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Best slide/outdoor toy for two year old

9 replies

username4858 · 23/03/2019 11:01

Thought this would be the best place for toy recommendations. Would like to get some outdoor toys in particular a slide for DD. Have been trying to find a slide which at the top has hide sides if that makes sense. Budget up to around £150. TIA

OP posts:
Pascha · 23/03/2019 13:40

Little Tikes or Smoby do the best indestructible, safe outdoor toys for toddlers. They are expensive but virtually unbreakable. Have a look locally for second hand ones as they last forever.

gerbo · 23/03/2019 17:49

We had a little tikes 'cube' which was great, tough and sturdy and very well used. We also had the larger version with a small slide which our two loved. We joined them together to make a big climbing frame area which worked.

Both were acquired on eBay - well worth a look as when you've outgrown them people tend to give away or sell!

Other outdoor favourites for us- little tikes red and yellow car (big hit), outdoor chalks on the floor, buckets of water and big fat paintbrushes for them to 'paint' the walls or windows, Wendy house/tents/sheets and pegs for dens, and we had a small tray (NCT sale- lots of bargains) for water play. Bubbles also a big hit! (You can make your own mixture using an online recipe- use glycerin and it works). Oh and hula hoops! And beanbags.....

thenewaveragebear1983 · 23/03/2019 19:00

Our best used outdoor toy is a water and sand tray table, one with removable trays so you can drain the water out and clean it is best. My boys spent literally hours of their lives pouring water from one side to the other. They are now 3 and 6 and still play with it.

We've had various little tykes outdoor things over the years and they are all uniformly good quality, solid, retain their resale value and can be kept really clean with a pressure wash in the spring. Excellent products.


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PurpleCrazyHorse · 23/03/2019 20:09

I agree with the big plastic Little Tikes climbing frames or slides. They last for ages but your DC will outgrow the climbing things fairly quickly. We maybe had ours in use from ages 2-4, then it was too small. But I would suggest buying secondhand, then resell on (or save for future DC). Save your £150 for a couple of years time and get a climbing frame, swing or swing/slide combo for slightly older children. You'll get much more use out of it for your money as it will last for a bigger age range.

We've also got a raised Little Tikes sand pit with water table and that gets lots of use with all ages. Definitely worth looking at. Little Tikes cars are also good and again we've had lots of play out them with slightly older children too.

DownWentTheFlag · 23/03/2019 20:12

The Little Tikes jumbo slide gets lots of play from our 2yo and 6yo. It’s very sturdy.

JoinTheDots · 23/03/2019 20:15

Our slide has been very popular, but the sand pit has been been used even more. Ever more popular in the summer when combined with the paddling pool. Second little tykes and getting things second hand

gigglingHyena · 23/03/2019 23:03

Another vote for little tykes, we had one with a tunnel underneath and a slide, we used to put a sheet over to make a den. It was outgrown by 5 or 5 but fitted well in our small garden. When we moved we replaced it with a tp frame, which again had a tent and slide. If you have space you can set it up at a low height till they grow then add on the extra legs.

Other hits have been a pop up tent and tunnel, lots of different balls and bean bags and a bubble machine.

babysharkah · 23/03/2019 23:29

Little tykes cube or if you have a path in the garden a cosy coupe

username4858 · 24/03/2019 09:48

Thanks everyone seen a sand and water table on offer at mothercare so will order that. Then going to look on EBay/ Gumtree etc to find the slides you all suggested thanks Smile

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