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UK Teachers needed for Psychology Masters Final Project

2 replies

Psychmasters24 · 16/02/2024 20:43


I am currently in my final year of a masters in Psychology at Brunel University. For my final project, I am researching teachers' experiences of the transition from Early Years to Year 1 with a focus on how they support children's social and emotional skills during this time. I am looking for teachers to participate in an interview of around 40 minutes on this topic. I have attached the participant advertisement below with contact details if you would be interested in taking part.

UK Teachers needed for Psychology Masters Final Project
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JBean100 · 18/04/2024 15:48

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Psychmasters24 · 18/04/2024 19:05


Yes, I am also starting to get nervous about getting enough participants! Finding teachers willing to participate has been very challenging. Sending good luck for your project, hope the rest of your recruitment goes well.

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