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12 year old set on learning russian

12 replies

acatwithglasses · 23/08/2021 12:04

Hey- I'm new to here so apologies if this is the wrong place to ask. My 12 year old daughter is really set on learning russian (neither I nor my husband are Russian, although I do know a few phrases)
We do actually own a beginners cd- but I'm not sure how good it is.
What I was wondering is- is she too old to be learning such a complicated language, especially in England with limited exposure to this language? I don't want her to be disappointed if she really just can't learn it. If it is possible what resources would you recommend? Thanks for any replies

OP posts:
DPotter · 23/08/2021 12:12

Let her go for it!

My DP & my DD started using Duo Lingo during lockdown to improve their French & German. There's a free option and a pay-for option. Maybe let your DD start on something like this a see how she goes.

I have a relative who studied russian from 16+ and now works using their russian

acatwithglasses · 23/08/2021 12:20

@DPotter Okay thanks for the suggestions! Do you think that this app has improved their languages? I hope that she can actually learn it :)

OP posts:
DPotter · 23/08/2021 12:24

Yes - they both think so.

As I understand it - you have to start as a complete beginner and work through the sessions, even if you know some of the language already.

acatwithglasses · 23/08/2021 12:57

Ah okay, thank you. I'll ask her about it, she may have it already but I don't think so. Maybe I can even convince her to practice languages for school as well.
Complete beginner will probably suit her well to be honest. I wish we had given her more opportunities to learn as a young child

OP posts:
languagelover96 · 24/08/2021 01:17

Far from it. Find a tutor online and set goals etc.

QueenofLouisiana · 24/08/2021 01:26

Look at there are lots of tutors for Russian there. Look at what they offer and the reviews, if you don’t get on with one tutor you can swap to another. You can look at short videos of each tutor too.
DS has lessons twice a week in Japanese, his tutor asked us to buy a particular book- which we did- and he sets homework for each session from the book.
We’re pleased we found this system, DS is engaged (he’s between GCSEs and sixth form so good to have something to do) and it’s easy to fit in the lessons.

redtshirt50 · 24/08/2021 01:41

I know someone who took up Russian for the first time as part of her degree (combined with another language).

She found it tougher than her peers who had some background in similar languages but still loved it!

Duvetflower · 24/08/2021 08:21

My DD did well learning a language on Rosetta Stone. It really helped with pronounciation. It was around £25 for 3 months

LeonardLikesThisPost · 24/08/2021 09:00

I'm learning Russian on Duolingo. Duolingo is fun and I'll carry on, but I'm at the point now where I think I might buy a textbook or something because I feel like I need a bit more traditional learning / explanation of the word endings and cases. I find myself thinking "OK, that's the correct answer, but why is it X and not Y?" IYSWIM

I am 42, so no, 12 is not too old at all. I won't ever become fluent in Russian (I AM too old) but a 12yo could still, I think.

acatwithglasses · 07/09/2021 22:23

Okay thank you all for the replies, and sorry that I am so late (you might not even read this)
Thanks for the recommendations- I will be sure to look into them, the tutoring website seems good but possibly expensive, I'll think about it

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