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Pregnancy/birth ball

15 replies

MeredithGrey1 · 12/02/2019 15:37

Are pregnancy balls worth getting, and what do you use them for (by this I mean a cheaper exercise ball, which I understand are the same thing really?).
I've heard lots of people say how comfy they were to sit on as their bump got bigger, but I don't really understand how this can be true - are they not uncomfortable compared to a proper seat? Or am I totally misunderstanding how you use them?

OP posts:
HerSymphonyAndSong · 12/02/2019 15:40

I couldn’t recline comfortably towards the end - sitting upright and slightly forward instead of on a sofa was much more comfortable. “Putting my feet up” didn’t really happen until after the birth. Also in theory bouncing on the ball and sitting forwards can help the baby get into the right position for birth

homegrownmumma · 12/02/2019 15:45

I spent hours bouncing on my ball to get baby into the right position , completely pointless as he was back to back and at a funny angle , acted as an extra chair for when we had visitors 😂

Blondiecub0109 · 12/02/2019 15:45

Agree with PP, just so much more comfy to sit up right and gentle bounce, circle pelvis, rock back and forth. Also kneel in floor and hug/ drake yourself over. Can sit in one position for more than few minutes now at 38w. Make sure you get the correct size - in 160cm and got 65cm one

Hopehope20 · 12/02/2019 16:48

To be honest I didn't use mine much when pregnant...however since having my baby it has been an absolute god send sitting on it whilst holding him for helping to get him to sleep or soothe him.

CrabbyPatty · 12/02/2019 17:48

It helps with back ache as it gives you a better posture. It's recommended you even replace your work office chair with one (if that applies to your place of work). Obviously it gives you the option to do exercise or yoga on it. It's also believed to encourage labour (I'm currently 6 days overdue so using it for a good bounce to be baby out). Oh and you can use it during Labour to support with those upright forward and open positions.

HerSymphonyAndSong · 12/02/2019 18:40

I wish I had replaced my office chair but at the time I thought it would be making too much fuss. But I would get in such a bad mood as various arrangements of cushions on the office chair only worked for a certain amount of time

HerSymphonyAndSong · 12/02/2019 18:41

Really they aren’t expensive and you can get them second hand on local Facebook selling sites very easily as they take up space so as soon as they aren’t needed people want to get rid of them

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CleverWittyUsername · 12/02/2019 18:44

Definitely good for all stages of pregnancy. Just make sure whichever one you buy states 'anti burst'. You can get ones specifically called pregnancy ones but they're the same as Swiss or gym balls. Check your height as they come in different sizes

Boxerbinky · 12/02/2019 18:55

I got a gym ball and happily bounced on it a lot at the end of my pregnancy! It didn't bring in labour but I found it quite cathartic Grin

snoopy18 · 12/02/2019 22:37

I love mine it’s so comfortable to sit on. I can’t sit for long at all on a chair or the couch - the ball has been a complete god send.

ineedtostopgooglingsymptoms · 12/02/2019 23:20

I love mine!

I am lucky in that baby is in the right position anyway (although they’ve still not made an appearance Hmm) but it’s comfy to sit on and I like being draped over it and swaying when I’m in pain.

I figured I could use it for post baby excercise as well.

cardboard33 · 13/02/2019 08:49

I've got one and it's way easier than sitting on the sofa, as I can't get up without help now! I got it around 25 weeks but have found it to be most useful the last few weeks (I'm 35 weeks) and plan to use one in labour too.

They're highly reccomened in my yoga and NCT classes as it means youre not reclining back on the sofa, meaning baby has a better chance of getting in (and staying in) the right position rather than being laid back against gravity. They also help with posture etc. I've just got a cheap gym ball from Argos rather than a "real" pregnancy ball and it's been fine. At NCT the men all love sitting on them though and the women don't get a look in!

CountessVonBoobs · 13/02/2019 08:52

It's also the shit for after the baby is born to get them to sleep. Babies loooove being gently bounced to sleep on a ball and its way easier to keep up than rocking or pacing.

CheesecakeAddict · 13/02/2019 20:10

I had horrific back pain the last 8 weeks and I found the ball really helped to do some light exercises in the evening and the bouncing was great for early labour. I got rid of it really easy too after i give birth as I had a pregnant friend who wanted it next time I would get one again but probably just a super cheap second hand one as you need them for so little time

Owloft · 13/02/2019 21:26

I didn't find it that comfy to sit on the but it's supposed to be good for getting baby into a good position so I used it a lot for that. I just bought a cheap exercise one.

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