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Active/outdoor toys for 5 year old?

12 replies

MotherWol · 14/01/2021 14:31

DD's birthday is in February, and every year I find myself scrabbling for gift ideas given that it's close to Christmas. We live in a small flat, so generally we've avoided large or outdoor toys as we don't really have space for them, and she's been at nursery/school up until this point so we've always been able to rely on them and places like soft play to fill that need.

Thanks to Covid we're spending more time at home, and we haven't been able to do things like swimming, soft play or many of the activities we normally do. Can anyone suggest some toys that might be good for encouraging a 5 year old to be a bit more active, but that don't need a lot of storage space? She has a bike already; I'm considering things like a wobble board, what else might be good for burning off energy at home?

OP posts:
peonyrose87 · 14/01/2021 14:41

Our almost 5 year old loves his scooter, a tennis set, and hula hoops!

AaronPurr · 14/01/2021 14:46

I was going to recommend a space hopper, but your post says to use indoors so maybe not the best suggestion. 🤣 Not a toy but a great way to burn off energy for indoor use is a Nintendo Wii. Lots of active games and enjoyable for both of you to do together.


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Piecarumba · 14/01/2021 14:48

Pop up goals and football are well used here. I also have some mini plastic cones my mum bought and we do obstacle races like slalom, hop from this cone to that one etc. Been an unexpected hit!

MotherWol · 14/01/2021 15:09

Sorry, should have been clearer - we don't have a garden as we live in a flat, so things like a slide or swing wouldn't work, but anything portable we could take to the park probably would. We try to go to the park and the woods often, and the beach (pre-Covid). So outdoor toys are good if they're things we could take with us!

OP posts:
DownWhichOfLate · 14/01/2021 15:12

Ah! How about a Fitbit type watch for children? You can get ones that count their steps. Then, if your daughter is competitive / likes numbers, you can try to beat the number of steps each day.

stressbucket1 · 14/01/2021 15:37

Stomp rockets are good to take to the park

Fivemoreminutes1 · 14/01/2021 15:54

Ankle skipper and skipping rope
Roller skates
Lawn darts

historygeek · 14/01/2021 16:08

Swing ball? We have one that all packs away into the base (a bit like a suitcase) that could be carried to wherever you are going.
We also got an inflatable volleyball set from Aldi.
I second the cones, they can be used as goal posts, bike tracks, obstacle course etc.
IKEA do a dartboard with Velcro darts DS loves too.

Hellandcoldwater · 14/01/2021 16:58

Definitely stomp rocket. My 4yo is obsessed. Pop up football goals?

Blueberryblueberry · 14/01/2021 17:06

Slightly random but can be used indoors in a smallish space - a ping pong trainer. Basically a ping pong ball on a bendy post thing (kind of like swing ball but for ping pong?!) Not surehow energetic it is but it's quite fun. Agree with a pp, fold up football goals are also good to take to the park? If you regularly go to the woods/have woods nearby or parks with trees you could try a slackline? (Basically like tightrope walking). I'd recommend one with a trainer line that goes above to help with balance.

Leeds2 · 14/01/2021 17:35

Hula hoop could be used indoors, and doesn't take up too much space.

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