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Has anyone been to Santorini??

23 replies

fifiandtheflowertots · 16/01/2007 12:37

After sorting out our issues dp and i have decided to book our wedding for next september and have been looking at santorini but would like to know if anyones been,where should we stay etc?
we will have ds who will be 2, and our parents with us so would be looking for a resort that has plenty going on,dont like really quiet places,but where me and dp can still have romantic nights out on our own??

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Blandmum · 16/01/2007 12:39

It is beautiful. But went there too long ago to be able to give advice, and it was before kids, so can't give you any help there.


fifiandtheflowertots · 16/01/2007 12:44

do you know if its a very big place? the resorts we were looking at are on the opposite side to where the volcanoes and mountains are where we'd like to marry so im not sure if it would be to far to travel

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Blandmum · 16/01/2007 12:50

info on Santorini

fifiandtheflowertots · 16/01/2007 12:59

thanks mb

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Mumpbump · 16/01/2007 12:59

It's beautiful. Not that big. I think it took us about one hour to go from south to north on mopeds. Probably takes about half an hour to cross the island going east to west.

Thira, the capital, is beautiful, but very expensive - probably best kept for nights out rather than staying there. We used to stay in Perissa which has a beach and is a bit quieter. There was a resort on the east(?) of the island starting with K that looked very touristy, but might be best for children.

Great place to get married. Oia (sp?) in the north is the place where all the photos of the blue roofed church are taken...

fifiandtheflowertots · 16/01/2007 13:05

is that where the volcano's are as well in the oia area?
ive contacted wedding planners so im just waiting to hear back from them so im just trying to get as much info as possible in the mean time.

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Blandmum · 16/01/2007 13:06

the volcano is in the sea. You can visit it, but when I went there was nothing there except a big smelly stony/ash tip

You can swin in some hot springs.....but there are jelly fish there so take care

Mumpbump · 16/01/2007 13:07

Well, Oia is to the north and the island is shaped a bit like a C with the volcanoes in the middle. You have to get a boat trip to go and see them. I can't remember where we got the boat from, but imagine you can book with an agent when you get there or beforehand... You have to do sunset at Oia - it's amazing!

Mumpbump · 16/01/2007 13:08

PS - I think myself and dh are going there in May and there is a Greek girl in our office who has relatives in San Torini so if I get any inside info, I'll post it on this thread...

Ceolas · 16/01/2007 13:10

Oh, no info I'm afraid, but I had knew a Greek girl who said Santorini was beautiful.

Hope you have a wonderful wedding

fifiandtheflowertots · 16/01/2007 13:15

thats what we are looking for, a sunset wedding in the oia area

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snorkle · 16/01/2007 19:16

Message withdrawn

seanie · 24/01/2007 12:37


we've been to santorini a dozen times over the last 10 years sure i can answer any questions, also friend got married recently there.

Give us an idea of what your after (cost etc.)

decafskinnylatte · 24/01/2007 12:41

So romantic... Pre-kids, DH & I spent a weekend there whilst island hopping and stayed in a fabulous hotel built into the side of the crater overlooking the sea....didn't even need to go out!

Sadly too long ago to remember hotel name...

seanie · 24/01/2007 12:45

Sorry read yor post properly! Try Perissa rather than Kamari (which is much more expensive and IMHO not as good).

For the posh end search for the Vedema (say hi to Brad and Angelina )or Veggra hotel, or our friend is Stelios Stelios Stelios has also arranged weddings for guests (he is from the island which is unsual most of the wedding people are from Athens) beware rip offs!

Otherwise loads of package stuff to go at, I'll keep dipping in

Tamz77 · 24/01/2007 13:14 is good for research

fifiandtheflowertots · 24/01/2007 13:27


we havent really thought about costs yet tbh.
We ideally want a sunset wedding in the oia area, then on to a restaurant for a meal. There will be possibly 8 of us including me and dp so its only a small wedding,dont want anything really flash.
Definatly want to be perissa/kamari area to stay as we will have ds who will be 2 so want plenty going on,nights out etc.

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seanie · 24/01/2007 13:44

Can I suggest Santo Wines for the actual wedding, although Oia is fab for sunset you don't get the view of the Caldera (best piccies) Have a search on for santrini pictures and you'll see what i mean.

The island is only 24km long so no problems getting around just hire a minbus for the day (+driver)and you'll all get everywhere.

There are also some fab resturaunts in Pyrgos in the middle of the island, really high up and you can see the Caldera.

By the way have you seen the second Lara Croft movie? Only watch the first 5 mins, big wedding in Oia at the start (that's why Angelina first started going)

noddyholder · 24/01/2007 13:46

We went last summer with ds 11.It was great really hot and lots to see but a lot of people we met didn't like it that much which i couldn't believe.Very picturesque and not as commercial as some of the islands

fifiandtheflowertots · 24/01/2007 13:57

could you recommend any restaurants???

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seanie · 24/01/2007 14:11

If it is in Pyrgos then it has to be the Kastelli cafe is literally at the top of the village and you sit on the roof looking out over the whole island. No cars as the streets are too narrow. Basic but fab

For someting posh then Notos in Vilhada is good (but expensive)

basically there is tons.

you know you have to be on the island for some time (a week?) prior to the wedding? (unless things have changed.

fifiandtheflowertots · 24/01/2007 14:50

thanks for the info, we are going to sit down at the weekend and decide what we want then hopefully book the wedding then we can look for accomodation once i know that ive got the wedding confirmed

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fifiandtheflowertots · 31/01/2007 08:50

just to update we booked our wedding date for 1st sept 2008 in the caldera area

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