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Garden toys for 5 yo

10 replies

2lilcherubs · 30/01/2022 14:16

We recently moved house, new garden is pretty small and all decked. Not big enough for a trampoline etc.

Looking for ideas for toys to have in the garden for kids to play with.
Got bikes and scooters and a kitchen. Can't decide what else to get that is suitable for on decking and not to big that wont be out grown too soon.
Kid ages 5yo and 3.5yo


This thread is a bit old now, so if you have landed here looking for recommendations, we have recently updated our best outdoor toys round-up with lots of great options as tried and tested by Mumsnet users. We hope you find it useful.
MNHQ Flowers

OP posts:
NuffSaidSam · 30/01/2022 14:23

Swing ball
Bats and balls
Sand box
Water play table
Tuff tray with stand can be used for sand/water and loads of other things too.

Fivemoreminutes1 · 30/01/2022 15:26

AquaPlay lock box

RedCandyApple · 30/01/2022 15:27

Play house


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BelfastSmile · 30/01/2022 15:33

AquaqPlay has been popular in our house; basically a water tray but with little characters and stuff.

FlamingoDust · 30/01/2022 16:08

Mud kitchen, my 2 spend hours playing all year round. They tend to use water and bubbles rather than mud plus flowers and stones etc

2lilcherubs · 30/01/2022 22:26

Thanks all.
Been looking at a swing ball, so will order that tonight.

They have a kitchen for the garden. Defo will get water play for summer time but need ideas for things to order now. Want them to be out more.

OP posts:
minipie · 30/01/2022 22:29

Space hopper
Monster feet
Soft pogo stick thing like this

parietal · 30/01/2022 22:31

IKEA tunnel
play tent
things to build an obstacle course - hoops and cones etc.
den building kit (plus a fabric shower curtain to cover the den & make a hiding place inside) -

It is good to have things that can be moved about & reconfigured a lot. One thing that sits on one place is great for 3 days & then the kids get bored of it.

DockOTheBay · 30/01/2022 22:32

I've bought my daughter a wooden sandpit / play pirate ship for her 5th birthday (younger sister is 2)

Got it in Aldi for an absolute bargain though, not sure I would pay £200 for it.

teaandcakerules · 31/01/2022 00:00

When we had a small garden we had a picnic table where the centre piece lifted out and the middle was a sandpit or could be used as water tray or a variety of things. It worked well for quite a while as you could change around what was in the table and they could have a picnic at the table too.

This sort of thing -

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