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Pelvic floor strengthener device

31 replies

TableLampy · 14/01/2022 09:53

Does anyone have any recommendations for a device that really works? Tia

OP posts:
SallyWD · 14/01/2022 09:57

I use Kegal 8. I had a very weak pelvic floor and prolapses. It's the same/similar to the ones pelvic floor physios use.

FireworkParrot · 14/01/2022 10:31

Following with interest.

TableLampy · 14/01/2022 10:31

Thanks Sally. So you’d say it’s effective? My pelvic floor is feeling the weakest it’s ever been and my exercises don’t seem
To be helping unfortunately

OP posts:
SallyWD · 14/01/2022 10:32

Yes I believe it's made a big difference

Fauxpains · 14/01/2022 10:34

I had an elvie from John Lewis. With first pregnancy, the nhs physio recommended it; with the second, they said that they no longer recommended it.

I do 1:1 pilates, at enormous cost - it is hard going and quite dull, but it works.

Fauxpains · 14/01/2022 10:39

@SallyWD Would you mind explaining how it works? Does it contract the muscles for you?

MrsGhastlyCrumb · 14/01/2022 10:45

In with a vote for the Perifit. I had an elvie before, but the rubber casing degraded within about 18 months of light use and the charging unit broke very quickly and I had to be sent a replacement.

Perifit has better games and resources in the app, too, plus it shows you in real time whether you are doing the exercises properly. I've seen a huge improvement.

Curious about the Kegel 8, though!

Oh, and yoga and pilates definitely also help.

TableLampy · 14/01/2022 11:05

Thanks everyone, I’ll have a look at those options

OP posts:
stairway · 14/01/2022 11:11

For a cheaper option I would recommend kegal weights. I just use them when having a shower. I think my pelvic floor is reasonable now despite 4 kids and difficult births.

FireworkParrot · 14/01/2022 11:40

I did have an electric stimulator, similar to the Kegel 8 but a different model and really felt it helped but got worried about using it because it says not to if you've had an abnormal smear result in the past due to a potential link with cell growth. I haven't had an abnormal smear but it freaked me out a bit and I worried that zapping my fanjo may have other consequences (!) It did work though so I'd be really interested to see what other people use.

SallyWD · 14/01/2022 12:17

[quote Fauxpains]@SallyWD Would you mind explaining how it works? Does it contract the muscles for you?[/quote]
Yes, it's a small electronic device with a part you insert in to the vagina and it gives the muscles a workout. There were many different programmes - I haven't actually used it for years as my symptoms improved so much that I no longer felt the need. I was using the programme for prolapses but there were lots of programmes - general pelvic toning, one for bladder weakness I think. It really helped. All the muscles stronger and my prolapses were much better supported. Here's a link

Waynemanor · 14/01/2022 12:20

I would recommend looking into hypopressives exercises. I believe they are standard after birth in Belgium. But not so well known here

Waynemanor · 14/01/2022 12:20

The strengthen core and pull pelvic organs back in to place

DuneFan · 14/01/2022 12:32

Kegel 8, its brilliant and made a huge difference to me.

I also have an elvie but feel like that's for when you're a bit stronger. Kegel 8 would be my starting point.

Although as pp says, intensive and structured pilates is what will make the most difference long term . . .

DuneFan · 14/01/2022 12:33

Elvie gives you feedback on your kegels. Kegel 8 does them for you.

TableLampy · 14/01/2022 13:38


I did have an electric stimulator, similar to the Kegel 8 but a different model and really felt it helped but got worried about using it because it says not to if you've had an abnormal smear result in the past due to a potential link with cell growth. I haven't had an abnormal smear but it freaked me out a bit and I worried that zapping my fanjo may have other consequences (!) It did work though so I'd be really interested to see what other people use.

Oh, I have had an abnormal smear in the past so that’s a bit worrying
OP posts:
JonSnowedUnder · 14/01/2022 13:50

I've got the iTouch TensCare from Amazon. I had originally bought one a couple of years ago after my 3rd child and used it for about 2/3 months which I found made a notable difference. I stopped using it but have actually just gone back to it this week. IMO they are good but like anything you need to commit to using them fairly regularly to see a difference. I will say the improvement I saw after using it originally lasted for longer than I would have thought once I stopped.

Getoutofbed25 · 14/01/2022 14:00

The Kegel 8 is great, and with Hypopressive exercise I found a dramatic difference. Hypropressives were amazing and supportive and made me feel that I could be I control again.

I haven’t needed to use either for a few years but would use both if needed.

Getoutofbed25 · 14/01/2022 14:01

Just to say if you suspect any form of prolapse I wouldn’t use a weighted device as if can make your issues worse.

MissSmiley · 14/01/2022 14:06

Another vote for Kegel 8, used it after my twins after I lost a bit of wee while trampolining 😳 I had 4 kids under 5 at the time, it was easy and very effective, my husband said he could feel the difference, I also found the more orgasms you can have the better, so dedicated lots of spare time to my vibrator 🤣

ItsAllAboutTheLighting · 14/01/2022 14:16

I just bought a perifit, the reviews on Amazon are brilliant.

Comparatively, the Elvie reviews are very poor.

Chelsea26 · 14/01/2022 14:55

@MrsGhastlyCrumb May I ask how long and how often you used the Perifit to see an improvement? I have literally just got one.

MrsGhastlyCrumb · 14/01/2022 15:17

I've been using it really consistently for the last 2-3 weeks and am really starting to notice a marked difference. I really noticed last night that I felt I was starting to be able to activate a proper 'clench' again. Also have been doing C25K (with a pessary thing) and seem to keep drier than before.

Hoping to graduate to standing up soon, which they recommend for issues with impact leaking like running/trampolining etc. I really recommend poking around in the app. There's even a forum there.


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MrsGhastlyCrumb · 14/01/2022 15:22

PS my other top tip is to really keep an eye on the 'traffic light' indicator as it's really important to do it properly, even if it messes with your game scores! I'm very competitive but once I started being more disciplined about that I noticed things got better. Also, experiment with the calibration at the start. If it gets the 'wrong' strength reading at the start it does really affect how easy it is to play.

beautifullymad · 14/01/2022 15:23

Pelvitone. Mine was recommended and programmed by a nurse for the NHS. I had to buy the unit.

It's prevented me needing surgery. Worth every penny. I'm ten years on using the original unit.

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