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How do you clean your washing machine?

74 replies

IAmGrootGrootGroot · 13/11/2018 17:41

I usually run the auto clean setting or occasionally use the dettol washing machine cleaner.

Neither of these seem to be doing the trick. My clothes don't seem to be fresh... so please, give me your pearls of wisdom!

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dementedpixie · 13/11/2018 20:28

What type of machine is it? Mine has a 90 degree option on the cotton cycle. It also has a drum cleaning cycle which is 70 degrees I think

Thirtyrock39 · 13/11/2018 20:34

How can you not clean your washing machine? Does it not leak? Are you only ever doing boil washes ? Mine is hideous after a couple of months and needs regular draining, filter cleaning of hair bobbles and coins, powder tray cleaning of gunk, hot wash etc would be visibly grim to not clean it (and it's actually one of those slightly gross jobs that are bizarrely satisfying to do)

SciFiScream · 13/11/2018 20:37

I don't clean my current machine (a Bosch) but my old one needed service washes regularly.

I make my own laundry powder (which includes soda crystals)

I remove the draw after every wash to dry and leave the door open after a quick check of the seal for gunk

Towel and bedding are done on 60° washes so that's the "service wash"

That's it.

Not using liquid is the best thing I think, plus lovely soft Scottish water!

VitreousHumour · 13/11/2018 21:07

Oh man I've always suspected there must be a filter. But where IS it?!

WhoTookTheCookie · 13/11/2018 21:16

@dementedpixie it's an LG, not entirely sure of the model number.
I'll have a fiddle with the buttons at some point but looking at it, it definitely only shows the 2 cycles.

It beeps at me all the fucking time too (so needy)

I miss my old washing machine Sad

calpop · 13/11/2018 21:18

I chuck bleach in and run at 90o. Then I chuck white vinegar in the drawers and do it again.

dementedpixie · 13/11/2018 21:18

My filter is behind a little square panel on the front. You had to remove the bottom front panel on my old machine to get to its filter. Check the manual to see where yours is

VitreousHumour · 13/11/2018 21:20

Thank you Pixie!

deste · 13/11/2018 21:38

I just can’t for the life of me get the drawer out. I try every so often but just can’t get it out.

dementedpixie · 13/11/2018 21:45

Mine has a wee clip you push down but in my last one you just had to use brute force

sittingonacornflake · 13/11/2018 21:49

They have filters? Who knew!

redsummershoes · 13/11/2018 22:07

on mine you need to press down on the lid of the softener compartment to get the drawer out.
previous mashine had a little lever thingy under the drawer.
if you can look up the manual online.

hmmwhatatodo · 13/11/2018 22:07

Whenever I use a washing machine cleaner it never makes my machine smell how I hope it will. Always seems to leave a not very nice smell behind. I’ve tried dettol and Sainsbury’s and something else I can’t remember. Regularly take the drawer out and let it dry, always leave door open and often wipe rim.

Furrycushion · 13/11/2018 22:12

Where is the filter? Mine is a Miele & every so often it tells you to do a service wash with laundry powder but I use white vinegar. It is 75 degrees, I don't think the newer machine do 90 degrees. The drawer & surrounding bit is still black & mouldy though :(

redsummershoes · 13/11/2018 22:14

filter is usually bottom front of the mashine. if you have kickboards you might need to take it away to get at it,

ursuslemonade · 13/11/2018 22:29

Calpop I've been told that bleach is not good for the rubber seal.
I put on a 90 degree empty wash with soda crystals in the drum.

PickAChew · 13/11/2018 22:32

I use only powder in mine for 90% of washes and get no slime and might do an empty 90C wash every few months.

PickAChew · 13/11/2018 22:40

My Siemens is less than a year old and has a 90C option.

Annoyingly, it lacks a 50C option, which is great for a bit of added oomph on greasy kids' clothes.

niknac1 · 13/11/2018 22:41

I’ve used Oust washing machine cleaner sachets, you get 2 in a box and it’s really good. I also dry the glass and door seal with a microfibre cloth to get rid of the water to stop mould. I then leave the door open to dry the inside to help keep it fresh as well as the 90degree wash every so often.

calpop · 13/11/2018 22:44

I always use bleach. Its never affected the runner seal. Both machines Siemens. First one lasted 14y. Second is 3y old no problems with either. The rubber seal is quite hard and tough though, ive noticed at holiday places it is floppier on cheaper machines, maybe they are the ones that get affected by bleach?

FedUpWithBriiiiiick · 13/11/2018 22:53

I throw a slosh of Zoflora in the detergent drawer and run hottest wash cycle.

Paradise Peach FTW

fuckitbuckit · 13/11/2018 23:01

Take the draw out and soak in Milton, then scrub all the gunky manky shit off and rinse out all the little nooks and crannies. Then chuck a couple of Milton in the drum and run a quick wash. Once a month does mine alright and my washing machine is on pretty much all day from 8-8 washing anything from shit filled baby grows to period stained bedsheets to dog beds and muddy blankets. Never gone smelly or stopped washing clothes properly.

I don't think it's how you wash the machine but more how often.

EradicatetheDoubt · 13/11/2018 23:03

Soda Crystals & a quick 95 degree wash.


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DaysOfCurlySpencer · 13/11/2018 23:48

Remove the drawer and give it a good scrub, and clean the hole it lives in with white vinegar.

Dump most of a bottle of vinegar in the sections of the drawer and run it on the hottest cycle, wipe out the door seal and round the door.

I also alternate between powder and liquid which stops either building up. I do not use fabric conditioner because of the crap that is in it, and because it also causes gunk in the drawer and probably in the pipes too.

BackforGood · 14/11/2018 00:02

I've never cleaned a washing machine in my life. I've owned washing machines for well over 20 years and obviously my Mum had them before that. Never heard of washing a washing machine outside of MN.
Never heard of an 'auto clean setting' don't think I've ever had one of those on a washing machine either.
Never had an issue with clothes not being clean, or fresh.

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