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Toddler slide advice needed- any top tips?

11 replies

lazysummer · 07/04/2022 11:47

I want to buy a garden slide for my 2 year old grandson, when he comes to stay. It will be an Easter present. He is the eldest of 3 (currently) grandchildren, and I want something that will last, but that he will be able to use independently- with some supervision. Baby slides are too small, so looking for a toddler/ medium sized one. Current front runners are Feber medium, Smoby medium and Little Tikes folding slide. Any recommendations or alternatives to offer? Thanks in advance.

OP posts:
Absolutesuperstar · 07/04/2022 11:53

We’ve got the Little Tikes giant slide. My 6yo still enjoys it. Even the 9yo likes to roll toy cars/football down the slide. It’s very sturdy and feels safe.

lazysummer · 07/04/2022 11:54

Thank you!

OP posts:
carefullycourageous · 07/04/2022 11:57

My top advice would be to be certain that the parents are comfortable with whatever you choose before you invest. Also be certain you want to create something you have to supervise more carefully than a regular garden.

If this is all fine I apologise for posting something unnecessary, but I have experience of GPs having quite different ideas on what is 'safe' and it can create conflict!


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Kpo58 · 07/04/2022 11:58

I personally would look for a "Little Tikes Climbing Frame And Slide" on eBay. There is a really good one with a triangular base climbing bit at the stop of the slide that's compact, but really good to climb and slide down.

lazysummer · 07/04/2022 12:03

Thanks all. I will check with parents as I don't want to compromise safety, nor have to spend hours supervising! I will check out Little Tikes.

OP posts:
ffscovid · 07/04/2022 12:36

I'd say anything beyond a tiny toddler slide would mean that he (or your younger GCs even when this DC is older) will require a fair amount of supervision when they're in the garden. And at 2, a tiny toddler slide will soon be outgrown.

How about an alternative garden toy? A sandpit / water table would last a few years and isn't dangerous to have with children in the garden unsupervised (mine played with the Little Tikes pirate ship from 2-8 years!). Or a tunnel of some sort?

carefullycourageous · 07/04/2022 12:41

I agree an outdoor education/play table, den/wendy house or similar would be a much easier option giving more scope for play and less need for supervision.

AnnaSW1 · 07/04/2022 14:07

The little tykes toddler slide is great. And they can do it themselves it's nice and stable

greywell · 07/04/2022 15:23

Thanks. Do you mean the very small little tikes one- the first slide? I am tempted by that. He is a small 2 year old, and the others are still babies, so it will get some use.
We have a play tent and sandpit already.

Bloatstoat · 07/04/2022 16:14

They have the little tykes slide at one of the playgroups we go to, it's always surrounded by a queue of toddlers so very popular!

lazysummer · 07/04/2022 23:42

Thank you all.

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