in my pregnancy!
I found a relatively cheap but reasonably priced exercise ball off amazon that was the right size for me. Nothing fancy just in case I didn't find it useful.

Grumpy19 · 11/08/2020 00:01

Thanks @Superscientist.
I didn't use it during labour either but did find it great for nsck pain. Just worried I'm jumping the gun a bit at only 16 weeks.
Also, I have seen one on amazon but I'm worried I might end up being too heavy for an ordinary exercise type ball Blush

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peonyrose87 · 11/08/2020 07:41

I have fibromyalgia and my physio told me to start using it as soon as I told her I was pregnant (about 6 weeks) just to work on my core muscles getting stronger, so I'd say there's really no time that's too early!

RowboatsinDisguise · 11/08/2020 07:44

You can start whenever. If you’re not confident about using a ball, a wobble cushion is a good alternative. I use one at work on a normal office chair.

Nowisthemonthofmaying · 11/08/2020 07:53

I bought this one - from babygo

It's really good and much stronger than the cheapo ones you find in argos etc

Thattwatoverthere · 11/08/2020 07:57

I got one as soon as my hips and back started aching, I can't remember from what point that was from exactly, maybe about mid way? It was just a standard one from amazon. I used one in labour too and it was a godsend in the early stages.
I'd say it's useful for after the baby also for sit ups etc but mine went mouldy in the back garden instead 😃

Mc3209 · 11/08/2020 08:42

I got the Babygo too. As PP, I bought one the moment my hips and lower back started to hurt (which is 27-28 weeks) and now I am WFH again I am using it instead of a chair. Love it. You can get it as early as you like, why suffer unnecessarily.

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Grumpy19 · 11/08/2020 08:45

Thanks all.
I think I'm going to order one today.
Thanks for the link @Nowisthemonthofmaying that looks sturdy!

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