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Breville thread- lockdown edition

30 replies

thenewaveragebear1983 · 02/04/2020 08:25

Cleaned out the kitchen cupboards this week, along with probably 75% of the population, and found the Breville (or the 'sandwich toaster' if you're not a Brummie like me Smile )
Nb. Other brands are available.

Mine is actually shaped like a cow, with removable plates and it was the first thing I bought when I got my first flat with my dd, way back in April 2004. Hope it still works!

So obviously we need a Breville thread right?

Savoury? Sweet?

Plus also, I have seen a recipe somewhere for waffles cooked in it, can anyone share a good recipe?

OP posts:
pinkfluffybunny · 02/04/2020 09:41

Our breville is a recent purchase. We love love love it. Grin. We did think it would be a fad, but it was half price, so gave it a go. It's used several times a week.

My favourite filling is tuna and onion mayo with sweet chilli sauce. My husbands favourite is ham and cheese with slices of red onion. He has sweet chilli sauce on his plate to dip in, but I put my sweet chilli sauce in my sandwich whilst toasting.

I'm going to have one for lunch today.

We haven't tried other things like waffles or omelette yet, but probably will do.

Thighmageddon · 02/04/2020 09:48

We've got one and ours has the fancy not only removable BUT alternative plates too Grin

Now I really fancy a cheese and ham with chilli chutney toastie but I have no bread.

thenewaveragebear1983 · 02/04/2020 09:54

Oh my. Sweet chilli sauce? I'm in

I am a traditionalist really. I do like a mature cheddar and bbq sauce. But after reading this, I wonder if maybe blue cheese and chutney?

We have bread, but no chutney or blue cheese. Just greasy old Red Leicester.

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thenewaveragebear1983 · 02/04/2020 09:55

Also @Thighmageddon - what are your plate options?

OP posts:
inwood · 02/04/2020 09:58

I had that exact one when I went to uni! Cheese and jam was a favourite, as was cheese and marmite, tuna mayo and cheese, basically anything and cheese!

Always always burnt the roof of my mouth on the fillings.

MaMisled · 02/04/2020 10:03

Just seen an idea for Brevilles. Caramelise red onion in balsamic vinegar and add mushrooms. Wilt spinach in it and top a cheese sandwich before "Brevilling". Trying it for lunch. Excited!

MyMessyHouse · 02/04/2020 10:16

We've been using ours all week since finding it in the back of the cupboard.
My favourite is tuna with cheese and red onion, husbands is banana and nutella.
Awkward to clean though (I dont have removable plates though, jealous!)

AlexaCrowe · 02/04/2020 10:20

I love brevilles! When I was little my mum used to say ‘who wants a breville’ so I grew up not really knowing/noticing that the brand was breville and thinking that’s what the actual sandwich was. Then I grew up and moved hundreds of miles away and one day said to my boyfriend ‘I really fancy a breville’ he was like ‘a breville what?’ I said ‘oh I don’t mind really maybe cheese and beans but I don’t know if they still do the thing to make them’ he was very confused...

Anyway my favourites;

Cheese and beans
Cheese and onion
Cheese and caramelised onions
Chocolate spread and marshmallow fluff
Chocolate spread, caramel spread and peanut butter
Mozzarella, tomato and pesto

Dreamersandwishers · 02/04/2020 10:22

Left over chilli con carne , maybe with cheese.

Or if you are in Scotland, left over stories 😋

Dreamersandwishers · 02/04/2020 10:22

Ooh or banana & peanut butter...

BearSoFair · 02/04/2020 11:22

Oh I should never have opened this thread, now I really want a toastie and I know for a fact we threw our old Breville out a couple of years ago! Cheese and beans was always my favourite.

TheStarryNight · 02/04/2020 11:25

Xmas mincemeat, with or without grated apple.

thenewaveragebear1983 · 02/04/2020 11:27

@TheStarryNight mincemeat!! Oh my, I actually have half a jar and was contemplating a steamed pudding. Mincemeat toastie, oh if only we had some custard!

OP posts:
wowfudge · 02/04/2020 11:33

Has anyone tried it with tortillas to make quesadillas or Staffordshire or Derbyshire oatcakes? I'm feeling inspired, not that I've got any tortillas or oatcakes.

MaMisled · 02/04/2020 11:39

When I was 12, much older sister suggested i do my cheese sarnie in her toasted sandwich maker. Didn't have a conventional toaster at my Mums, so assumed she meant the thing they toasted bread in. I rammed that sandwich in and made such a burning mess!!! 40 years later she still reminds me!

iklboo · 02/04/2020 11:40

Pastrami, cheese, gherkins, mayo, French's yellow mustard. Mmmm.

Tuna melt

@wowfudge - yep. We've done quesadillas in the toastie machine. They turn out pretty well.

doradoo · 02/04/2020 11:45

There's a thread in classics about the joys of what you can make in a sandwich pancakes in the sandwich toaster.

I've died and gone to heaven.


JellyfishandShells · 02/04/2020 11:50

Mine is a cheap Sainsbury’s version and have dug it out of the back of a cupboard recently. I can’t eat dairy ( nasty eczema and hives reaction ) and find most of the cheese substitutes unpleasant - but there are some that work ok in a cheese and ham toastie, especially with some chutney. I like to do it in those Warbuton Thins - fits on the plates nicely and just the right size. Some small consolation for my cheese deprivation !

BessMarvin · 02/04/2020 12:14

I remember reading the previous thread but it looks like the op's messages have been removed which makes for tricky reading now.

Likethebattle · 02/04/2020 12:23

I’m digging mine out next week for lunches.

Quinto5 · 02/04/2020 12:35

Corned beef with onion with a side dip of sweet chilli sauce.
Cheese, ham and pineapple with a side dip of sweet chilli sauce.
The sweet chilli sauce is taking a beating at the moment.
Comfort food at its finest, easy, quick and cheap.

JorahsMistress · 02/04/2020 13:20

I adore my breville, couldn't live without it, ive used it for a few diff combos but my faves are -

Triangle cheese (laughing cow usually) with chopped up tinned hotdogs (must be cut circular)

Jalapeño primula with chopped up red onion

Grated mozzarella with chopped up red onion & hoisin sauce

KnobJockey · 02/04/2020 13:23

I love that you also call it a breville, my friend takes the piss out of me something chronic.


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JorahsMistress · 02/04/2020 13:26

@knobjocky im not even northern, im born and bred in kent but have always called it a breville as my mum did, but shes from london lol

AlexaCrowe · 02/04/2020 13:28

I’m from London and call it a breville. I still do now even though my boyfriend has since informed me (while being very confused) the brand of machine is a breville, the product isn’t 😂

I always say I’m going to hoover as well though and I don’t have a hoover, I have a Gtech.

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