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What paddling pool do to have ?

18 replies

UTalkinToMe · 25/07/2019 06:10

I'm trying to decide what paddling pool I should get for my dc. It would need to be big enough for 3 children and not too much effort to set up/ put away.

Can anyone recommend me one based on their own experience?


This thread is a little old now so some of the suggestions may be out of date, but if you’ve landed here looking for a paddling pool for your garden, we’ve recently updated our best paddling pools page with lots of great options, as tried and tested by Mumsnet users and their kids. We hope you find it useful. Flowers

OP posts:
UTalkinToMe · 25/07/2019 06:11

Title meant to say what paddling pool do you have?

OP posts:
CacenCrunch · 25/07/2019 11:57

We have a bestway one where you just pump up the top ring, then the rest stands up as the water goes in. I think they have a similar one in Aldi at the moment. Very easy to use, it's our second summer with it this year

Knickersononeshead · 25/07/2019 11:58

This one from argos. £19. No pumping up so no risk of it busting. Easy to empty and put away

What paddling pool do to have ?

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CacenCrunch · 25/07/2019 11:59

These, they come in different sizes so get the biggest you can afford

What paddling pool do to have ?
Widowodiw · 25/07/2019 11:59

My Bestway one doesn’t just pop up as getting filled it’s a right old pain!

CacenCrunch · 25/07/2019 12:03

Really? What happens to it? Is it on flat ground? and you need to push the wrinkles out of the floor part

Widowodiw · 25/07/2019 12:05

Wrinkles are out as best I can and I’ve propped the sides up today to see if that works better.

Knickersononeshead · 25/07/2019 12:07

Our bestway one never popped either, it just sagged

ohtheholidays · 25/07/2019 12:56

We've just bought our second bestway one,the first one we'd had for a good few years and was 8ft we've just bought the 10ft one.

It didn't take that long to set up but the filling up does take quite a while but it comes with a fitted pump and a cover and we have all of the cleaning stuff so once it's up it stays up and filled for quite a while.

We picked ours up yesterday from Argos for £60.

gigglingHyena · 25/07/2019 14:13

We have a fairly standard inflatable. With an electric pump it's pretty quick to get it blown up. I like the more solid sides of an inflatable. Mine tend to hold onto the side get it. My mums had one of the flexible ones posted above, and while it is super easy to set up, at some point my kids always seem to push the sides in, letting the water out.

I also like that we don't have to have loads of water in the hold the sides up.

Downside is punctures, however we've been lucky so far. I think I did have to raise one with the kit that came with it, but we've had the pool years now.

DeltaAlphaDelta · 25/07/2019 14:19

Another vote for the bestway one. Get the one with the pump and filter, and get some chlorine and dip strips. I test it once a week and just top up chlorine as needed. Very low maintenance.

ElspethFlashman · 25/07/2019 14:19

We have the 6ft Chad Valley one from Argos. Really pleased with it, it's a great size and super sturdy.

There are two seperate parts to the walls that you can blow up seperately. So for older kids you blow up both, but for tots we only blow up the lower one so they can step in and out.

We bought a hand pump as we wanted to be able to pump it up away from a power point if on holiday etc. We got that in Argos too, it had great reviews and was super cheap. Takes about a minute to pump and isn't that hard.

AdalindMeisner · 25/07/2019 19:30

Last year we had an intex frozen pool (inflatable) which was quite large I think 260 x 150 or thereabouts. Lots of fun, lots of room (both me, DH and dd2 were in it at one point!). Was about £40 and then bought a cover and chlorine pod/floater to keep it clean). For some reason by the end of the summer though the top part had deflated.

Today I have just bought an intex easy set 8 ft pool (unfortunately where I am we seem to have had the best of the weather and it is going to rain tomorrow Sad).

UTalkinToMe · 26/07/2019 06:40

Thanks everyone. The bestway ones with the ring look good but I think would be too deep for my dc.

@Knickersononeshead if you don't mind me asking how does that pool drain the water?

OP posts:
maggienolia · 26/07/2019 07:58

Second Bestway, easy to inflate.
Our filter pump never seemed powerful enough though and DH got a fit of the vapours if it sat on his lawn for more than 30 seconds.
Our cat used to reach over the sides to get a drink. She would invariably soak herself in the process.

Knickersononeshead · 26/07/2019 08:30

You just push the side in. Literally took my 10 year old 10mins to do

GETTINGLIKEMYMOTHER · 26/07/2019 09:35

Always found that the rigid sided ones sagged unless you filled them at least half full.
Gdcs (3 and 4) have an oblong inflatable from Asda - with a pump. Best idea though, courtesy of SiL, was to put the end of their plastic slide in one end, so they slide down and splosh.. Great success with all visiting little friends, too.

BenWillbondsPants · 26/07/2019 09:38

We've had bloody loads over the years - the best one we ever had was a £4 one from Asda. Looked a bit rubbish and but was brilliant.

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