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How to make grilled toasties?

63 replies

anon2334 · 11/04/2022 15:00

Is George Foreman grill good for this? My kids decided it's their favorite

OP posts:
Whitney168 · 11/04/2022 15:00

Yep, definitely the easiest way, I reckon.

Nicklebox · 11/04/2022 15:04

I just make a cheese sandwich and microwave for about 1 1.5 minutes then put under the grill works really well

Nicklebox · 11/04/2022 15:05

I meant 1 to 1 and a half minutes

MrsPelligrinoPetrichor · 11/04/2022 15:06

Non stick pan, butter the outsides.

Unforgettablefire · 11/04/2022 15:06


I just make a cheese sandwich and microwave for about 1 1.5 minutes then put under the grill works really well

Does all the cheese not come out?
nearlyspringyay · 11/04/2022 15:07

Panini maker

carefullycourageous · 11/04/2022 15:09

I just lightly toast bread then put cheese in middle, then toast under grill.

Or do same step one then butter the outside and fry.

No need to buy any more equipment IMO.

Alwayspaintyournails · 11/04/2022 15:10

We use a George foreman for everyday lunches and if I’m feeling particularly kind then it’s a nonstick pan with the outside of the bread buttered.

KatnissNeverdone · 11/04/2022 15:10

Honestly can't beat a Breville. You forget all about having one and then eat toasties for about 3 weeks straight.

RightOnTheEdge · 11/04/2022 15:11

A George Foreman type grill is a really easy way to do them and you can also cook a lot of other things on them as well so better than a toasty machine which is shaped in triangles.

NightshiftNancy · 11/04/2022 15:12

I have a sandwich toaster, a good grill and since I discovered buttering the outside and pan frying I've not looked back. Want a sandwich toaster? Grin

viques · 11/04/2022 15:13


Non stick pan, butter the outsides.

Me to, push it down with a fish slice to get good contact, or weight it down with a smaller pan.
ElenaSt · 11/04/2022 15:14

Get a Crimpie from Crimpet and buy thins and toast with all kinds of fillings of your choose!

There is even a FB group for ideas!

ExplodingCarrots · 11/04/2022 15:14

I use my air fryer for toasties now. Come out amazing .

WoolyMammoth55 · 11/04/2022 15:14

My 2p worth - frying pan is all the kit you need! (Any electric grill is just a dust-gathering space-hog for 98% of the year once the fad has passed).

Brown bread, butter on the outside, mayo on the inside. DH likes tuna mayo and cheese, I prefer cheese and onion!

They are not healthy but YUM! I serve with a side salad to try to pretend it's part of a balanced diet :)

Tasteslikeregret · 11/04/2022 15:14


Non stick pan, butter the outsides.

We’ve been making our ‘toastiest’ this way for years. Mimics the actual toasted sandwich maker taste.
hazelnutlatte · 11/04/2022 15:14

I just use a frying pan - make cheese sandwich, butter the outsides, cook in pan. I did have a toastie maker years ago but it took longer to clean than to make the toasties!

ElenaSt · 11/04/2022 15:15
ElenaSt · 11/04/2022 15:16
ElenaSt · 11/04/2022 15:16

I read that as hair dryer. Confused

JurasicPerks · 11/04/2022 15:17

Butter the outside of a cheese (and tomato and ham) sandwich, then put in the oven for 10 mins. Flip over, and another 10 mins.
Makes them easier to cook in bulk.

schroeder · 11/04/2022 15:17

Breville panini press are totally the best. George formby grills get really manky and are never hot enough.

mrburrsir · 11/04/2022 15:24

You can put cheese in between two bits of toast wrap in kitchen roll and microwave for a minute or two. Works quite well but not as nice as proper grilled cheese toaster


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Vanillalatteplease · 11/04/2022 15:26

Yep non stick pan but mayo on the outside. Makes a lovely crispy grilled cheese sandwich

Whitney168 · 11/04/2022 15:27


Breville panini press are totally the best. George formby grills get really manky and are never hot enough.

Mine is actually a Tefal something or other, plates come off and go in the dishwasher. Definitely hot enough and makes great easy toasties.
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