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Outdoor toys for dd aged 10?

33 replies

tearsandtiaras · 07/04/2020 17:55

Im trying to buy my dd ( 10) some equipment to entice her into the garden.

Does anyone have any experience /
Ideas with this age group toys/ equipment

Shes an only so two player games whilst great for our time with her , won't be great for her play time on her own whilst we are trying to get a few hours work in

OP posts:
tearsandtiaras · 07/04/2020 17:56

Or activities ideas please?

So far we have done bug hunts , scavenger hunts bug hotels,
Life cycles of animals

OP posts:
PumpkinP · 07/04/2020 17:56

I need to do the same for ds who is 8 as otherwise he would never step foot in the garden! Was considering a trampoline

MsTSwift · 07/04/2020 17:57

We play netball most days v glad got netball hoop a few Christmases ago.

AngelsWithSilverWings · 07/04/2020 17:58

Our swingball has been a god send over the last few days! Dd happy to play with it alone alone.

MaryBerrysBomberJacket · 07/04/2020 17:58

Swingball. My teens love it and both my partner and I have admitted to playing it on our own as well!

MrsFrisbyMouse · 07/04/2020 17:58

Circus stuff, like hula hoop, diabolo, flower sticks?

Neolara · 07/04/2020 17:59

We bought a crazy catch the other day. That's been pretty popular.

reefedsail · 07/04/2020 18:01

Yes, a rebound net is great for an only.

Do you have any trees you could hang stuff out of (like circus silks)?

Whatsmyname26 · 07/04/2020 18:03

Trampoline, small pond, swing ball type activity, comfy chair to lounge in and read

Seeline · 07/04/2020 18:03

Another vote for swing ball

HollyHocks13 · 07/04/2020 18:03

My 10 year old DD loves playing with her stilts outside. This kind of thing...

small foot 9511 Stilts for children made of sturdy aluminium, adjustable footrests, up to 50 kg load, 4 years and older

Aroundtheworldin80moves · 07/04/2020 18:13

We have some cones, mini hurdles, skipping ropes etc which they use to make obstacle courses.

Netball hoop proving popular.

Building a nerf gun shooting range (I don't like them shooting at each other, but they like targets)

Veg patch/flower bed of their own

thaegumathteth · 07/04/2020 18:16

Dd (9) likes

Basketball hoop
Gardening eg veg patch
Hula hoop
Den building
Golf chipping net

cindylouwhosplaits · 07/04/2020 18:43

Mine have been loving their pogo sticks. Practice makes perfect and their getting really good now. My son also has a hammock he clips onto the playframe which was really good value from amazon

MazDazzle · 07/04/2020 18:46


We bought a decent one and 8 years later it’s still going strong.

Also, consider looking at the lay out of your garden. We used to have lots of thorny bushes and paths but scrapped half of that for a patio, which is more user friendly.

Happyhouralways · 07/04/2020 18:49

Skipping rope? Kids at out school all love skipping

SummerintoAutumn · 07/04/2020 18:52

Swing ball
Sevens (throwing ball up the wall in different ways)
Big Tennis - using swing ball bats or tennis raquets with a beach ball - how many before dropping?
Chalk pictures on floor
Badminton over the washing line

bingandflop · 07/04/2020 18:56

We got a plastic bowling set and sports day kit from Amazon that have gone down well

silver1977 · 07/04/2020 18:57

We got those giant pegs from amazon for den building, just get loads of old sheets and blankets out with some pegs and tell her to use her imagination!

Tampolines and Swingball great but good luck trying to find any in stock at the moment!

Painting pebbles/stones? Mine have used Pinterest for some ideas and we have some lovely designed pebbles outside cheering the garden up! We happened to have some Mod Podge to seal them.

Make an assault course and time herself.

Randomnessembraced · 07/04/2020 19:01

Table tennis if you have space (can put 1 side up to play against self), netball hoop, swing ball, trampoline and our 11 year old still loves the nest swing too (stands on it). Also plays putting golf and croquet, grows stuff in containers, uses chalk some days for hop scotch.

tearsandtiaras · 07/04/2020 19:11

Wow! Thanks for the ideas!

Im looking at all of them, my dd is driving me mad ! 3rd week in and things are tough

OP posts:
Coffeeandcrumpet · 07/04/2020 19:17

Swingball is awesome but make sure you get the.proper one that you hit into the ground if you can. Then you can really whack it and it won't fall over like the ones you fill with water.

SM33 · 07/04/2020 19:28

A lolo ball - loved this when I was a kid. Used to be able to do a thousand jumps (couldn’t do 10 now!!!)


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Namechange8471 · 07/04/2020 19:37

You need a trampoline op!

Kiln · 07/04/2020 19:39

Please consider things that aren't likely to end your child/children in A&E, I've heard of a lot of trampoline accidents resulting in A&E with broken bones!

Would she enjoy planting something?

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