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Peanut ball??

8 replies

expectingsecond · 15/06/2020 10:10

Hi I was wondering if anyone had used a peanut ball during labour. I've recently read that it helps with dilation but I'm not entirely sure if that would actually work. During my last labour I only got to 6cm and had to have an emergency c-section and I'm really hoping to avoid it this time. Any tips would be appreciated

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coffeeorwine · 15/06/2020 17:12

I didn’t but a friend did (I was her birth partner). She was struggling with the last few cm and to contract more frequently, and was rolled onto her side and had one put between her legs. It made her contract pretty intensely pretty quickly to the point she asked for it to be removed. It did the job though, she was then ready to push! Another thing to try is keeping an “UFO” position. Good luck with your birth.

Keha · 15/06/2020 17:47

I was in hospital, got to 9cm dilated and then stopped. As a last ditch option before going for a csection. They got me to lie on my side and put the peanut ball between my legs, and I had a few extremely intense contractions and voila...fully dilated! I've since read some research evidence about them and they do seem to help and don't really carry any risk. I only used it for about 10 mins though, not sure I could have kept at it much longer!

Kinsters · 16/06/2020 06:19

I used one for my whole labour and it was great. My baby was apparently back to back but labour was only five hours from first contraction to baby out.

I'd had meconium in my waters so was on constant monitoring and the peanut ball helped keep my pelvis open even though I was immobile. My contractions were quite intense (though this was my first baby so nothing to compare to) and I had an epidural for the last couple of hours. Baby was born with no interventions except an episiotomy and I swear by the peanut ball and recommend it to everyone!

flissity · 16/06/2020 17:18

I gave birth last weekend. I was really tired when I got to the birthing unit, mW suggested I lay on my side with the peanut ball inbetween my legs. It did enable me to lay down but still kept pelvis open. I was 2cm when I arrived at 8:30am (I think) then 6cm by maybe 12 ish? And I wasn’t upright much during that time as I was so tired. So it did work for me. Felt a bit weird at first as it looked huge! I soon forgot it when in the agony of contractions!!

expectingsecond · 16/06/2020 18:04

Thanks for the replies everyone I'm going to give it a try even if it doesn't work it's worth a shot. I really want to avoid another section as will struggle with recovery with a toddler as well.

@flissity congratulations on your new arrival!

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Joanna1991 · 02/03/2021 19:25

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percheron67 · 03/03/2021 18:23

I thought that this was about feeding garden birds!!

pregnant woman meditating

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8dpwoah · 03/03/2021 18:27

And I thought this was going to be for labour snack recommendations! 😂 Every day's a school day

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