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Participants wanted

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AHrabbit123 · 26/06/2024 07:52

Call for Participants

Volunteers requested

My name is Anntoinette Hudson. I am currently undertaking a Master’s degree in Psychology at Gloucestershire University. I am inviting parents of Neurodivergent children aged 14 years and under who had pets during the COVID-19 lockdown to participate in a research study. This will involve undergoing a Semi-structured interview via Microsoft Teams, which will last 30-45 minutes.

We are interested in exploring the experience of having companion animals for parents of neurodivergent children during the COVID-19 lockdown.

If you would like to know more please email me at: [email protected] And I will send over the information sheet.

If you have any questions regarding this research, please don’t hesitate to contact me (the researcher) using the contact details provided below.
Anntoinette Hudson (Researcher):

[email protected]

We would be very grateful if you would consider taking part in this study and forwarding it to any other parents you know who fit the criteria of this research project.

This research has been approved by the Psychological Sciences Research Ethics Panel.

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