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Do you have a child who has started their periods? You might be able to help!

155 replies

EqualityinSports · 06/06/2024 08:52

My name is Lisa; I am a post-graduate student in the School of Psychology at The University of Buckingham. I am researching how menstruation affects physical activity in adolescent girls. I would therefore like to collect data from adolescents who are able to menstruate. This includes girls, trans boys, and other young people who have periods.

This research area has not currently been explored yet could provide valuable insight into why girls are more likely to stop enjoying physical activity.

We know that taking part in sports not only helps with the negative symptoms of periods but also helps adolescents concentrate better, achieve more academically, have better relationships with friends, have better mental and physical health and have a better job when they are older. However, around 7 in 10 girls in the UK do not enjoy or take part in sport and around 85% do not meet the World Health Organisation’s minimum physical exercise guidelines of an average of 60 minutes a day. I want to understand what might influence that to help more people enjoy moving their bodies, so they don’t miss out on the host of physical, mental, and attainment advantages of exercise.

The title of my project is:  Period of Activity: A study looking at how the experience of menstruation affects the desire to take part in sport in those who have periods

In this study, I am specifically looking at how menstruation symptoms, combined with the way children feel about themselves, affect physical activity. To do this, I would like to ask them some questions about their menstrual distress symptoms (e.g. if a symptom like back pain affects them and if so, when and how much it does through their cycle), how self-critical and self-compassionate they feel, and how much physical exercise they do.

I would, therefore, like to collect data from adolescents who are able to menstruate. This includes girls, trans boys and other young people who have periods.

If your child is between 12 & 18 years old and has had at least one period, I would like to hear about their experience of menstruation and how it affects their physical activity levels.

The questionnaire can be completed on a computer or smart device and should not take any more than 30 minutes.  It will need to be completed by 31st July 2024 to be included in my research.  

I want to hear the experiences of as many children as possible, as this will provide the best understanding of how menstruation affects physical activity during the unique challenge of adolescence.  No one will be able to identify your child from their answers.

Please follow the link to the questionnaire where you can access the information sheet before deciding if you consent to your child taking part. If you do decide they can take part, please share the link with them where they too can decide if they want to take part.

Please only ask your child to participate if they have had at least one period

If you have any questions, please email me [email protected]

I appreciate your consideration.

Best wishes

Lisa Ruggles
Department of Psychology

The University of Buckingham

London Road

MK18 1BF

[Edited by MNHQ at OP's request]

Do you have a child who has started their periods? You might be able to help!
OP posts:
123ZYX · 06/06/2024 09:08

You might want to have a read of this and think whether you might want to reword your post.

Nousernamesleftatall · 06/06/2024 09:15

’Assigned female at birth.’ Sigh. You mean observed at birth or just girls. I won’t ask my daughter to complete your survey. Only girls can have periods as you well know. Do better for women.

lifeturnsonadime · 06/06/2024 09:15

Daughter/ She hope that helps.

Hardlyworking · 06/06/2024 09:26

Why do you feel unable to say the word "girl" or "woman"?

Pipecleanerrevival · 06/06/2024 09:28

This reply has been deleted

Message deleted by MNHQ. Here's a link to our Talk Guidelines.

MrsDanversGlidesAgain · 06/06/2024 09:31

However, around 7 in 10 children who are assigned female at birth

Girls, OP. Girls. And isn't it 'observed' rather than 'assigned'?

And cis is an offensive derogatory term.

BiologicalKitty · 06/06/2024 09:33

Your choice in wording is offensive to my daughters.

BaronessEllarawrosaurus · 06/06/2024 09:34

Unfortunately my child was observed female not assigned and does not identify as a girl just is one so despite otherwise being an ideal candidate doesn't qualify to respond.

PrimalLass · 06/06/2024 09:34

You mean girls.

GennyLec · 06/06/2024 09:34

Hello there.

Sex is observed at birth, no assigning occurs.

Edithisoverthere · 06/06/2024 09:34

Do you want to get this taken down now or wait a bit until you get your arse handed to you on a plate even more?

Absolute state of this entire post.

Seeline · 06/06/2024 09:34

Do you have a child who has started their periods?

I think you mean daughter?

TheFormidableMrsC · 06/06/2024 09:35

I would have been happy to help until I read "assigned female at birth". I think you meant girls.

squirrelnutkin10 · 06/06/2024 09:36

I would have been happy to have contributed to this, until l saw
' adolescents who menstruate' 'a child who has started their periods'
Women and girls menstruate and girls start their periods.
if you cannot say that then you are not worth responding more fully to.

cordiality · 06/06/2024 09:37

Haha, I read this op and then had to go get myself some biscuits before sitting down to read the comments! Only one way this was going to go!! 😂

GennyLec · 06/06/2024 09:38

From the link:

To take part in this study you must be:
• Presumed female at birth (biologically female)
• Between 12 & 18 years old

MrsDTucker · 06/06/2024 09:39

My son hasn't started his yet.

Brooklyn70 · 06/06/2024 09:40

squirrelnutkin10 · 06/06/2024 09:36

I would have been happy to have contributed to this, until l saw
' adolescents who menstruate' 'a child who has started their periods'
Women and girls menstruate and girls start their periods.
if you cannot say that then you are not worth responding more fully to.

Same here.

nopenotplaying · 06/06/2024 09:41

It's a nope from me, it's all been said above.

MrsDanversGlidesAgain · 06/06/2024 09:42

Edithisoverthere · 06/06/2024 09:34

Do you want to get this taken down now or wait a bit until you get your arse handed to you on a plate even more?

Absolute state of this entire post.

Quite funny to read and see the verbal pretzel twisting to make it 'inclusive'. I bet that took some drafting.

GrannyAchingsShepherdsHut · 06/06/2024 09:43

I don't think this post could have been any more offensive or derogatory, I think it's hit all the buttons it possibly could have. Was that on purpose?

Cis my arse.

Nousernamesleftatall · 06/06/2024 09:44

The universities are captured.

longdistanceclaraclara · 06/06/2024 09:45

My daughter has periods, cos you know, she's female / a girl. No I wont fill in your survey.


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Chemenger · 06/06/2024 09:45

The word soup in the OP seems designed to offend.

rubyslippers · 06/06/2024 09:46

Oh dear Lisa
which of my children should I ask to complete the survey?
my son or daughter?

If you’re doing a study on menstruation surely you know who has periods although judging by your avoidance of the word girl or daughter I’m not sure you do

please stop erasing girls and women

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