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Where is your favourite sandy beach in Cornwall?

112 replies

Lardlizard · 26/06/2020 19:19


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TheHuntingOfTheSarky · 26/06/2020 20:29

Mawgan Porthole

Happydaysforever123 · 26/06/2020 20:29

Gwenver for body boarding, Porchcurno for swimming.

TheHuntingOfTheSarky · 26/06/2020 20:30

Or even Mawgan Porth

Duchessofealing · 26/06/2020 20:31

Both the Carbis Bay Hotel and the Harbour Hotel are nice - the Harbour has part closed off for weddings that you do notice (you aren’t allowed down to the beach through the grounds for example, and I got asked to wait at the bottom of the stairs with a tearful and tired toddler so the bride could descend in her own time) they also have specific times that children can use the indoor pool as it’s part of a spa, whereas carbis bay hotel is very family friendly - both have good spas and bars. If you don’t want a pool and have children over 8 the Boskerris Hotel in carbis bay is lovely. Definitely go for dinner at porthmeor beach cafe - really relaxed but some of the nicest food I’ve ever had.

bulbwarmer · 26/06/2020 20:36

Pedn Vounder

Equimum · 26/06/2020 20:37

There are several beautiful cove beaches in the Lizard Penninsula. Kynance is amazing, but small and busy. Church Cove is nice and usually quieter. I also love Kennack Sands which has the most amazing rock pools as well as sand.

Lardlizard · 26/06/2020 20:44

Great photo lady, looks like a professional shot !

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Nomorewineever · 26/06/2020 20:47

Lusty Glaze.

SummerSazz · 26/06/2020 20:49

Sennen Cove

Where is your favourite sandy beach in Cornwall?
SummerSazz · 26/06/2020 20:50

Gwynver. Bit of a trek down but means it's quieter!

Where is your favourite sandy beach in Cornwall?
Thingybobbyboo · 26/06/2020 20:50

I know Cornwall well. If you want to explore St Ives beaches I think you would have the best experience staying right in town for a night or two. There are loads of restaurants, bars and shops and it nice for an evening stroll as well as for hanging out in the day. In St Ives Porthmeor is the surfy beach, Porthgwidden small and cosy tucked in by the ‘island’, Porthminster lovely and calm... very family friendly. Porth means ‘beach’ in Cornish. Harbour Beach is lovely for an explore when tide is out, walking round the boats. They are all in town easy walking distance from each other.

Carbis Bay is one stop up on the train or a nice longer walk Along the coast path. It has a big hotel right on the beach. Food and drink expensive! Perfect for SUP or kayaking.

Next up the coast is Porth Kidney, massive expanse of sand with no facilities. Best way to access it if you have a car is to park in Lelant village and take the path down through the golf course. Best one for getting away from people or for a long beach walk. Never crowded.

Porthcurno is beautiful and lovely for a beach day trip, go EARLY on a sunny summer day to get parking. Actually it would be rammed on a sunny summer day, I’d avoid unless you have the luxury of a sunny day out of season. Also careful swimming there, someone died there yesterday. Well... be careful swimming anywhere! Look for lifeguard covered beaches if going in the water is your thing, cover is patchy so far this year.

I could go on for hours we have many beaches! Different nice things about them all, But some issues too. Some have facilities and easy parking, some get super busy, some you have to walk a bit to get to. Depends what is important, if you want to people watch, swim, park easily, Do water sports, get away from everyone... whatever. You make your choice depending on what experience you want.

Lardlizard · 26/06/2020 20:51

Duchess that boskervis would be right up our street but it’s over age 10 😨

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DisgraceToTheYChromosome · 26/06/2020 20:55

Watergate or Whitesands.

CurlyhairedAssassin · 26/06/2020 21:00

These are all great suggestions. I like Porthluney Cove too.

Tiggles · 26/06/2020 21:01

Boiler beach and treganhawke. Steep cliffs to get there but worth the effort.
Otherwise crackington haven.

tobee · 26/06/2020 21:05

Ah! I wish I was in Cornwall right now!

Aren't the tides at Sennen a bit tricky? Love it there though. And the tiny coves on the Lizard ♥️

Duchessofealing · 26/06/2020 21:06

Sorry! I’m sure it used to be over 8 :-( The carbis bay hotel also own the gurnard inn just up the road - I haven’t stayed but the food is good (and you can use the pool, parking for the beach etc at the carbis bay hotel)

TheFormerPorpentinaScamander · 26/06/2020 21:06

Trevone gets the vote in my house.

Villanemme · 26/06/2020 21:07

Luckily mine hasn't been said and my lips are sealed!🤣

Ragtime69 · 26/06/2020 21:10

carbis bay and all in st ives

RosieBdy · 26/06/2020 21:11

Ah, Gwynver. Many happy days there when we were younger and lived nearish. That was the beach that my cousins, brother and I would beg to go to!

Kez200 · 26/06/2020 21:53


Ah! I wish I was in Cornwall right now!

Aren't the tides at Sennen a bit tricky? Love it there though. And the tiny coves on the Lizard ♥️

No you don't. Its chucking it with rain!
onlyherefortheguineapigs · 26/06/2020 21:55

Some of mine include:

  • Lantic Bay (Mevagissey area)

-Porthpean (kind of central, st austell-y area)
-Polkerris (ditto. pretty little cove)

  • Bedruthan Steps (North-ish- steep descent down to beach but it is beautiful. many rock pools. very strong currents so bathing not recommended)

-Porthcothan Bay (North-ish. tide and rock pools like BS but very accessible if you go by road and lovely little shop that sells hot pasties, ices, postcards etc. brilliant surf waves and bathing)
-Booby's Bay (North-ish. brilliant surf waves, though beware rip tides)
  • Constantine Bay (famous for surf waves and bathing)

-Mother Iveys' Bay if you want a little cove with a big and nice camp/caravan site nearby.

-The Strangles (North- near Bude. steep ascent down cliffs but very lovely. great surf and bathing)
-Crackington (North- near Bude)
-Widemouth Bay (North- near Bude)

  • Hayle Bay (West near St Ives)

-Porthmeor (St Ives- sea more wavy and surfy than other st ives beaches. near Tate Gallery)
-Carbis Bay (St Ives- beautiful beach with nearby railway to st ives and st erth (takes 3 mins to get there by rail, very lovely scenery and woods. Sadly the Cottage Hotel above the bay shut down a year or so ago but there is a big posh expensive one right by beach- way beyond my budget but back in 2017 Poldark was being filmed and Aidan Turner stayed there!)

-Portheras (West. Ascent to beach steep walk down cliffs but worth it))
-Kynance Cove (West- another one with steep ascent but beautiful)
-Veor Cove/ Porthcurno (West, near MInack Theatre. WARNING: if you go to Veor you will likely see people wearing no clothes!)

Zennor area (West) has some lovely litle coves, and cliffs above with tin mine ruins and lots of lovely gorse and heather.

Lamorna Cove (West, Newlyn area)

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megletthesecond · 26/06/2020 21:56

Perranporth. Big and near the town. Kennack Sands is cool because we saw basking sharks.

Kynance and Porthcurno are gorgeous but get too crowded for my liking.

FizzFan · 26/06/2020 21:57

Sennen Cove

Harlyn Bay

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