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Good garden toys?

21 replies

Octoblock · 16/03/2020 22:17

Looking for inspiration for outdoor play in the ensuing period of isolation! Any good garden toys to recommend? Thanks in advance!

This thread is quite old now so some of the suggestions may be out of date, but if you’ve landed here looking for garden toy recommendations, we’ve recently updated our best outdoor toys page with lots of great options, as tried and tested by Mumsnet users and their kids. We hope you find it useful.

OP posts:
sittingonacornflake · 16/03/2020 22:39

Water tables!!!! And get some good waterproof dungarees / jackets or all in ones. My toddler is out every single day with his water table and buckets of water and watering cans tea pots etc. Washing down all the other totally over looked garden toys

Also when it's warmer: paddling pool

Octoblock · 16/03/2020 22:43

I've never even heard of water tables! Thank you!

OP posts:
sittingonacornflake · 16/03/2020 23:29

You're welcome. Honestly they are a god send. Just any big tubs really. Water transfixes my toddler.

Kpo58 · 16/03/2020 23:29

Assuming that you are looking for a toddler, anything by Little Tykes tends to be good. I have a rocking horse and a small climbing frame with slide for mine.

Kpo58 · 16/03/2020 23:30

The climbing frame can be expensive new, so it's worth looking on eBay for them.

ParkheadParadise · 16/03/2020 23:32

Another vote for a water table. Dd loves to play with it.

Swing, Playhouse,Slide.

SadSongsAndWaltzes · 16/03/2020 23:34

We got this for our 7 and 4 year olds for Christmas:
The 7 yo loves it but its a bit too big for the 4 yo, so we've hung a rope swing from the centre - hours of fun!

Pantsomime · 16/03/2020 23:34

Stomp rockets if you have a bit of space

Humina · 16/03/2020 23:35

My Neighbour has a UFO swing by JumpKing and it's brilliant. All the kids love it, right up to the teens. I'm going to shamelessly copy her and buy one shortly.

Stompythedinosaur · 16/03/2020 23:50

Sand pit and water table are good.

We got a fair bit of use out of a handmade water wall (a peg board with a load of cut up bottles, funnels and bits of hosepipe attached to move the water in different ways).

Small tent popular too, and logs for balancing on.

Trampoline is the most used thing, though.

MrsCollinssettled · 16/03/2020 23:54

For children (and adults) who can count Molke is good fun.

Octoblock · 17/03/2020 07:20

So far have sand and water table, play house, ride on car and wheelbarrow. Desperate for a swing but looks too complicated to anchor. Any other ideas gratefully received!

OP posts:
Nannyloubie · 17/03/2020 08:37

Mud kitchen

Alakazam8 · 17/03/2020 09:11

Sorry to jump on thread but rather than post another one, any good outdoor toys for older children at all? (7-10 years)

Equimum · 17/03/2020 09:49

Not sure how old you little ones is, but the Little Tykes cosy coupe has been very popular here (7 year old still tries to squeeze in!).

Sand pit.

We never had a proper water table, but have always kept an under bed storage box aside for the purpose. I spent out on mini. Watering cans, boats etc. It worked just as wel.

APurpleSquirrel · 17/03/2020 09:59

Water/Sand table; Wendy house; slide.
We've just bought a Plum Climbing Dome discounted in Aldi for DS birthday (he'll be 2 in June) as he love climbing ANYTHING atm.

MrsCollinssettled · 17/03/2020 12:29

*Alakazam" Molke would be ideal and available from Amazon.

EscapeTheCastle · 17/03/2020 13:35

Yes to the water table, add foam water canons cheap from tesco. At least two of those ready for battles in the summer. Nerf do water pistols.

Swing Ball set , they do a smaller version.

Pop up tents got a lot of use. We started with a set for kids that included a tunnel (tunnel was huge hit) and then later noticed that a real pop up tent probably designed for festivals were a good cheap option for slightly older kids.

Aroundtheworldin80moves · 17/03/2020 14:15

Mine always filled their water table with mud... The muck pups!

Mine are 7&8, we are adding a netball goal and cricket set this summer, maybe swingball. They have a trampoline, gardening stuff, roller skates, scooters (normal and Y scooters) and bikes. Den making stuff also popular.

ILikTheBred · 17/03/2020 14:31

For older kids get a trampoline. Gets daily use here.

DinosApple · 17/03/2020 14:31

Bouncy horses for toddlers - kind of like space hoppers for big kids only the legs mean they can balance.

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