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Dupes for MAM 12m+ dummies?

4 replies

bingsulaflop · 16/08/2021 19:32


As the title suggests I'm on the lookout for a much cheaper alternative to the 12month plus mam dummies.

My 3 yo DS loves his dummy and we don't want to continue buying dummies that are costing £9 each time and he goes through them very quickly due to his teeth (we know it's not good for him but he doesn't communicate well to understand if we're taking something off him)

Anyways, any good and cheaper alternative? He's gone so long with mam dummies he just spits out any other kind now.

He only has it for bed time and not during the day Smile

Thank you!

OP posts:
crazymuseummumtobe · 16/08/2021 20:13

No suggestions, I'm afraid, but where are you getting them from? They're usually £5-6 for two in supermarkets.

Pissinthepottyplease · 16/08/2021 20:13

If he is biting through dummies then it’s not safe for him to have them. They do need to go if they have become a danger.

bingsulaflop · 16/08/2021 20:19

@crazymuseummumtobe & @Pissinthepottyplease

We get two packs from Asda so they're £9 for two packs, didn't read before posting 🤦🏽‍♀️

They're the bane of our lives atm, every time we've gone to take them away he's come down with a cold or illness that makes him superrr clingy to his dummy ( secretly thinks he knows exactly what we're trying to do Grin)

We check them daily for any very slight tears and Chuck as soon as we see anything x

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SilverTimpani · 17/08/2021 06:22

I would try going cold turkey. You might have a rough few days of it but it will be worth it to break the habit if you can.

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