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To ask for best company to buy climbing frame from

30 replies

Frazzledmum123 · 13/03/2020 18:03

Ok so not really AIBU but posting for traffic. I want to get my children a play set for the garden, you know monkey bars, swings, slide all in one but everytime I find one that looks good, the reviews for the company are awful. Tried Fatmoose, Dunsterhouse, and Wicky and all have tons of reviews saying awful customer service, wood splitting etc.
Anyone ordered one and actually been happy with it? If so where from please

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Zogtastic · 13/03/2020 18:22

I guess you get what you pay for. Try Caledoniaplay... excellent quality, great customer service...hence their prices.

Watto1 · 13/03/2020 18:24

TP toys are fab. Our climbing frame/slide is still going strong after years of use. They have all kinds of climbing frame/monkey bars/swing/slide combinations .

FairfaxAikman · 13/03/2020 18:34

Another vote for TP toys. We have a swing and it's very sturdy.

TheSmelliestHouse · 13/03/2020 18:47

Had a TP one, bought it second hand, lasted us 10 years

bedtimestories · 13/03/2020 18:51

I love Tp. Its been in the garden 5 years still going strong. Wish I'd bought it sooner

Frazzledmum123 · 13/03/2020 20:57

Wow thanks, looks like TP are worth a proper look. I will look at Caledoniaplay too. Thank you

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recededpronunciation · 14/03/2020 07:27

TP toys. There’s one in our garden that is older than my now teenage children and still going strong.

Frazzledmum123 · 14/03/2020 08:25

Thank you, I've looked at their website and they look great quality but a bit young compared to some of the other ones I've looked at. I really wanted one with monkey bars and maybe a climbing wall type thing as my oldest is 8 so I was hoping he'd get a couple of years from it too. Something more like this:
Hope that works. The reviews for Fatmoose arent good though. Maybe I'm wanting too much for what I can pay though, I'm looking at about £700 max so that might be the problem I'm having. Thanks though

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WonderWomble · 14/03/2020 08:39

We've used Plum play for a few things and they were good, easy delivery and replaced a piece that was damaged in transit quickly.

gigglingHyena · 14/03/2020 08:42

Another vote for TP goodness knows how old ours is, we bought it second hand 10 years ago.

There was no way we could fit anything I the garde that would actually give much of a challenge to climb after about 5, but they have loved chasing each other over and round it, hide and seek, obstacle courses and that sort of thing that's not usually practical I the busy playgrounds near us.

I would say the den has been the favourite part as they got older. More Bart Simpson tree house than climbing frame.

SuperMumTum · 14/03/2020 09:07

We have a TP frame which is great but doesn't offer a challenge to an 8 year old.

SuperMumTum · 14/03/2020 09:08

You could talk to a local builder/carpenter about building a bespoke one?

GalOopNorth · 14/03/2020 09:10

We have a TP one with a climbing wall, monkey bars, a tower, slide and swings. 8 years old and still used most days by our 10 and 5 YO

rainylake · 14/03/2020 09:12

We have a Selwood one and it is excellent and good value for what it is

ToelessPobble · 14/03/2020 09:12

Got mine from Dunster. 4 years on it is still going strong with no issues. Only negative at all was the challenge of putting it up. I think it looks nicer having a wooden one in the garden but thats personal opinion.

Frazzledmum123 · 14/03/2020 09:16

@rainylake thanks, I'll take a look at that make

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Frazzledmum123 · 14/03/2020 09:17

@ToelessPobble that was a make I like the look of but the reviews were awful for customer service and damaged parts (although not actually bad reviews for quality), did you have any problems with them?

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Frazzledmum123 · 14/03/2020 09:19

@GalOopNorth oh thank you, do you know the name of the one you have?

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RafflesMaidenSister · 14/03/2020 09:20

We have a Fat Moose one. Delivery was awful but customer service fantastic and it seems solid and is well used

Frazzledmum123 · 14/03/2020 09:20

@SuperMumTum - I hadn't thought of that, thanks. May end up being more that we can afford though I dont know, I'll look into it

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Frazzledmum123 · 14/03/2020 09:21

@WonderWomble - actually I've heard good things about Plum, thanks, will take a look

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Frazzledmum123 · 14/03/2020 09:24

@RafflesMaidenSister - ah that's so good to know, thanks. The one in my link would at least give him a basket ball hoop to last a bit and a chin up bar so I do like that one. I can cope with bad delivery if I end up with a solid, safe product. Did you cement yours in?

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whiteroseredrose · 14/03/2020 09:24

Friends had a TP set. Lasted for years.


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Frazzledmum123 · 14/03/2020 09:26

@gigglingHyena - yeah that's true, somewhere he can hide from his sisters might be good lol. I know he wont get as much use out it as his younger sisters but it's be good to have something he can use for a bit. Then again I love a swing even now!

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FenellaMaxwell · 14/03/2020 09:28

Ours is either TP or plum, can’t remember which, and it’s very good

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