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Best way to take newborns temperature?

6 replies

Sallymads · 27/08/2021 15:55

My son is 3 weeks old and has a temperature, I only have the non contact infrared thermometers, but are they accurate even if done under the arm pit? He’s stripped to his nappy and It’s saying he's 38.2°c. I have rang the doctors and he’s booked in, in an hour. He has really smelly eggy, wind and poos and he’s wincing and crying when he tries to go, so I’m worried it’s a tummy infection Sad

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Poppy709 · 27/08/2021 16:11

So sorry your baby is ill, I use an underarm thermometer on my baby, I think when they’re so tiny the infrared ones can be tricky, when my son was in hospital when he was a baby they used a contact underarm thermometer, maybe see what your doctor advises? Hope he’s ok, just to prepare you where I am there is an automatic referral to the hospital for a temp over 38 for a baby 3 months or under, they started strong antibiotics through a cannula to be on the safe side while they found the cause of the infection (with my son it was a UTI) they also did a lumbar puncture to rule out meningitis. This is just them being very cautious with a small baby. Hope he’s better soon xxx

Poppy709 · 27/08/2021 16:13

Also you’re doing the right thing having him stripped to his nappy but don’t do anything else to try and cool him down like damp cloths or anything like that, remember the fever itself won’t hurt him it’s his immune system doing the right thing to fight an infection xx

Sallymads · 27/08/2021 18:46


So sorry your baby is ill, I use an underarm thermometer on my baby, I think when they’re so tiny the infrared ones can be tricky, when my son was in hospital when he was a baby they used a contact underarm thermometer, maybe see what your doctor advises? Hope he’s ok, just to prepare you where I am there is an automatic referral to the hospital for a temp over 38 for a baby 3 months or under, they started strong antibiotics through a cannula to be on the safe side while they found the cause of the infection (with my son it was a UTI) they also did a lumbar puncture to rule out meningitis. This is just them being very cautious with a small baby. Hope he’s better soon xxx

Thank you, he has been seen now. The doctor used an infrared thermometer, not one under the armpit and it was 37.6. He thinks he’s fine but I found him rather dismissive tbh. Apparently a bloated belly and eggy smelling poos are also normal? I’ve breastfed all of mine and never come across such foul smelling poos, they’ve always been (grossly) sweet smelling. I’ll just have to keep an eye on him Sad xx
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BunnytheFriendlyDragon · 27/08/2021 19:01

Hope he's ok OP.

I recently bought a Braun baby ear thermometer because my non contact one didn't seem to be reliable and I read they are not always reliable for newborns. Not cheap but I find it easier than holding an underarm thermometer under his arm.

BunnytheFriendlyDragon · 27/08/2021 19:01

Just keep an eye on him OP and don't hesitate to call 111 if you are worried or even just need some reassurance.

GuidingSpirit · 27/08/2021 19:17

In its useful for the future, our baby was in NICU / SCBU and before we were allowed home we had to buy a thermometer and show we knew how to use it. The SCBU staff told us that for babies, underarm is the most accurate to use at home and recommended this one:

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