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Bosch dishwasher not cleaning properly

21 replies

appleonpizza · 06/08/2019 00:10

We bought our flat a year ago. We haven't done much work yet.
So still using dishwasher left by previous owner.

It cleaned glasses perfectly (sparkling clean) when we arrived but now for last couple of months leave the glasses with cloudy stains. We rinse the glasses with water each time after dishwashing.

Can anyone suggest what we can do about it? We have tried a few fixes suggested on internet, nothing helped so far.


OP posts:
Thesunrising · 06/08/2019 00:29

We have a Bosch dishwasher that is more than 10 years old. It’s much better/more solid than new versions and I’m not looking forward to the day it conks out for good.

We’ve had a couple of issues with it not cleaning from time to time. The folllowing has resolved this:

  • removing every possible bit of the insides that it’s possible to remove, cleaning and replacing. That includes the water arms that spin round - open them up and check nothing is lodged in the holes - hard bits of food, chips of glass etc

  • run through with a dishwasher cleaner on hottest wash

  • don’t use cheap dishwasher tablets. Much as I love Aldi the tablets were hopeless and we had to upgrade to Vanish etc to get clean glasses that didn’t come out smelling funny.

Good luck!
HeddaGarbled · 06/08/2019 00:44

This is probably stating the obvious but do you need to top up the rinse aid and/or salt?

PickAChew · 06/08/2019 00:46

Yep, sounds like salt. if you have soft water, you can get away with the all in one tabs, but they're no good with harder water.

appleonpizza · 07/08/2019 16:27

Thank you everyone.

We have done almost everything suggested by @Thesunrising.

  • removed every possible bit of the insides and cleaned it including the filter.

@HeddaGarbled and @PickAChew I didn't know about rinse aid or salt.

We lived rented before and had no dishwasher, so my knowledge is limited.

However, we don't use cheap dishwasher tablets. We use Finish. I though that was enough.

We have not used any salt or pre rinse liquid for a year. Do you think we have a lot of limescale build up? Should we use a descaler or vinegar to get rid of it?

I will buy salt and pre rinse for regular use.
OP posts:
PickAChew · 07/08/2019 16:45

The dose of salt needs to be adjusted for water hardness do any tablets, just about, are fine in soft water ares but none will be sufficient in hard water areas.

We don't use the super duper finish quantum, mind, because they are too abrasive and dull glazes and wash the designs off mugs. We get the next step down.

Oblomov19 · 07/08/2019 17:48

My glasses are awful! I use top quality tablets, rinse aid, and salt, in a very hard water area. I know not what to do!

BikeRunSki · 07/08/2019 17:54


  • don’t use cheap dishwasher tablets. Much as I love Aldi the tablets were hopeless and we had to upgrade to Vanish etc to get clean glasses that didn’t come out smelling funny.^

I think this depends on how hard/soft your water is. We have very soft water. Anything but very cheap Aldi/Tesco value etc or smol, leaves our glasses cloudy and everything tasting of synthetic fragrance, even if the tablets/powder are in fragranced!
verystressedmum · 08/08/2019 17:33

Pretty sure it the rinse aid as when I've run out the glasses get cloudy.
I don't use salt as I live in a soft water area.

OrangeSamphire · 08/08/2019 17:39

We have a seven year old Bosch dishwasher. It has finally died. Kept tripping the electrics so we’ve ditched it and gone back to old school washing up.

I’ve never been happier in my kitchen. Everything is properly clean. I don’t have to fuck about with tablets and salt and filters etc.

And magically everyone in the house is washing up and putting away their stuff rather than leaving it on the side and walking away from a dishwasher that constantly needed emptying.

It would take a lot to persuade me to go back to having a dishwasher.

bookgirl1982 · 08/08/2019 17:52

Have you cleaned the filter in the bottom of the machine? That being furred up can cause a gritty deposit.

FrappeLatte · 08/08/2019 17:54

Definitely a salt issue!

Eggproducer · 08/08/2019 17:58
Dec2019mumtobe · 08/08/2019 18:13

My Bosch dishwasher is a year old and working beautifully - but I keep it maintained with:

A tub of descaling/cleaning solution. I get them from b&m and other similar shops. I do them once a month and it leaves the inside of my machine looking sparkling.

I take out all the "gubbins" (filters etc from the bottom) empty all the bits of manly food into the bin, soak them in hot water and some kind of degreaser (washing up liquid for instance) and then give it a good scrub with a brush.

I always keep my salt and rinse aid topped up. Religiously!

Then I take care not to overload it, as that can sometimes cause things not to wash very well.

Another thing is to rinse off certain items thoroughly before putting them in. One is orange juice and smoothies. The bits stick on all the time. Mashed potato is the other one. Seems to get on and stick on everything!!! So I just make sure to give the potato masher, pan etc a good rinse/soak first.

Dec2019mumtobe · 08/08/2019 18:17

This sort of thing. It looks like the one I get from B&M or home bargains etc but I can't remember to be honest.

I never pay over £2 for one

Bosch dishwasher not cleaning properly
Rockbird · 08/08/2019 18:33

We've just got rid of our Bosch dishwasher. It's been shit since the day we got it. Never cleaned anything properly no matter what combination of tablets/salt/rinse aid/liquid we put in it. New dishwasher is only a Hotpoint but by God it makes things nice and sparkly. It's a joy to behold.

verystressedmum · 08/08/2019 21:22

My Bosch dishwasher is over 13 years old and works well still

kjhkj · 09/08/2019 08:32

I have a magnetic ball which prevents limescale. You can use it in the washing machine and in the dishwasher.

We then also clean the dishwashers by taking everything out every couple of weeks. Its amazing how much scum builds up.

We put a cleaner through the dishwashers (I have two) once every 3-4 weeks. Of the type pictured above. This flushes everything through.

mommybear1 · 09/08/2019 16:09

@kjhkj what is this magnetic ball you speak of and where may I purchase one 🤓.......

mommybear1 · 10/08/2019 17:35

Wow @kjhkj I'm off to peruse that fella! Thank you Flowers

Whoopstheregomyinsides · 11/08/2019 21:00

My dishwasher is a prick too. And a Bosch one at that. I have to rinse stuff and restock after the husband stacks it or it just doesn't wash properly. It's an arse hole

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