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Trampoline recommendations

4 replies

GailTheSnail · 03/12/2021 09:25

So im thinking of getting my kids a trampoline for Christmas and was wondering if anyone had any recommendations? We are thinking of going big even though it will take up a fair whack of our smallish garden. Around 8 or 10feet possibly circle or rectangle shaped. Would be grateful for any advice!

OP posts:
trashcansinatra · 03/12/2021 09:33

Zero gravity are good and you can get storm straps to stop them blowing away.

Lonelycrab · 03/12/2021 09:35

Got our one from Smyths, it’s only a six foot one and was about £80, the larger ones aren’t much more. It’s a Techsport branded one.

You’ll probably have a load of people come on to say how much they hate their neighbors trampoline though. My gardens pretty small but tucked it in a corner where it’s not right up against the boundary.

Lemonlemon88 · 03/12/2021 09:42

We have a springfree and went oval so long and narrow.


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Rollercoaster1920 · 03/12/2021 10:02

We've had the ASDA 10 foot one for 5 years. It was cheap, takes 100kg so I can use it. I've been able to get spare parts from the UK supplier (a new net and spring cover). Doesn't come with steps though so have used a chair for little children to get in.

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