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If you have massively improved your pelvic floor function, how did you do it?

35 replies

Kfjsjdbd · 21/01/2022 20:23

I’ve had two kids (both planned c section so no pushing), and my pelvic floor has been impacted. I can run, I can bounce on a trampoline, but any time I cough I wee myself a little bit. I’ve seen a womens health physio, who did an examination, said everything was fine physically and that the proper pelvic response isn’t happening when I cough.

I’m totally fed up of it. It’s so impactful on my life. I’ve got to the point where I’m prepared to invest in an Elvie if it works, or something similar? Also have two very young kids, a full time job and a house renovation in progress so life is so crazy that I will probably forget to do it. Argh.


OP posts:
abyssofwoah · 21/01/2022 20:37

No help but following. Also shot to shit after two kids but it's sneezing that does for me.

tobypercy · 21/01/2022 20:41

do you do the exercises? Tighten as if you're trying to stop a wee, hold for 10 seconds, relax. Then the same further back. 10x per day. My GP friend told me that's the only way, but it's so hard to remember and get round to it!

purpleme12 · 21/01/2022 20:43

I have this problem. Been doing the exercises but it's not really working
Although mine is worse than yours
Mine is whenever I do and exercise as well even rushing across the road for example

GuidingSpirit · 21/01/2022 20:43

Download the NHS squeezy app. Sends you reminders to do pelvic floor exercises throughout the day. Much cheaper than an elvie. Did your physio check you were doing them correctly?

VeronicaBeccabunga · 21/01/2022 20:45

There are several different apps you can put on your phone that remind you to do the exercises and time them for you.

Berrybear · 21/01/2022 20:50

They're not cheap but I got a perifit which has made a massive difference for me. Totally worth the money.

Matilda1981 · 21/01/2022 20:55

Make sure you’re doing your pelvic floor exercises correctly - I had physio for something unrelated before I even had kids and she tought me how to do them properly - have had 4 kids and no issues and thank my old physio sessions for this!!!

MythicalBiologicalFennel · 21/01/2022 20:56

I find my pelvic floor control improves massively the fitter I am - core toning helps, especially planks.

JohnnyMcGrathSaysFuckOff · 21/01/2022 20:57

I had 3 DC in 37 months incl twins. It's not perfect but what made a big improvement was Aquaflex cones.

They are not pricey, about £15 off Amazon. They are weights you use to exercise the muscles. I put mine in on a morning in the shower and take them out just before school run. You can build up the weights progressively.

I personally don't see how just clenching a weight bearing muscle will really strengthen it. I think you need to provide resistance.

avidteadrinker · 21/01/2022 20:57

I used the squeezy app after having my child and it worked wonders!

acidbrass · 21/01/2022 21:01

I can recommend the 'pelvic toner' device which is about 20-25 quid. You have to use it regularly to see results but it really helped me after both my children were born and I was experiencing leaks! There is quite a lot of info on their website about clinical evidence of its effectiveness.

DillDanding · 21/01/2022 21:01

I have a Kegel8 machine. Homeworking since Covid has enabled me to use it every day during meetings and it's worked wonders.

SnowyPetals · 21/01/2022 21:03

I found that increasing my core strength really helped, as opposed specific pelvic floor exercises. Sarah Gorman has some great online core strength workouts. Also barre classes.

PurpleBaskets · 21/01/2022 21:11

check yourself for Diastasis Recti (google how to check). If you have this, all the standard pelvic floor exercises on the world won’t improve things, you need specific DR exercises to build up your core (and avoid those that make it worse!). I would also go to GP. It’s not acceptable to have to put up with this, but post natal care is terrible for caring for women’s bodies in this country.

singlenamestar · 21/01/2022 21:12

What is the difference between an elvir and a pelvifit

Imabitbusyatthemoment · 21/01/2022 21:15

I also recommend Kegel8. Lots of reviews on their website sharing positive experiences.

musicalfrog · 21/01/2022 21:16

Your physio should have taught you how to isolate all the different muscles in your pelvic floor, including the sphincter in your urethra. Only then can you exercise them properly to strengthen them. If she didn't, I don't think she did her job properly. Did she know you were having problems with leaking?

Socialcarenope · 21/01/2022 21:21

Women's health physio. Best £500 I have ever, ever spent.

purpleme12 · 21/01/2022 21:22


Women's health physio. Best £500 I have ever, ever spent.

What did the £500 consist of? What happened?
RobotValkyrie · 21/01/2022 21:59

I found hypopressive exercises (Google it) worked best for me, both for my stomach muscles and pelvic floor.
Essentially (from what I remember!) you breath out and hold you breath, and the "vacuum" this generates in your chest/abdomen sucks all your organs back up where they ought to be. I think it passively trains all the surrounding muscles as you do so.

Socialcarenope · 21/01/2022 22:04


Initial consultation (£80) and 5 follow up sessions (£50 each) after DC1 and then 4 sessions after DC2 (£50 each).

Socialcarenope · 21/01/2022 22:05

So I'd suggest OP needs a different physio!

loloballlolo · 21/01/2022 22:08

watch out what exercises you do! someone else said plank upthread but I read it can weaken the pelvic floor as a lot of high impact exercises of certain kinds (including running etc). Until you have toned PF up / lost weight (for some people) etc some exercises shoudl be avoided as they can make it worse. Some HIIT makes mine worse.


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loloballlolo · 21/01/2022 22:08
purpleme12 · 21/01/2022 22:22

I have been referred to the physiotherapy department (NHS)
She told me how to do pelvic floor exercises (which was actually a totally different way to what the bladder community nurse had told me at my GP which is confusing)
And I've got a follow up appointment soon no idea what's going to happen at that cos I'm not sure it's made much difference.

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