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Transverse baby 33 weeks

57 replies

mumlife13 · 08/06/2020 14:50

Has anyone had experience with baby going between breach and transverse at 33 weeks?

Obviously not overly concerned because baby still has time to move! But it's so uncomfortable! What can I do to try and help him move?

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Umberta · 15/06/2020 23:43

Omg the talking thing actually worked!! Well, kind of. So I got my DH to go and talk from near my crotch area (he suspected it was all a ploy at first 😆) and he spoke to the baby and she moved her head towards him a bit!! Went from being transverse to kind of diagonally head down. We will be trying this again! Thank you @PregnantPorcupine

Beau2020 · 15/06/2020 23:48

My baby was breech & turned at 33 weeks. I bounced on a birthing ball, forward leaning positions daily and was on all fours!

PregnantPorcupine · 16/06/2020 07:16

@Umberta great news! Do you mind saying how long he talked for? We've tried a few times but I think DP runs out of things to say 😂

Chichz · 16/06/2020 09:10

Good news @Umberta! Smile Did you use the peas too?!

I am seriously considering getting a birthing ball, @Beau2020. Does it matter where you get them from? I saw some on Argos and as I need to order a few things from there anyway, was just going to go for one of those.

Beau2020 · 16/06/2020 09:12

@chichz I'm not sure! But I got mine from amazon it came flat with a pump. OH was building a home gym at the time so I just asked him to order me that and a yoga mat haha! I can say it worked wonders for me though. It's so easy to bounce on it and especially because I don't move a lot and I have a work from home office job, it was amazing to get my hips moving

Chichz · 16/06/2020 09:15

I hadn't really considered one but with this wriggly baby, I think it might be a good idea! Grin People say it's good for early labour too.

Is the yoga mat for you to stretch etc, or do you need one for under the birthing ball? I'd use it in our lounge which is carpeted. X

Umberta · 16/06/2020 09:46

@chichz @PregnantPorcupine He didn't talk for long, I picked a moment when she was active anyway (kicking and squirming etc) cos I vaguely remember reading that on spinning babies? Yes he was very awkward and could barely think of anything to say 😆 he is always like that when talking to bump (and real life babies and children!) "Ahem. Hi there. So...this weather we're having lately." 😂 anyway fingers crossed, she still seems to be head down this morning!!

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Umberta · 16/06/2020 10:06

Ps I didn't use anything cold no, although I do use hot water bottles when the braxton hicks is painful. I second getting a ball (yeah they come with a cheapo pump) although it hasn't done much for moving her, it's just so comfy to sit on and helps with back pain etc xx

Chichz · 16/06/2020 10:20

@Umberta @Beau2020 Have just ordered one from Argos - only £8 and comes with a pump! Can't go wrong. It's just an exercise ball. I do hate how some companies will try to charge the world for 'specialist' maternity and baby things! X

Umberta · 16/06/2020 10:37

@chichz can't go wrong at that price, hope you like it! To answer your other q, I don't think you need a yoga mat under it, but I have hard floors so I'm not sure how slidey your carpet is. But yoga mat is good for kneeling and things! I keep meaning to do more kneeling in front of the tv rather than lounging 😅 but the sofa is just so inviting...

Chichz · 16/06/2020 10:48

@Umberta I know the feeling! Definitely got used to spending my evenings lounging now...

Carpet isn't slippery at all so hopefully I'll be fine. It's more the room, as poor DH has taken over the lounge WFH! Ah well.

Let's hope we get some more good news from people in the coming days. Smile x

CoolNoMore · 16/06/2020 12:06

Last week I was 33 weeks and DS2 was merrily flipping between tranverse and breech, which was very uncomfortable. Happily, I bought a fitness ball and he's now head down. I didn't actually do anything with the ball btw... just bought it. He turned the same day. Little crapper.

Chichz · 16/06/2020 13:07

@CoolNoMore That's hilarious Grin.

I'm sure we already know how mischievous our little ones are going to be!

blue122 · 18/06/2020 14:35

Had my appointment today and he is still breach! So a scan next week to see what he's doing and then apparently we will make a plan from there. Nightmares aren't they 😳

Missdrifter · 18/06/2020 16:07

@blue122 snap!! I have been given a leaflet on c sections and the EVC to look through before my scan next week! Trouble makers already aren’t they 🤣

blue122 · 18/06/2020 16:57

@Missdrifter oh no!! They definitely are trouble makers 🤦‍♀️ let me know how your scan goes! I need to research the ECV. I didn't get a leaflet, really don't know how I feel about it! Let me know anything you read that looks scary 🤣

dancingonmycervix · 18/06/2020 17:30

I was transverse at 31 weeks and head down for birth at 40 weeks. I wouldn't panic yet.

blue122 · 18/06/2020 17:54

@dancingonmycervix when did your baby turn to head down? 😊

Chichz · 18/06/2020 20:51

Ahhhhh ladies, what are these little monkeys like! Fingers crossed, and please keep us updated. Smile

Got my ball ready!

Transverse baby 33 weeks
OldLace · 18/06/2020 21:04

My first was breech and emergency Csec.
My 2nd, I booked a water birth - ha!
Transverse, all the way, so a 2nd Csec.
Good luck!

Beau2020 · 18/06/2020 22:52

@chichz love it!! You honest won't regret it, I absolutely love mine! Yoga mat was just for stretching but I have really done any stretches as it's so uncomfortable now. Had a midwife checkup today and baby is still head down 🙌

Chichz · 19/06/2020 07:04

@Beau2020 Brilliant news! That will encourage me to keep going with it, haha. Tried some bounces last night but need to get my head round this 'hugging the ball' position now...

If anyone else is trying a ball, I found this useful to get me started, especially the 'Simple Exercises' section:


Lemonlady22 · 19/06/2020 07:20

My baby was transverse the morning of my labour starting, although no one noticed. I was told I wasn't pushing hard enough by a midwife who said she was going to get a doctor to see me. Oh yes panic stations started then, resulting in an emergency c section. It was all a nightmare, I wish I had complained but I didn't as I was relieved to have my much wanted baby after 3 miscarriages. This was 22 years ago (she was fine) so I really hope things have changed a lot since back then.!

blue122 · 19/06/2020 09:48

@Chichz I've got a ball and is doing absolutely nothing for my stubborn baby!!😩 been bouncing on it for a few weeks and he's not interested 😂 beginning to lose hope as he's been wedged in the same position for weeks on end and doesn't ever seem to change at my appointments! I'm going for a scan today for growth so I'll let you all know if he's massive and that's why he's not moving 😁🤣

Chichz · 19/06/2020 10:17

Hopefully the scan will give you some definite answers and then you can plan! Fingers crossed for you. Let us know! X

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