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Lone parent with 2 kids - turkey or Spain?

50 replies

avocadosrus · 15/01/2019 23:00

I'm trying to get up the courage to take my DS14 & DD11 away at Easter, I'm thinking of doing a week all inclusive somewhere but really don't know where. They would love somewhere with pools,slides & a beach, I am happy as long as they are! I keep looking at the reviews for places on Tripadvisor and talking myself out of places so does anybody have any recommendations for places that they've been with kids similar ages? TIA.

OP posts:
Yearofthemum · 15/01/2019 23:02

I'd choose Spain for safety reasons at the moment. Any my kids love southern Spain anyway. Especially Nerja area.

legolimb · 15/01/2019 23:05

Spain. As suggested by PP.

Costa del Sol should be warm, not guaranteed though. Canary islands ? Tenerife has a great water park.

Shylo · 15/01/2019 23:07

I’d probably pick Spain just because it feels ‘easier’ .... my kids are slightly younger but I’d been struggling to get up the courage to take them away alone. I too had been looking at endless places but thinking about it for so long I always talked myself out of it.

In the end we went to a hotel in Malaga that was completely not my usual choice, but it was a short flight, the hotel had slides and it was an easy choice. And we had a fabulous time :)

Do it!! Wherever you chose will be fine, honestly . I wish I’d had the courage sooner

avocadosrus · 15/01/2019 23:10

Thank you, I must admit a few of the reviews I've read for the Turkish resorts have put me off and I'm not sure how confident I'd feel leaving the resort on my own with the kids.
Can anybody recommend any resorts in Spain?

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pickledparsnip · 15/01/2019 23:11

Wherever you go, have an amazing time! You can do it. I took my 9 year old boy to Prague for Christmas a few years ago, just the two of us (single parent). We go away lots around the UK too. It is exhausting, but great fun. Enjoy your time together.

pickledparsnip · 15/01/2019 23:12

I'd love to go to Turkey, but would probably choose Spain due to safety.

avocadosrus · 15/01/2019 23:13

Thank you @pickledparsnip my eldest DD19 normally comes and he's my security blanket but he's too old now so I have to go it alone, I did Glasgow with the younger 2 before Christmas & we had a ball so I know we can do this 💪

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LolaGrace · 15/01/2019 23:13

Hated Turkey! Felt so unsafe as a blonde female. Definitely Spain!

CarolDanvers · 15/01/2019 23:13

Spain - Benalmadena. We've been all over but both my children say this is their favourite and if they could only go to one one holiday destination forever that would be it. You're near to Torremolinos, Fuengirola, Malaga and regular buses and trains run on one route to all of them - no changes, you do not need to hire a car.

avocadosrus · 15/01/2019 23:15

@CarolDanvers thank you I have seen a nice resort here with a water park I'll have another look!

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Llareggub · 15/01/2019 23:15

What are your safety concerns re Turkey? We (lone parent, two kids) went to Oludeniz in Turkey last summer and honestly I've never felt so safe. I highly recommend, and it's very cheap too.

avocadosrus · 15/01/2019 23:18

@Llareggub I think this is just the thing people have very mixed experiences of turkey, I know friends (women) who have been who got hassled by men constantly & others who loved it! I'm sure in the resorts it would be ok I just need to feel safe outside of them.

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DeRigueurMortis · 15/01/2019 23:25

Definitely Spain.

I'd have a look at Malaga. It's beautiful.

Cheap flights and when you're there there's a great mix of sea/beach, restaurants on the seafront and the lovely historic town centre for shopping/sightseeing that your children are now of an age to be interested in.

It's one of my favourite locations in Spain (Barcelona being my first choice but Malaga is a very close runner).

The town itself isn't overly huge, so it's easy to navigate your way around.

There are a number of all inclusive hotels available but to be honest I'd think it would be a bit of a shame as the food is wonderful - but each to their own.

Llareggub · 15/01/2019 23:27

I didn't get hassled at all. We travelled independently and went outside the resort quite a few times. People were a bit interested in my kids (they are v blond) bit not in an uncomfortable way. Just in a "you look really unusual kind of way"

Honestly it was marvellous and I'm looking to go back in May half term. Everything was just perfect.

Owletty · 15/01/2019 23:27

Canary Islands would be warmer than mainland Spain in Easter.

3.5-4 hours flight.

I'd choose mainland Spain / canaries over turkey any day.

legolimb · 16/01/2019 09:38

I dont know what your budget is - and dates of travel but something like this ?


avocadosrus · 16/01/2019 10:10

Thank you @legolimb that looks lovely

@llareggub did you stay in a resort?

@DeRigeur I've been to Malaga before and agree it's lovely, if it was just me I wouldn't do all inclusive but the kids love it and it saves me having to shell out constantly!!

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avocadosrus · 16/01/2019 11:08

@caroldanvers I've booked here benalmedena, thanks for your help!

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CarolDanvers · 16/01/2019 11:52

@avocadosrus which hotel? There’s a lovely marina there as well so make sure you go there, you can walk all the way along the front to it. It really is a lovely place. As I say my well travelled kids love it more than anywhere else. We are going ourselves later this year ☀️ can’t wait 😊. There’s a water park there too at Torremolinos.

legolimb · 16/01/2019 12:50

Ah good stuff.

It's lovely down there. Lots to do and easy to get around on the buses.

Hope you all have a great time.

SooticaTheWitchesCat · 16/01/2019 13:22

I would choose Turkey over Spain any day of the week.

The resorts towns are all very friendly and if you avoid the really big touristy resorts like Marmaris you shouldn't get too much hassle and I always find a polite 'no thank you' works fine.

Turkish people are also so friendly and will look after you and you children.

InProgress · 16/01/2019 13:37


Some Turkish men see lone women as fair game. I experienced this when I was married but doubled back to look in a market. Made me very uncomfortable how quick they changed when my then H wasn't with me. (I did love the country though and not all men were like this!)

I'm now a lone parent and have taken my DCs to Spain and Portugal - never had an issue with either.

InProgress · 16/01/2019 13:38

Missed that you booked! Enjoy your holiday OP Grin


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avocadosrus · 16/01/2019 14:49

@caroldanvers going to the Globales Los Patos Park, my kids know nothing about it so hopefully it will be a lovely surprise when I show them later!
Thank you all for your help!

OP posts:
Land0r · 18/01/2019 09:39

avocadosrus You will LOVE Los Patos Park! Great hotel and there's lots to do in Benalmadena - if you can get your children off the water slides at the hotel of course! Have a lovely time.

CarolDanvers My 2 also love Benalmadena more than anywhere else! We'll be there next month. We've never been as early as February half term before, have you?

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