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Does anyone remember the Breville thread?

2 replies

BigFatBloomers · 27/01/2019 14:57

We all learnt about the amazing things you could make in a sandwich toaster other than sandwiches and people we’re going off and making amazing things.
Someone’s kids made a whole banquet of things.

I went and bought the same Breville on the back of that thread but I only ever make cheese toasties.

I’d love to find the thread again but I haven’t managed to track it down.

OP posts:
Paddingtonthebear · 27/01/2019 14:58
BigFatBloomers · 27/01/2019 15:26

Oh yes it is! Thanks so much Paddington

Shame that quite a few of the posts have gone but still a great place to start from. Waffles, eggs, Victoria sponge mentioned so far ...

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