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Marbella, Malaga, Alicante or Valencia

10 replies

Roaringlogfire · 30/01/2022 15:48

Whare would you choose to spend a week in the summer holidays? We want a nice beach, not overly commercialised, authentic Spain.

OP posts:
PensionPuzzle · 30/01/2022 15:50

Malaga for me but it might well be scorching. The beach is surprisingly nice!

WeAreTheHeroes · 30/01/2022 15:55

I'd choose Malaga or Valencia, but the beach in Valencia is further from the city centre than it is in Malaga and Valencia is much less of beach destination.

In August, many Spaniards take their summer holidays and some smaller/family run businesses will close.

I wonder what your expectations of authentic not over commercialised Spain are though: the four places you've listed include three cities which have tourism as a major industry these days. Based on what you've posted, don't go to Marbella.

Tal45 · 30/01/2022 16:02

I found the city beach in Malaga horrid, more like dirt than sand. Lots of nice restaurants but really not an authentic Spanish feeling place. That said we enjoyed exploring for a few day, had some nice food and went off to stay in some other bits. I haven't been but from what I've read Nerja would be a better option if you want something a bit more authentic that isn't too far away. I'd also suggest looking at Majorca, Palma de Majorca old town is lovely and then you can get the tourist train to Soller and then the tram to Port de Soller for the beach.

Kpo58 · 30/01/2022 16:07

Thought that this was going to be a baby names thread before I clicked on it. 😅

Usernameisgone · 30/01/2022 16:09

Valencia, as someone who lives in Spain. That would be my first choice!
Although the weather is a bit hit and miss

Roaringlogfire · 30/01/2022 16:15

I agree about the choice not being especially authentic Spanish. I also need it to have a language school and as I want this and beaches, I thought these would be a good place to start unless anyone can recommend anywhere else?

OP posts:
MrsAvocet · 30/01/2022 16:20

I'd pick Valencia from that selection. I'm not really a city person, but it's quite attractive with plenty going on culture wise and quite easy to get to the countryside or the coast from. The aquarium is very good too - or it was, it's at least a decade since we went so it may have changed.

RandomDent · 30/01/2022 16:25

I love Marbella but it’s expensive to stay there. It’s also not as ‘tacky’ as some people say, it’s a big city with lots to explore. They have a lovely old town but if I were you I’d stay somewhere a bit cheaper like San Pedro and then take trips out, eg to Ronda.

MangosteenSoda · 30/01/2022 16:47

ALL of the places you list are authentically Spanish. 3 of them are cities; how can a Spanish city, in Spain, not be authentic? Different cities across the country have different vibes, but they are all true to their region and have a lot to offer.

Marbella is a resort, but it still has a nice old town and plenty of authentic stuff.

Of your list, I would choose Malaga because it’s lovely. Small, right on the coast, lovely long boulevard along the seafront, buzzy town with some nice architecture, old fort on a hill, good food, Picasso museum, beaches, nice redeveloped port area. I spent a few months at a language school there back in the olden days (Instituto Picasso - it’s still going I think).

Alicante has a very similar vibe to Malaga imo. Nice prom, historic old town, big fort on big hill, buzzy vibe, decent (but busy) city beaches.

Like a pp said, Valencia city is set a way back from the beaches, so it’s less of an integrated experience. It’s also a much bigger city with all that entails (both positive and negative).

WeAreTheHeroes · 30/01/2022 17:13

If I were going to Valencia - I lived there years ago - I'd spend a few days in the city then go to one of the coastal resorts for beach and relaxing.

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