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St Ives - Porthminster or Carbis - Where should we stay?

16 replies

HolidayDilemas · 09/07/2022 22:56

Posting unreasonably in AIBU for traffic as I need to pay for holiday accommodation within the next 24 hours and would value some advice before I do so.

My family and I are travelling to Cornwall for the first time in September. We're a party of 10 including toddlers, grandparents and many ages in between.

We have a choice of two properties - neither is perfect but they're both good options.

I would be grateful for any personal experiences people may have of holiday-ing in either or both Porthminster or Carbis Bay with a group of younger and older people.

Porthminister house is close to the Barbara Hepworth Museum.

Carbis Bay house is close to the Tesco in Carbis Bay.

No one in the party is seeking a quiet, relaxing holiday, per se. Everyone is reasonably fit, healthy and active. This is an opportunity for us to enjoy each others company indoors and outdoors, and pursue different activities together, or none, as and when we wish.

I like the idea of being in Porthminister as its location means that the grandparents can easily walk around different cultural sights, we can as a family easily access either Porthminister or Porthmeor Beach and we can all visit different restaurants and cafes throughout our stay at different times of the day without being hostage to bus/train times.

The Carbis Bay property is £500 cheaper. It has less bedrooms than the Portminister property, so will mean that people who wouldn't ordinarily share a room will need to. It's no longer possible to find a bigger property for our dates in Carbis Bay. My research tells me that the walk down to Carbis beach is down quite a steep incline. I think doing this twice a day is manageable for everyone. Depending on how hot it is (fingers crossed for very warm weather)any more than 2x per day up and down the hill could be quite draining for the eldest and youngest in the group.

The majority of the group will have no access to a car, they will be travelling by Train/Bus to Cornwall, and then reliant on public transport (if necessary) once there.

£500 difference in accommodation price is quite marked. I'm unsure as to whether having 1 extra bedroom, 1 extra bathroom and being situated close to the centre of St Ives is this valuable; as I've never visited the county before.

I'm nervous about whether we may find Carbis Bay a little stifling and find ourselves regularly jumping on a train to St Ives at some point each day.

Any insights any Cornwall/St Ives regulars could offer would be much appreciated. Thanks!

OP posts:
user58486267489 · 09/07/2022 22:58

Porthminster. Every time. You’re a walk from anywhere in St Ives (all the beaches, cafes, restaurants, The Tate, Barbara Hepworth etc)

LaFeuilleMorte · 09/07/2022 23:00

Porthminster is much closer to everything you’ll want. Carbis Bay is a lot further out than it appears.

transformandriseup · 09/07/2022 23:18

If you stayed in Carbis Bay it would be too far to walk into St Ives with young children and you would need to take the train just to eat out in the evening and the trains don't run that late at night unless you got a taxi back.

LaurieFairyCake · 09/07/2022 23:23


Go to the cafe one minute walk from your place - it's fab !

letsplanaholiday · 09/07/2022 23:26

Porthminster definitely. The Barbra Hepworth gardens are very easy walk to local shops and beaches. Car is bay you would have to travel in. Bear in mind that if a more than about 5 streets back in land from Barbara Hepworth gardens it's steep hill whichever direction you go.
If you stay in carbis bay, the main carpark in st Ives is a steep hill down to the town and beaches. I've done a rough screen shot, if the accommodation is in yellow highlighted area... steep hill warning!!

St Ives - Porthminster or Carbis - Where should we stay?
DrinkFeckArseGirls · 09/07/2022 23:29

Another vote for Porthminster!

EloiseDarjeeling · 09/07/2022 23:38

Honestly I would really caution against either. Carbis Bay has absolutely nothing going on, bar a massive tesco. It is a retirees enclave.

St Ives itself is horrendously packed in September. Really elbow digging crowds, overpriced terrible food and simply impossible to get a table anywhere. I would delay til at least October, or pick elsewhere.

letsplanaholiday · 09/07/2022 23:44

To be fair I agree with @EloiseDarjeeling . I stayed in st Ives for a week in may. It's lovely but all the restaurants were a bit shit. It was busy then and we commented it must be horrendous in summer. You don't need more than a day in at Ives to see it. Parking and driving around it is a nightmare. With a big group like you describe I'd consider else where in Cornwall.

EloiseDarjeeling · 10/07/2022 00:14

We used to holiday in Cornwall every summer, have had a couple of houses there. Never go now, Cornwall is spoilt. It's basically the Algarve at four times the price.

Neverendingdust · 10/07/2022 00:32

Ignore the naysayers. St Ives is amazing, we go several times throughout the year. It will be busy but if you plan and book your restaurants well in advance (now) then you’ll be fine. There’s an M&S food about 15 mins drive away near Redruth and a huge Sainsbury’s in Penzance to stock up on food and several Co-Ops in St Ives itself.

Porthminster House will be a great location, the Hepworth is more or less in the middle of town so very convenient.

Porhminster beach is beautiful but my favourite is Porthmeor- especially for sunsets, cider on the beach watching fiery orange and pink skies 👌🏼

I suggest Porthmeor Cafe for breakfast and dinner, Blas Burger for amazing takeaways and The Makers bakery for cakes and pasties. Moomaid Ice cream parlour is the best spot for ice cream.

Carbis Bay is lovely but there’s nothing much to do there plus it’s a bit of a trek to get into town hence why it will be cheaper.


Maltester71 · 10/07/2022 00:38

Porthminster! There’s nothing to do at carbis bay apart from walk down the Hill to the beach. It’s a real stinker of a hill. The beach is lovely and there’s places to eat, but that’s it, st Ives is beautiful at any time of year.

Hahabonk · 10/07/2022 01:19

We were just in carbis bay. V near the Tesco (5 min walk).

it was a 10 min walk down to carbis bay beach, but only 25 min walk to st Ives. Or 12 mins into St Ives with a bus. It’s really not far at all. For a £500 saving I’d stay in Carbis Bay and use the money on meals out/something nice

HolidayDilemas · 10/07/2022 01:23

So... the response has been pretty conclusive, Porthminster it is!

Thanks everyone for offering your thoughts, it's much appreciated!

We're really looking forward to visiting St Ives, this is a completely different type of holiday destination for all us. There appears to be so much to do, in and around the area, I'm sure we'll have a great time.

Thanks again for all the replies!

OP posts:
mjf981 · 10/07/2022 03:03

I've never been to St Ives but it looks amazing. Surrounded by beautiful beaches. I realize its often over run with tourists now, but I bet it was magical 30 years ago, and maybe still is when quiet. Hope you have fun OP and get some good weather!

letsplanaholiday · 10/07/2022 06:30

On a tangent, for an excellent cream tea I can highly recommend this place which is a 5 minute drive on the outskirts of st Ives... the best scone I've had in my life!!

Maltester71 · 10/07/2022 14:53

Yes to lakeside cabin. Yes yes yes!

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