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Soda crystal tips

6 replies

MrsAlwaysRight · 22/02/2022 10:32

Just bought some soda crystals for the first time. Any tips on great uses for them? Thanks in advance

OP posts:
tellmewhentheLangshiplandscoz · 22/02/2022 10:42

Clean your dishwasher - fill a ramekin wit( them and put in top rack then half a litre of white vinegar in a jug in bottom then run a service wash. I then use whatever's filled back up in the ramekin to wipe the inside of machine down.

Put some in the draw of your washing machine where you would normally put detergent then run a service wash.

Also handy to lob a cup full down a slow emptying sink for a few hours then rinse with kettle of hot water to clear.

It's good stuff Grin

FrogFairy · 22/02/2022 14:32

If you google “uses for soda crystals” there are several links which may offer other suggestions.

MrsAlwaysRight · 22/02/2022 16:49

Thank you!

OP posts:
Erictheavocado · 22/02/2022 19:01

I put a small scoop of soda crystals in with the washing powder when I do washing. It helps to soften the water, so need less washing powder and it helps stop limescale build up, so the washing machine engineer told me last time he came out.

Cynderella · 22/02/2022 19:19

We live in a hard water area. I make washing powder by mixing equal amounts of grated soap with soda crystals and then adding some washing powder. It started off as a moneysaving strategy, but I now prefer it to 'straight' washing powder. For whites, I use Ariel, but I also add a scoop of soda crystals. My washing machine is over twenty years old and surviving nicely without Calgon or anything else.

pastypirate · 23/02/2022 09:00

I tried it for cleaning the washing machine. It made it smell ungodly and I reverted to using the Fabulosa cleanser. I love it I'm for drain cleaning though

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