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Where is your favourite sandy beach in Cornwall?

112 replies

Lardlizard · 26/06/2020 19:19


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Ploddingalong67 · 26/06/2020 22:14

Sennen cove is beautiful!

Miljea · 26/06/2020 22:30

Polly Joke. Or Porth Joke if you're not local 😂 To the west of West Pentire.

colouringindoors · 26/06/2020 22:43

❤ Sennen

Fishfingersandwichplease · 26/06/2020 22:43

Porthtowan all day long. Loved it ever since l was a child and still love it now.

MrsHoolie · 26/06/2020 23:54

Porthcurno is great. The sea is so clear.

Sennen also great but different.

Lardlizard · 27/06/2020 00:12

My kids love body boarding so I think they will love it, we’ve cancelled two abroad holidays so I don’t mind blowing the budget

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Iamamadeupname · 27/06/2020 00:23

Lusty Glazr

Iamamadeupname · 27/06/2020 00:23

Typo.. Lusty Glaze

wanderlove · 27/06/2020 08:29

We always go to St Ives for a holiday. There are 4 beaches in the town and it's lovely for a wander. Our favourite is Porthminster. It's shallow enough for kids and Porthmeor is good if you like waves and body boarding. I like that there are cafes on the beach and you can have a wander through the gorgeous town. Porthcurno is in my opinion the most beautiful beach in's is stunning...but I'd visit for a day from St Ives as there is not so much there and it isn't as safe a beach. You have to see it though!

LadyFlumpalot · 27/06/2020 14:34

Thanks @Lardlizard, it's impossible to take a bad photo down there!

Aspects have lots of beautiful self catering cottages around Cornwall. We have stayed at two in Cape Cornwall through them.

Foxyloxy1plus1 · 27/06/2020 14:36

My a ce is lovely, though small and a bit tricky to get to. There’s a craft centre at Mullion that has an amazing glass studio and other stuff.

GinWithASplashOfTonic · 27/06/2020 14:53

Praa Sands
Church cove
Kynance - thats where my grandparent's ashes are
Church & Dollar coves

listsandbudgets · 27/06/2020 15:35

We used to go to Polzeath. Not been for years but it was beautiful and good surfing too.

But if I told you my favourite now, I'd have to kill you to stop you going Grin

Miljea · 27/06/2020 21:53

The trouble with Porthcurno beach, the bit close to The Minack, is that the beach is very steep. You're out of your depth in 2 metres!

user69 · 27/06/2020 21:58

holywell bay

Grandmi · 27/06/2020 22:01

Porthcurno...beautiful and the Minac theatre is just above cut into the cliffs ..beautiful.

Grandmi · 27/06/2020 22:05

Carbis bay . Huge sandy beach and you can walk to St ives...I have fond childhood memories staying at The Carbis Bay hotel every summmer .

Graymare · 27/06/2020 22:06

Sennen Cove
Crackington Haven
Widemouth Bay

Bluewavescrashing · 27/06/2020 22:12

Sennen Cove

MrsFriskers · 27/06/2020 22:28

Agree with Miljea about Porthcurno. It can be rough and tumble swimming. Shredded my admittedly cheap wetsuit :). I liked St. Ives a lot; something for everyone, although parking is a nightmare. And Bude area is great.

RachelRosie · 27/06/2020 22:38

Pendower if your around St Austell/Truro way.

Bit tricky to find, but beautiful and quiet. We don't live in Cornwall now, but when we are there we try and make a trip down to Pendower and have breakfast on the beach.

Poldhu near Mullion if you are south Cornwall. Bit smaller but parking is super easy and the cafe does the most amazing hot chocolates!!

Gwithian sand dunes are beaches are also very nice, used to get woken up 6am every morning in the summer when I was a kid to walk the dogs across them whilst it was cool enough! I complained at the time but would love this now!

Fifthtimelucky · 27/06/2020 23:40

Agree with lots of these, and will add Sandymouth, which is on the north coast, a little further north than Bude.

Bearlyclearly · 28/06/2020 00:57

Sennen and Poldhu are my favourite beaches, both of them are a bit off the beaten track and that’s why I like them.


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ChloeCrocodile · 28/06/2020 01:13

Sennen for a day at the beach swimming in the sea and building sandcastles. Facilities are decent if you’ve got small children. I learned to surf there (well, I tried to). And although the tides can be risky, as long as you follow the lifeguard instructions it is fine. One year we stayed in a cottage halfway up the hill and the view on a stormy day was the absolute best. Busy as hell during summer tho.

Lamorna is beautiful and quieter, but I don’t think there’s lifeguards there. There’s a row of cottages on the beach and the one we stayed in was perfect for a family. We hired kayaks and had an amazing time. I seem to remember some decent rock pools just around the corner too.

GETTINGLIKEMYMOTHER · 28/06/2020 06:06

Summerleaze in Bude is great for families with kids, and the huge sea pool is brilliant for a really good swim if you prefer calm water and would rather jump in than wade.

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