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Has anybody used a Clevamama mattress or similar?

2 replies

IamnotwhouthinkIam · 10/09/2022 23:48

My six month DS has mild torticollis (and a very slight flattening on the side of his head due to his side preference when sleeping). He needs a mattress for his new cotbed anyway anyway so I searched for mattresses that might help and found Clevamama.

Has anyone used one of their mattresses - either the all foam or the pocket spring/foam combo? What did you/your DC think of it? And does it feel quite plush? (DS seems to dislike his current open coil spring mattress and it does feel very firm - he slept better on his cheap foam Moses Basket one).

Thanks for any help.

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maryd84 · 11/09/2022 19:57


I got the Clevamama Clevafoam support mattress for my son. It's very good quality and has a luxury plush feel to it. I'd highly recommend it.

It is designed to prevent any flattening of baby's head from lying on it. My little boy is 2 now and he has always slept great on it.

IamnotwhouthinkIam · 11/09/2022 21:39

Great, thank you @maryd84 . I was trying to decide between that one and the one with springs (as I love my own pocket sprung mattress, plus it might be more breathable/cooler in case he becomes a stomach sleeper?) - but I suspect DS might prefer the foam only one. Good to know it has a plush feel.

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