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To buy a Wendy house/play house for 4 year olds?

32 replies

MyFavouriteKindOfBalloon · 04/06/2023 19:45

I have DTs who will be 4 in a couple of weeks. I'm thinking of getting them a Wendy house type thing like this:

I think plastic is a better option than wood because I'll be honest that I'd be too lazy to keep maintaining a wooden one and I wouldn't want it to rot/get all splintery etc from being out in the garden.

But are DTs too old now? It's a big ticket item so will there be longevity to it? They're about a metre now so I'm not sure how much longer they'd be able to stand up in one, and I can't see many where the ceiling is more than ten/twenty cm over this. AIBU to buy it now and should I have bought it earlier or not bothered? Or do kids play in them until much older?

I guess I could get a proper shed or something but that would be very pricey and possibly out of budget.

I'm also wondering whether to get one second hand. Is it worth paying the big premium to get a new one which can be delivered rather than trying to see if I can cram one into my car?

All thoughts welcome!

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continentallentil · 04/06/2023 19:47

I think that one is too small for 4 year olds, you need a bigger one, which is usually wood. Have a look second hand?

LysHastighed · 04/06/2023 19:54

I don’t think you will get much more than 18 months out of it. A shed that they can use as a den and even as teens sounds genius (my 5 year olds would love a shed). Perhaps you can find a shed secondhand?

Rosesbloomingnow · 04/06/2023 19:56

I'd get a bigger one, and I'd get wood. We're about to knock ours down. The kids are now 21 and 18. They used it for so long, then it became our dog's nap den and kids toy storage. One of the best things we ever got. I added guttering at some point, and refelted the roof twice in the 18 years its been up, and painted it every 3 years or so, which was quite fun as it took no time at all and I painted it cheerful colours.

Inca22 · 04/06/2023 20:06

Honestly look at Facebook marketplace, eBay etc. loads of people giving theirs away for free. Although I agree the one you've posted is too small.

MyFavouriteKindOfBalloon · 04/06/2023 20:13

Thanks. All the secondhand wooden ones are seriously knackered and I'd need a van to get them.

Is it better to save up for an actual wooden playhouse or a shed? I think they'd like windows to look out of etc.

OP posts:
Genevie82 · 04/06/2023 20:13

Op, I have a wendy house in the garden, because its wooden and painted up to look pretty it’s now more of a feature than anything my kids play in! They are 6 &4 .. they used it when younger but it also involved lots of squabbles rather than my intended idea which was 5 mins peace and lovely playing.. it depends on your child but perhaps tents or tipees are a better idea that you can get out and put away which increases the interest in my experience, great for summer gardens! X

Whinge · 04/06/2023 20:23

I would I would have a look on facebook marketplace / gumtree for a plastic one for this summer, there are always plenty for sale and usually for less than £20. I wouldn't give it as a main present, but as an extra garden toy and see if they actually play with it. A lot of children aren't interested in them and they end up as storage for other toys. If they play in the plastic one this summer, and seem to really enjoy it, I would think about getting a proper shed which could double as a playhouse as their present next year.

Justalittlebitduckling · 04/06/2023 20:24

Get the plastic one second hand for a year and then hand it back on?

Stompythedinosaur · 04/06/2023 20:28

I think that playhouse will be too small for 4yos.

A bigger playhouse would be lovely though.

MinnieEgg · 04/06/2023 20:31

I'd get a mud kitchen instead.

timegoingtooquickly · 04/06/2023 20:32

I had a proper shed as a playhouse and absolutely loved it!!!

Opaque11 · 04/06/2023 20:33

MinnieEgg · 04/06/2023 20:31

I'd get a mud kitchen instead.

This, I had one and my dc absolutely loved this. You get much more use out of it, messy play or just normal play.

TheWayTheLightFalls · 04/06/2023 20:36

We have this one. It's far too small (and boring) for four year olds - my 1.5 year old DTs are happy in it, but even that's pushing it.

YY to a shed or wooden playhouse (painting it is part of the fun!). If you are up for it you can even make them out of pallets.

Ragruggers · 04/06/2023 20:37

Do you have room for a tent? Great fun put in a coupleof bean bags and blankets.Plastic picnic set.Put away at the end of summer.Lots on Marketplace for very little.The plastic Wendy houses look awful when they fade.

RaceToTheMiddle · 04/06/2023 20:37

Could get them a teepee tent each?

and save up more for next year for a proper wood playhouse? We had a 2 storey one my girls used for about 6 yrs

Landlubber2019 · 04/06/2023 20:45

We bought a wooden playhouse 2nd hand, it was used for years and now currently houses an array of garden implements. We also asked for money at birthdays and clubbed all the money together to buy garden toys.

I think the plastic one will be a false economy.

ECPCR2 · 04/06/2023 20:45

We've got the one you posted but with the outside kitchen bit. Tbh I'm astonished that's what it costs new! Ours was handed down by MILs neighbours for free when outgrown.

My two are 3 and 1 and enjoy playing in it, going in and out, and we had a 5 yo come over recently who used the window as an imaginary café's serving hatch which DS has been copying ever since. But it's certainly not big enough to play "in" properly besides putting stones in bowls or pretend kitchen activity, or peek-a-boo out of the windows. You couldn't have a table and chairs in it and use as a proper Wendy house, that's for sure.

I'd say if you can find it for £30 tops second hand then it'll entertain 4 year olds for a bit, but if you're in £100 territory I'd definitely hold fire and go for something longer lasting even if it's a bit more money.

Sprinkles211 · 05/06/2023 09:02

That one would be suitable for 2age 2 it's really small. We have bought a full sized 18×6 summer house (saved up for 12 months) to use as an outdoor playroom while kids are little, it will then become a den as they get older and a hang out after that. They are not difficult to maintain new felt every few years and a lick of paint each summer and you get years from them

GoodChat · 05/06/2023 09:07

That one's definitely to small for 4 year olds

londonrach · 05/06/2023 09:10

Tbh at 4 it wouldn't get much use especially when DC starts school

AuntieJune · 05/06/2023 09:23

You can get problems with rats, mice, slugs and snails in playhouses...

My kids have one of those Ikea circus play tents each, they fold up small and can be pinged up to go outside in a minute or used indoors on a rainy day. Would that be an idea?

CIRKUSTÄLT, Children's tent - IKEA

CIRKUSTÄLT, Children's tent. Creates a sheltered spot, a room in the room, to play or just cuddle up in.

AuntieJune · 05/06/2023 09:24

The good thing is that they can play together (DC love playing neighbours and calling on each other/complaining about noise etc) but also they use them as a bit of a retreat to hide away with a book

Whowhatwherewhenwhy1 · 05/06/2023 09:31

We bought one of these £75. Goes up start of summer and goes away September. Been brilliant. Kids can stand up in it and leave there stuff in as it is way roomier than a playhouse and has zip up bug nets - my daughter is terrified of flying bugs! We also have camp outs in it or star gazing nights.

To buy a Wendy house/play house for 4 year olds?

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roseopose · 05/06/2023 09:32
Reugny · 05/06/2023 09:54

roseopose · 05/06/2023 09:32

We've just ordered this one for DD who is nearly 3 and quite tall, figured it'll last her a few years then we can always use it as a shed.

That's like what my neighbours got for their DD.

Once their DD got to 6 she stopped playing with it. She only restarted playing in it once my DD, who is much younger, could play. They then used it as storage until they sold it to someone who had a 2 year old.

I was offered a plastic one and turned it down. Glad I did as friends' who have DC who are at school don't play with it anymore even though their youngest is 4.

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