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Where is your favourite sandy beach in Cornwall?

112 replies

Lardlizard · 26/06/2020 19:19


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Blueuggboots · 26/06/2020 19:20

Just outside St Ives. There's a massive beach.
Trebarwith Strand is great too.

Lardlizard · 26/06/2020 19:23

Blue which beach is that ?

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Lardlizard · 26/06/2020 19:23

The one outside st ives

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Ontopofthesunset · 26/06/2020 19:26

Well, if I tell you, you might go.

Quornflakegirl · 26/06/2020 19:27

Porthmeor Beach is in St Ives.

We love the bays around Padstow. Treyarnon, Trevone, Porthcothan and Constantine.
Holywell Bay is lovely too.

Nogoodatnames · 26/06/2020 19:27

I've not been to many but loved trebarwith strand. Not the easiest to access though.

Lardlizard · 26/06/2020 19:27

porthcurno beach Looks the most stunning in the photos I’ve googled

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Dawninglory · 26/06/2020 19:30

Maenporth nr Falmouth.

Lardlizard · 26/06/2020 19:30

Kynance Cove Looks amazing too

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Lardlizard · 26/06/2020 19:31

We don’t have any mobility issues

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Rhubardandcustard · 26/06/2020 19:31

Watergate Bay or Constantine beach

PintOfGin · 26/06/2020 19:34

Trebarwith strand near tintagel is my ideal beach. Cliff walks, lovely pub overlooking the sea, cute little trinket/wetsuit/ice cream shops, rockpools, calm waters and a huge sandy beach. If your going though make sure you check the tide times, as if you go when the tide is in there is no beach as it comes right up to the car park.

Donut93 · 26/06/2020 19:36

Porthcurno is my fav! Always go there when I have beach days (10 min drive from me!)

Lardlizard · 26/06/2020 19:37

On further inspection Kynance Cove looks tiny

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lorn195 · 26/06/2020 19:37

@dawningglory I agree!

Lardlizard · 26/06/2020 19:37

Donut is there somewhere there where you can get an ice cream and drink ?

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Donut93 · 26/06/2020 19:39

Yes! There's a pub and a cafe next to the car park but the walk down to the beach takes 5 mins or so. There's normally a man that walks around the beach selling ice creams too Smile

HopefulFor2020 · 26/06/2020 19:39

Trevone 😍

Floods123 · 26/06/2020 19:42

Privileged to live in the South West. Beaches at Rock are favourite in Cornwall. Miles to walk and can take dog even if visitors from outside the area (Grockles) moan about dogs. Love it.

mimbleandlittlemy · 26/06/2020 19:46

Porthcurno or Kynance. You are so tide dependent at Kynance though - and it’s a slog back up if laden down with beach stuff.

Flamingolingo · 26/06/2020 19:46

I think @Blueuggboots means Carbis Bay, which is the beach of my childhood. That’s one of my favourites, followed by ‘meor over the other end of St Ives (but the large sand is not as nice). I also like the Bluff end of Hayle. Porthcurno might be more beautiful but is not as good a swimming beach

Quirrelsotherface · 26/06/2020 19:49

We go to a lovely one, not too many people, little cafe. Great, chilled vibe. I'm not telling anyone where it is though.

Blueuggboots · 26/06/2020 19:50



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Poetryinaction · 26/06/2020 19:51

Yes, Porthcurno is the best. Local.

HelloDoris · 26/06/2020 19:52

I adore Chapel Porth, but it is tiny and very dependant on the tide.. Missing the sea so much.

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