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Spain , Menorca or Majorca with DH & 14 yr old DD , not brits abroad type place ?

24 replies

Readysteadife · 12/04/2022 22:20

We are looking and I cannot find anything!

I want a hotel fairly nice - but not mega bucks 4 star maybe .
We don’t want loud entertainment or kids swimming pools anymore .
We like people watching and looking around shops on our evening stroll .
A separate sleeping area would be a bonus for my DD would be great !
Any suggestions????

OP posts:
NewYorkHello · 12/04/2022 22:28

I love Sitges - easy 40 minutes train from Barcelona.not a holiday resort as such but you can spend a couple of days in Barcelona and the rest on the beach in Sitges

bellamountain · 12/04/2022 22:32

I'd recommend Es Castell in Menorca, it's definitely not Brit's abroad. The harbour there is called Cala Fonts, restaurants and shops, traditional fishing harbour. It's lovely in the evening to people watch, has tapas bars. Just 5 minutes drive is Mahon, definitely worth a visit. Beautiful city, amazing restaurants and yachts on the harbour.

PAFMO · 13/04/2022 06:01

Anywhere in Menorca with the possible exception of Santo Tomas is definitely NOT Brits Abroad.
Isla Canela area down in Spain by the Portuguese border is an area just opening up to foreign tourism (relatively speaking cf the rest of the coast) Northern Spain along the Santander coast.
You can't go wrong with Menorca though. Only place I've been to at various stages of my life! (With my parents, with my friends in my twenties, with my daughter)

Readysteadife · 13/04/2022 06:19

Thanks ! One of the hotels we liked was in Santo Tomas , so thanks for the tip

OP posts:
caulkheaded · 13/04/2022 06:26

we stay in a friends apartment but I would definitely recommend Palma. Loads to do, people watch etc. We got the train and tram to Soller/port de Soller and that is brilliant. I’d recommend staying in palma itself as some of the edges are the built up hotel areas and that sounds less of what you want.

PAFMO · 13/04/2022 06:26

It's still not typically Brits abroad in fairness, but I just found it a bit soulless as a cluster of hotels iyswim? Families with younger children like it.

BringMeTea · 13/04/2022 08:47

Port Andratx, Port Soller, Portals Nous (less expensive of the the 3 and super easy to get to Palma). All Mallorca.

Readysteadife · 13/04/2022 18:45

Thank you all

OP posts:
Dumpyandabdabs · 13/04/2022 22:40

I'd also recommend Port de Soller in Majorca. There's plenty to see and do but it's really not Brit's abroad.

MissCalamity · 13/04/2022 22:48

Mijas Pueblo, lovely Spanish village although the beach is a bus ride away.
I've just been researching Nerja which looks quite nice. Both on the Costa del Sol.

I love Menorca, used to live in Mahon & loved my walks along the harbour people watching & wishing I could go on some of the yachts. It was almost 20 years ago so can't offer much with regards to the resorts.

ToothGrinder · 13/04/2022 23:04

Maybe look at where Spanish people go for an at home holiday? They seem to head to the coast and stay in apartments with restaurants downstairs if that would suit. It would usually give you the extra bedroom. Places like almunecar, mojacar etc on the costa tropical are all set up for domestic tourism, all have a few nice fiestas during the summer, fireworks and parades etc. Also Cadiz which is beautiful although it does get the cruise folk - they don't stay though, so after dark and early morning you can promenade with the natives to your heart's content.

ToothGrinder · 13/04/2022 23:07

Oh and the apartment complexes in those places they do have pools etc, just maybe on the roof or something. It's laid out a bit differently but the key elements are there eg pool, reception staff, self contained complex you access because you stay there eg using a keypad and so on.

Glorieta · 13/04/2022 23:10

Santa Eulalia in Ibiza fits the bill
Nice promenade, great seafood restaurants etc.

Los alcazares near Murcia
Castellon near Valencia
Laredo in Cantabria in the North of Spain

Readysteadife · 14/04/2022 07:00

Thanks all ! I will take a look

OP posts:
Holidays27 · 14/04/2022 09:53

I would recommend Can Picafort in Mallorca.

We have been twice in Menorca and loved it but I think is more for families with children

SharpLily · 14/04/2022 10:01


Mijas Pueblo, lovely Spanish village although the beach is a bus ride away.
I've just been researching Nerja which looks quite nice. Both on the Costa del Sol.

I love Menorca, used to live in Mahon & loved my walks along the harbour people watching & wishing I could go on some of the yachts. It was almost 20 years ago so can't offer much with regards to the resorts.

Shock Mijas is the fourth most British town in Spain! Grin

Nerja isn't much better.
Mrsherdwick · 14/04/2022 14:03

Estepona (Costa del sol) is lovely. Lots of lovely tapas places and great for people watching. San Sebastián is also lovely.

Intheinterestsoffairness · 14/04/2022 14:04


I'd recommend Es Castell in Menorca, it's definitely not Brit's abroad. The harbour there is called Cala Fonts, restaurants and shops, traditional fishing harbour. It's lovely in the evening to people watch, has tapas bars. Just 5 minutes drive is Mahon, definitely worth a visit. Beautiful city, amazing restaurants and yachts on the harbour.


Yes. We took ours there as teenagers, it was a really good family holiday.
rooinspace · 14/04/2022 14:08

Have you thought of Valencia? The city is stunning and the beach is beautiful. Being a city there’s plenty of shops, restaurants and attractions. Accommodation is also very reasonable. Might be fun for 14 YO and very safe to wander around

JulesJules · 14/04/2022 15:10

Port de Soller in Mallorca is lovely and you can get the fab little train to Palma for the day which is a great day out.

Also Port de Pollenca in Mallorca.

Meltedwellie · 14/04/2022 16:38

Pollenca in Mallorca, not the port area, the town in the hills. There is a hotel and self catering accommodation. Lovely squares for eating out and people watching.

weebarra · 14/04/2022 16:40

Pollenca is lovely. Been going for many years, with and without DCs.


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TheDogsMother · 14/04/2022 16:57

We've just come back from Conil de La Frontera in the South West of Spain. No Brits, beautiful beaches, Cadiz and Jerez nearby for day trips and some of the lovely White Villages too.

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