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Your recommendations for a toasted sandwich maker please

9 replies

Happytodayhappytomorrow · 04/02/2022 16:44

After watching Matt Tebbutt on the Veg and Vegan show on Channel 5 last night, the DCs have persuaded me to buy one.

DS makes very involved wraps etc which he then fries off, in oil, in a pan so if it stops that alone (which he insists it will), I'll be happy to buy one. I do like the idea of cooking leeks etc on it too.

So, which one to buy?
Not too big as I don't have shed loads of space for it.
Not too small as we are a family of 4 and so when I do cook veg on it, I'll be cooking quite a lot.
Not too cheap (buy cheap, buy twice)
Not too expensive (we're not fussed about brand names and labels etc)

Any suggestions very gratefully received.

PS. The DCs have asked for one for the last 3 years as a Christmas present and for some reason, I've always said no. They are super happy now Grin

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Ionlydomassiveones · 04/02/2022 16:54

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Happytodayhappytomorrow · 04/02/2022 18:06

thanks very much. It's the Panini one I've been looking at Smile

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Missey85 · 05/02/2022 04:22

I love my panini press! I just have a cheap one but it does what u need it grills things too I use mine for wraps

sashh · 05/02/2022 05:04

I'd just make sure you can take the plates off to wash.

Min has the typical triangles and also waffle and grill plates so I can do a panini as long as it isn't too long.

If you are not vegan then 'jaffle eggs' are easy, just spray some oil and break an egg into the triangle. They cook in about 2 mins.

Jaffle by the way is what Australians call them and I love the word so I'm trying to get it into use in the UK.

CakesOfVersailles · 05/02/2022 05:48

Depends if you are happy cooking with teflon (most of them) or you want a non-toxic one.

We had a ceramic breville one, it was pretty good.

liveforsummer · 05/02/2022 06:41

I use the George Forman grill. Would work well for wraps too

Agadorsparticus · 05/02/2022 06:45

George Foreman grill. So easy for toasties. It also means you can use rolls and other sized breads.

Fizzbo · 05/02/2022 07:48

Another vote for the George Foreman grill. We pop our sandwiches/wraps into toasting bags too so the grill stays clean.

Happytodayhappytomorrow · 05/02/2022 07:59

Thanks for all the replies. Much appreciated.

I’ll do some more research before I succumb Smile

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