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Private pregnancy scan info needed.

2 replies

CleverFawn · 30/04/2024 23:36

Hi everybody,

I'm currently in the process of setting up a private pregnancy ultrasound clinic and looking for input from people who have had them and your thoughts on what makes a ‘very good scan experience’

Here’s a few questions (but not limited to) which can help guide answers:

  1. What do you think is a fair price for the scan?
  2. What level of service do you expect from the clinic / Sonographer
  3. What souvenirs would you want to buy?
  4. Are digital images important or just scan pictures?
  5. Clinic vibes?

    anything else you can think of.

    Thank you
OP posts:
EggcornAcorn · 30/04/2024 23:40

Are you intending to be very clear that your scan service is not diagnostic? And are you intending to be very clear what action is to be taken if anomalies are detected?

CleverFawn · 01/05/2024 09:46

Yes we are for souvenir scans and not diagnostic purposes. However we only employ qualified Sonographers and there are policies in place when finding abnormalities

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