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What was your pelvic floor like after 1st pregnancy?

48 replies

Silverylining · 19/02/2013 20:13

I don't mean immediately after - more like 4-5 months, once it was back to what it would be henceforth.
Would really like to know to assess how normal it is that I have some issues.

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stargirl1701 · 19/02/2013 20:14

I had a bladder of steel. I now have a normal bladder.

VitoCorleone · 19/02/2013 20:17

After first pregnancy mine went completely back to normal after a few weeks.

After second pregnancy its still not too bad just took a bit longer to go back to normal

Artigene · 19/02/2013 20:20

Mine never fully recovered from my first pregnancy/birth. I noticed it most if I ran, tiny bits would leak out. I hated it.

Things improved a little after my second birth when I was sewn up much better but I still wore a pad when running.

Now I am in the third trimester with DC3 and the old pelvic floor is not coping well. I hope and pray it recovers after the birth.

CarpetBagger · 19/02/2013 20:28

Normal labour - no trauma to area, 5 years to regain 99% control, with PF excerises since the birth!

juneau · 19/02/2013 20:28

Mine went back to normal very quickly after DS1. Took a bit longer with DS2, but is now as good as it ever was. Just do your exercises - religiously. If you find it hard to remember to do them every day set a reminder on your phone, or have an activity that when you're doing it (washing up, say, or sitting in traffic), you do them.

MiaowTheCat · 19/02/2013 20:31

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Message withdrawn at poster's request.

Silverylining · 19/02/2013 21:10

So I have been unlucky then. Easy birth but a year on I am not comfortable running and if cough when standing I am likely to leak a little Shock. Have done PF exercises all the way through and even had a few sessions of physio with no obvious improvement so think this is it for me. Which makes me wonder about future births - it will surely get worse I'm thinking.

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Titchyboomboom · 19/02/2013 21:10

Rubbish!! 2 years on and just about back to normal

BarbaraWoodlouse · 19/02/2013 21:19

I had a quick delivery of a 9lb-er resulting in stitches.

A year on I had stress incontinence as in coudn't cough/sneeze/vomit (that was a particular low point Grin) without leaking and definitely would not have been safe on a trampoline.

I sawa great physio and learned a lot about how the exercises should be done think whole undercarriage not just fanjo but didn't totally resolve the issue. We were starting to discuss other options like weights and electronic things when I fell pregnant with DC2.

Things were worse during pregancy and I had to use pads during a bad cold etc but no worse after the birth.

Long term I don't think DC2 made things worse at all. I'm definitely not back to pre-DC now (DC2 is nearly 3) and although I'm not great at doing my exercises I don't think I'll ever get there but life is OK. Smile

stargirl1701 · 19/02/2013 23:21

Miaow Grin I'm a teacher too.

NAR4 · 20/02/2013 13:23

Normal bladder throughout pregnancy and straight after birth, with first 3. Weak bladder during pregnancy and after birth with 4th but doesn't seem any worse during this 5th pregnancy. Seems to be down to luck. I didn't bother with pelvic floor exercises after my first 3 but did LOTS and had physio for it after my 4th, but only had a small improvement. Might be down to the very long birth I was told. Private physio said to keep doing the exercises, some people just take a long time to get back to normal. Don't give up hope.

notso · 20/02/2013 13:37

Back to pretty much normal after 4 DC, youngest 10 months. I have never had stitches though, however I have done pelvic floor exercises daily from about 16 after I read it was good for your sex life!
Held on for an hour on a train at the weekend but I did pray not to sneeze!

steppemum · 20/02/2013 13:44

mine was crap TMI alert couldn't hold a tampon in for months and months and months....

better after dc2 and after dc3 pretty much back to normal.

dc2 and 3 were more natural births and quite quick and I think the muscle got itself sorted by being worked hard ???

Anyway, doesn't necessarily get worse Smile

Silverylining · 20/02/2013 13:52

Wow - I thought after 3 kids leakage was a given but not necessarily after one. I've definitely been unlucky

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steppemum · 20/02/2013 14:12

actually following NAR4 post - dc1 was very (very) long labour and pelvic floor all shot. dc2 and 3 short labour and pelvic floor recovered (back to much better than post dc10

steppemum · 20/02/2013 14:23


sorry dc1!

VinegarDrinker · 20/02/2013 14:27

I am lucky - all the risk factors for pelvic floor issues - big baby, long pushing stage, forceps, episiotomy but actually it was fine within weeks.

I reckon you should see your GP for possible physio/gynae referral.

RightUpMyRue · 20/02/2013 14:29

Nut cracking abilities back within weeks.

Deffo see your GP. You don't have to put up with leakage.

Silverylining · 20/02/2013 15:10

Thanks. Need this info, though is making me feel most unfortunate! I had some physic but it wasn't very good - no biofeedback.

Steppemum - dc10! - my eyes popped out of my head

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123rd · 20/02/2013 15:33

I had two v quick births and have never had proper bladder control since. Did my pelvic floor exercises and Pilates tooSad hasn't made a jot of difference dc2 is now 6. Don't think I will ever get it back

Silverylining · 20/02/2013 16:03

123rd - would you have had c sections if that would have avoided issues now? seems drastic but I wonder if I would prefer to go that route in future births (whether I;d get one is a different matter of course).

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NAR4 · 20/02/2013 16:08

Silvery I'm not sure but I think C sections carry their own risk when it comes to damaging the bladder and/or bowel.

MoodyDidIt · 20/02/2013 16:12

not great - and i had a c/s Blush

its better now though (years of clenching ;) )

Lionsntigersnbears · 20/02/2013 17:42

Bad initially. Went horse riding at 7 weeks post partum and peed my jodhs. Got better but the fear of losing control (of the bladder not the horse) haunted me. I did find that tampons would no longer stay put and was just about to move to mooncup when presto! pg with no. 2, which is where I am now. I would strongly recommend asking for a referral (or paying for a private) consult with a physio who specialises in women's health. I had a private consult which cost about £40 I think, and she was ACE!

Silverylining · 20/02/2013 17:56

Lions - how did you find your physio? was he/she in london by any chance?!

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