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Newquay or Looe holiday

26 replies

motherofgod2 · 29/10/2019 13:48

We (me, DH and two DC) are considering Cornwall for a holiday the first week of July next year.

DH wants to go to Newquay whereas I am thinking Looe. Has anyone been to Newquay recently ? Is it still full of drunken 16 year olds after their GCSES ? Just looking for advice before we book.

OP posts:
MulticolourMophead · 29/10/2019 13:53

I don't have much recent experience of Newquay, but Looe is lovely.

On the downside, it can get very busy, there's very little parking, so accommdation that has some gets snapped up quickly, you need to drive a distance to get anywhere else.

But it has a lovely little sandy beach, and I've always loved sitting on the Banjo pier. Most parts are within walking distance.

Kez200 · 29/10/2019 14:41

They are very different.

Id pick Looe personally but where you intend to actually stay makes quite a difference too. As others mention parking in Looe is difficult. Will your accommodation come with it? And, if so, is it possible to walk into town from there.

Looe has a small sandy beach and beach and water activities to rent. But, if your children want surfing and nightlife - Newquay trumps Looe for that.

StopMakingATitOfUrselfNPissOff · 29/10/2019 14:47

How old are your DC? I loved Looe but the high harbour wall would give me nightmares with mine at the moment (toddler age!).
Newquay was nice during the day when we went, it's got a great nightlife (which is what we went for!) but I think it's pretty family friendly during the day


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Bentley111 · 29/10/2019 16:04

How old are your DC? And what will you be looking to do whilst down here?

Newquay is a little "grotty" but loads to do - especially if your DC are old enough to want to surf/go to arcades etc.

Looe is great, lots of lovely beaches but you do need a car.

motherofgod2 · 29/10/2019 16:26

They'll be 8 and 5. We're thinking of just driving around going to different places every day, Eden Project is a definite and beaches too. The zoo at Newquay looks good. They like parks and outdoors

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Amummyatlast · 29/10/2019 18:21

We’ve just got back from a holiday in Newquay with DD (6) and loved it. It was much less grotty than I remembered it being and had a fair amount of middle class shops / posh surfer dude types. Loads to do in Newquay itself and not far from things such as the Eden Project.

motherofgod2 · 29/10/2019 19:10

That's good to hear. We'll have the car but it's nice to have things handy. And we'd be back to the cottage by 9 at the latest

OP posts:
MWestie · 29/10/2019 19:27

Looe and local area is great for those ages. Crabbing in the Millpool is good fun and there are usually small inflatable amusements nearby in the holidays. Little penny arcades in town and some holiday gift shops which my DC used to like pottering around. The beach and banjo pier can get v busy but you can easily walk along coast path to escape crowds or take boat trips out from town. Think a climbing wall has opened in an old factory somewhere. Nearby beaches are beautiful...Talland Bay is great, lovely and sheltered with a little cafe and you can hire kayaks etc. The sea tends to be calmer than the north coast which is better for surfing etc. If I was heading north coast then I'd go to Trevone, the beach is great for families with a tidal paddling pool, nice cafe/shop and fantastic rock pools.

TheoneandObi · 29/10/2019 19:35

South coast every time! Lantic Bay is near Looe, and although a hike is one of the most wonderful beaches.
Newquay is horrid, as is Portreath and some
Of those other mid cornwall, north coast places. Then in contrast there’s posh Polzeath and Rock which I’m sure are lovely of you have a gorgeous hideaway of your own.
But yeah - south coast!
I’m a south coast Cornish maid by the way!

TheoneandObi · 29/10/2019 19:36

I also think fir your age kids the south coast beaches are better and safer. Newquay and Perranporth often scare me and I’m confident in the water.

MWestie · 29/10/2019 19:40

Yes Lantic Bay is stunning, if you're up for the scramble down and then back up again! I wouldn't swim there with my DC as it's not lifeguarded but it's still fantastic for all other beach activities!

MrsJBaptiste · 29/10/2019 19:40

Defnintely Looe, we're hoping to have a week there next summer if we can 🤞

Interesting that you say about teenagers going to Newquay as I know of a few different sets of 16 year olds that went there after their GSCEs this year...

Looe is lovely but it is a pain to have to lug all your beach stuff from the main car park through the town down to the beach 😥

WingingWonder · 29/10/2019 19:43

How about further south- Carbis bay is fab for treat age and not as manic as st ives, has the beach right there, great national trust places near by with mazes etc and also got Penzance st Michaels Mount Mount etc not far away?

Shoeshow · 29/10/2019 19:43

We went Newquay end of August this year - our children are 5 and 7. We all had a great time, no drunken 16 year olds in sight!

Avit41 · 29/10/2019 21:31

Looe every time. Newquay is loud and brash with little atmosphere, Looe is everything you could wish for and yes you can park close to the sea front. Quaint shops and alleyways, paintapot, penny arcades (a couple anyway, and not intrusive) the quayside watching the boats come in, crabbing...ive taken young children AND teenagers and theyve had a great time!

Careylisa · 29/10/2019 21:41

If you really want to visit Newquay, I’d only go for the day and stay in Looe.
It’s been a bit of a stag/hen haunt for a fair few years now, we visited for the day whilst we were staying in padstow last year. It was full of hungover teenagers hanging around the town and rubbish on the streets and tat in the shops. A far cry from what it was 10-15 years ago, quite sad really.

Gertie75 · 29/10/2019 21:50

Newquay without a doubt, we go every year but stay a few miles down the road in Perranporth, dd's are 4 & 6 and love the beaches, you get decent waves to play in plus vast beaches and huge rock pools to explore.
There are plenty of beautiful big beaches nearby such as Crantock, Hollywell Bay, Mawgan Porth, most of them have shallow water running across the beach into the sea so the kids can play safely nearby if they don't fancy the sea.

We've never experienced antisocial behaviour in Newquay although in the evenings we don't go to the town we either go to the disco on site (Perran Sands) or go and watch the sunset on the beach.

Cornishmendoitdrekkly · 29/10/2019 22:05

I live about 20 minutes from Looe and 40 minutes from Newquay. I like them both but for safe beaches for younger children I would choose Looe and the surrounding areas. Millendreath, Seaton, Downderry are all local to me and won't be too busy early in July.
My older children love going to Newquay and Perranporth as they both surf but the tide goes a long way out and it is harder to keep an eye on them. One word of warning about Crantock which is a beautiful beach just round from Newquay, it has a very strong rip and even strong competent swimmers have been caught out this summer.

ExcitedForFuture · 29/10/2019 22:59

I've taken my DCs to Newquay many times. They love it there. So many places nearby you can go to. Newquay Zoo, Dairyland Farmworld, Lappa Valley Railway, St Eval Karting, beaches etc etc.

With children that age you won't be in Newquay centre in the evenings so drunken louts wouldn't bother you. I recommend Hendra Holiday Park. It's lovely there. Really clean, tidy and family orientated.

OoohRhubarbLetsGo · 29/10/2019 23:48

When ours were that age we stayed at Bosinver and travelled around to different beaches/ activities. Bosinver was excellent, with plenty to do onsite ( pool, play areas, farm, horse riding, bushcraft etc) . St Austell area is pretty central for most of Cornwall, whereas Looe could leave you with more day to day travelling. Eden project very close, we often did the free conversion to annual tickets and went back to Eden Project a couple of times (eg a day trip on the Saturday when everyone is trying to get out ! )

Lots of great beaches around Newquay- Watergate Bay is lovely and has very vigilant lifeguards! Crantock can be a bit tricky with currents. Zoo pretty small, it’s in a reciprocal arrangement with other zoos so you may get in free if you have a membership elsewhere. There’s a good leisure pool.

If you’re willing to drive , you could do day trips to Sennen, Porthcurno (lovely beach and the Telegraph museum is fab) or St Ives ( train from Lelant Saltings is easiest). Carbis Bay is a lovely sheltered beach , Porthmeor gets better waves.

Hidden Valley is a good day out, works well as an activity when you are travelling into Cornwall but too earl6 to ch3ck in.

RoseMartha · 30/10/2019 00:03

Newquay is a better base for days out than Looe.

Looe and surrounding area is very pretty with walks etc but a bit more out the way from tourist attractions.

When you stay in Looe you have a considerable journey to get on the main road down to Eden project etc, whereas Newquay or just outside Newquay is more mid way .

Much more choice of bigger sandy beaches Newquay way.

Personally although not a big fan of Newquay town centre. I would choose to stay just outside Newquay for points listed above.

If you want lots of beaches St Merryn is a good base or St Ives also has good choice.

Road from St Ives to Penzance very congested in August however.


MulticolourMophead · 30/10/2019 15:31

OP said early July, so should be much less busy.

Fookadook · 30/10/2019 17:31

Looe is lovely, very pretty. Is there a reason you picked those two places? You could go further down to Fowey or Mevagissey. Don’t forget to go crabbing!


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motherofgod2 · 30/10/2019 18:31

We're going to book a Parkdean caravan and like those two sites best. Newquay is swinging it just now. The DC love seaside towns.we took them to Blackpool last year for a weekend and they haven't stopped talking about it since

OP posts:
MissBridgetJones · 30/10/2019 18:33

Check out Sands Hotel & Spa x
I like Newquay is still the place for school leavers, Sands is between Porth beach (lovely) and Watergate Bay (also lovely) x

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