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Research study participant recruitment - PAID

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HannahKD · 10/01/2024 13:25


I'm looking to invite POLISH people living in the UK to participate in a research study currently underway at King’s College London. This research forms part of my PhD and explores the attitudes of Polish people living in the UK towards official institutions.
The study involves taking part in a short ONLINE INTERVIEW (1-2 hours) and each participant receives a £40 AMAZON VOUCHER as compensation for their time and input. In the interview we ask questions about trust in official institutions during the COVID-19 pandemic. 
The interview can be done in Polish as well if preferred.

The study has been approved by an ethics committee and participants will remain anonymous in our outputs, meaning there will be no way of the answers they give being traced back to them.  
If you are eligible and interested in taking part or if you know someone who might be, please contact me via email [email protected] or text/call +44 7825 866754

Please feel free to share the study ad and recruitment flyers with anyone who might be interested.
Thank you!
Yours sincerely

Hannah Dasch

Research study participant recruitment - PAID
Research study participant recruitment - PAID
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