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Buying dc a non chocolate gift for Easter.

18 replies

RC1511 · 30/03/2020 14:27

Aibu to want to buy some gifts for my children for Easter? Nothing major things like outdoor toys as naturally spending more time in the garden, some games to entertain them and some educational things.

I know it’s non essential but it’s both their broth days towards the end of April and May therefore I am placing a large order for presents but thinking of letting them have the garden toys and a couple bits early.

I have managed to get them one Easter egg each. Most years family and friends but this chocolate eggs but they probably won’t happen this year so just want to spoil them.

My oldest has additional needs and has no idea what’s going on in the world!

My partner said no. Chocolate for Easter only. Aibu to think this year is a bit different? I just want to see their happy faces! They are desperate for outdoor toys (we got the big things like a swing and trampoline already) but things like balls, bat and balls, skipping ropes. We are spending most of the day outside!

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RC1511 · 30/03/2020 14:27

None chocolate *

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Lyricallie · 30/03/2020 14:30

When I was wee my mum used to always get us a video for Easter. Our family was definitely you get gifts only at birthdays and Christmas and my birthday was November so it would be a really long time until I would get a gift again as a child. Also movies would come out round about then apparently they used to do a video deal in Woolworths Grin.

If I have children I would do the same a little Easter egg and a gift rather than going mental with chocolate that they would just feel sick after scoffing haha.

RC1511 · 30/03/2020 14:31

Yes I try not to go mad on the chocolate. DS struggles to pace himself. He doesn’t recognise when he’s full and will eat until he’s physically sick!

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RC1511 · 30/03/2020 14:32

Would eat** if I let him of course.

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Tiredmum100 · 30/03/2020 14:35

I usually buy dc a small gift for easter, outdoor toys or a game. Nothing expensive. And an Easter egg hunt in the garden. I don't know if I'm getting them anything this year, depends if I see something in the supermarket.

DivGirl · 30/03/2020 14:36

If your partner said no, and it's not something you usually do, then I wouldn't.

Their birthdays are soon.

SmallChickBilly · 30/03/2020 14:39

I bought my kids an outdoor quoits set that cost less than a fiver and will provide much more fun. What's your partner's reasoning for imposing the chocolate only rule?

hellsbellsmelons · 30/03/2020 14:41

We always got PJs when we were kids.
Nothing wrong with cheap and cheerful outdoor toys.
What is your DPs reasoning on chocolate only.
Surely it's best NOT to give them chocolate???

RIBlue · 30/03/2020 14:42

We never got eggs from parents as we would have so many from grandparents etc. We range from 25 34 now and still get a small present!

InMySpareTime · 30/03/2020 14:46

We used to do an Easter egg hunt, each plastic egg had a ticket in it that corresponded to a wrapped gift.
Stuff like:
Toothbrush and toothpaste
Colouring book
Craft set
Raisin box
Chocolate buttons

RC1511 · 30/03/2020 14:47

He doesn’t mind really but we share different views. As a child my mum would buy us a small
Gift. My granny would usually buy us a ton of arts and crafts stuff every year. I absolutely loved that. Oh generally just got chocolate which is fine also of course.

I think he wants us to save every last Penny right now but I am ordering birthday presents now in one hit whilst we still can!

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Blacksideupanddownagain · 30/03/2020 14:49

When lockdown was coming a couple of weeks ago I bought a load of new games, outdoor toys and craft kits which I will be bringing out one every week or so.

Normally I would agree about not giving toys except Christma, birthday, but these are exceptional times. If they'll get joy and entertainment out of them, just give them to them now?

CMOTDibbler · 30/03/2020 14:53

I would usually say Easter is a one egg only thing, but tbh in the current circumstances, I'd do a few cheap outside toys as well just to give them something extra to do.
My ds got his birthday present two months early as we were going to get him a PC, and ordered it just before lockdown so he can use it for schoolwork and enjoy playing games online with his friends.

Chrisinthemorning · 30/03/2020 14:55

I’ve got DS7 a large box of classic Lego. We have Star Wars etc sets but need classic to do the Lego 30 day challenge.
He’s got an egg and I bought an egg hunt kit to do in the back garden too.

CatsCatsCats11 · 30/03/2020 15:12

Normally I'd say an egg but I've got my daughter some craft stuff to do in lockdown

Bloatstoat · 30/03/2020 15:15

DS has never liked chocolate, so we've always got him a small gift instead, I think it's fine.
Playmobil do Easter eggs that are about £5 and have a little figure in, last year he got one of those and liked it.

Whoareyoudududu · 30/03/2020 15:32

I always buy my DC a book each for Easter and I get the youngest a toy because he’s too young for chocolate yet. The older three get an egg and a Lindt bunny every year. I’ll do my best this year, haven’t bought eggs yet so it might just be a case of whatever is left on the shelves... Tried to order some online but it’s hopeless.

Deadringer · 30/03/2020 16:21

I would just get chocolate for easter, but i would buy the outdoor toys early as they will get good use of them at this time. I would just call them early birthday presents though, nothing to do with easter. I bought presents one year for my dc at easter because i got a good deal, then every year after that they reminded me that i 'always' got them an easter gift. Little buggers.

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