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My washing machine stinks

8 replies

Whyusmellsobad · 26/11/2020 08:55

We live in a rented property and the integrated washing machine absolutely stinks to high heaven. When you open the door you can smell it upstairs.

We have used white vinegar, soda crystals, dettol washing machine cleaner. All multiple times.

Any more ideas?

OP posts:
overworked88 · 26/11/2020 09:05

Have you checked the filter and/or the pipes? All sorts of manky stuff gets built up in those. Only thing I've found to work is zoflora on at least a 90 degree wash

TeddyIsaHe · 26/11/2020 09:09

There’s probably gunk in the pipes. I squally run mine with an old towel with zoflora on 90 degrees 3/4 times until the water is running completely clear.

Check all your filters, the rubber seals, pipes etc and clean them if you can.

When you get it sorted switch to washing powder instead of gel or tabs. It doesn’t leave any gunk behind so stops it stinking.

WithIcePlease · 26/11/2020 09:13

My DDog once put a bit of pork chop in the rubber seal and that really stank. So check the seals and definitely use powder. No residues and fungicidal action

misskatamari · 26/11/2020 09:15

Definitely pull the tray out if you haven't yet, and give in there a really good clean. Clean all round the door and seal etc. I do a bicarbonate and vinegar wash on 90 which usually helps. If all that doesn't work I'd be checking the pipes for gross blockages (I have no idea how to actually do this tho)

RaptorInaPorkPieHat · 26/11/2020 09:15

If it is gunky, using calgon (or the cheaper own brand equivalent) really does make a difference, especially if you're in a hard water area. I never really bought into the hype but our machine is a lot cleaner using it regularly.

Whyusmellsobad · 26/11/2020 16:03

Thank you for all the great suggestions. I think we will have to pull it out and have a look in the pipes. I'm bracing myself for it to be disgusting!

@WithIcePlease that is hilarious. We have a ddog but for once I don't think he is responsible for the bad smell!

OP posts:
Nacreous · 26/11/2020 16:07

I find I have to physically remove the whole drawer for the machine and scrub behind and in where it sits as well as cleaning the seals directly with whatever disinfectant I'm using.

bebarkered · 05/12/2020 08:47

Hi OP. I put a full bag of soda crystals inside the drum, and, a full bottle of white vinegar and run on an empty 90 deg wash

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