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How do you clean your washing machine?

74 replies

IAmGrootGrootGroot · 13/11/2018 17:41

I usually run the auto clean setting or occasionally use the dettol washing machine cleaner.

Neither of these seem to be doing the trick. My clothes don't seem to be fresh... so please, give me your pearls of wisdom!

OP posts:
dementedpixie · 13/11/2018 17:44

Clean out the filter and the dispenser drawer and the bit it fits into

GruffaloStick · 13/11/2018 17:46

I clean mine every 6/8 weeks.

I pull out and clean the drawer and clean around the lip inside. Then I stick a third of a bag of soda crystals in the drum and a third of a bottle of white vinegar in the drawer and run a 90 degree wash, when finished leave the door open for a few hours to air.

BabloHoney · 13/11/2018 17:46

Chuck a dishwasher tablet in and do a tub clean cycle! Works a treat

ileclerc · 13/11/2018 18:17

White vinegar and a lemon cut in half on a hot wash. Clean funk out of seals.

ileclerc · 13/11/2018 18:18


BelladonnaKebab · 13/11/2018 18:19

Baby sterilising tablets! I put 2 in the drum and 2 in the drawer. Put it on a hot wash and tadaaa!

Aridane · 13/11/2018 18:28

I don’t

Aridane · 13/11/2018 18:29

(never knew you were supposed to clean a washing machine!)

mollycoddle77 · 13/11/2018 18:33

Clean the filters?

Redbrook · 13/11/2018 19:00

I put soda crystals in mine and then run it on a 90 wash. I’ve also recently stopped using washing liquid and gone back to powder - that’s definitely stopped the gunk build up in the drawer so I presume it’s improved it’s innards as well.

GruffaloStick · 13/11/2018 19:02

Aridane They get gunked up and leave a residue in pipes especially if you use gel or capsules. The bit under the drawer can be particularly grim.

Laska3Meryl · 13/11/2018 19:09

HG Service Engineer for washing machines and dishwashers is the absolute DB stuff , you'll find it on Amazon and other places

TheClitterati · 13/11/2018 19:37

I use soda crystals in every wash and method concentrate which involves 5 tiny pumps so no gunk.

Every now and then I do a hot wash with soda crystals and vinegar.

I don't have a "clean cycle" Shock

DisgraceToTheYChromosome · 13/11/2018 19:40

White vinegar and salt, 90° wash. Before that, I drain it from the filter and make sure the pump rotor is free. Then I drain it again, in case of Big Gunk.

newcupcake · 13/11/2018 19:40

I've owned my washing machine for almost 12 years and never cleaned it 🤷🏼‍♀️

Aridane · 13/11/2018 19:44

newcup - I raise you to 20 years. Washing machine only replaced when getting new kitchen and getting a built in one

Butternutsqoosh · 13/11/2018 19:45

Ooh dear! I clean mine by putting clothes in it and washing them Confused

mineofuselessinformation · 13/11/2018 19:47

Just running the hot wash on its own (empty) will be a revelation as to the gunk lurking!

PearlandRubies194 · 13/11/2018 19:48

I take the dispenser drawer out and give it a good clean with an old toothbrush, then clean inside where the drawer goes. Replace and pour some bleak in then put a wash on for 90 degrees. I have to do this every couple of months because I wash the pets’ blankets and toys often.

redsummershoes · 13/11/2018 19:48

I clean the filter every couple of months.
other than that - nothing
the occassional hot wash, powder directly into drum

PearlandRubies194 · 13/11/2018 19:49


DeerHearts · 13/11/2018 19:51

I never knew cleaning your washing machine was a thing! It's amazing what you learn on mumsnet

Sitranced · 13/11/2018 19:51

Scrub out the drawer, pull out the filter and run a hot wash. Only once or twice a year.


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Maryann1975 · 13/11/2018 19:55

I very occasionally run it on a boil wash with some white vinegar in the drawer. (By occasionally I mean I haven’t done this in 2018). I don’t take any of it apart as knowing my luck it wouldn’t go back together again. I sometimes wonder if it’s the gunk holding a lot of my kitchen appliances together tbh.

WhoTookTheCookie · 13/11/2018 20:17

My washing machine doesn't have a 90 degree cycle.
It's relatively new (roughly 2 years) but on the LCD panel it just has 40 and 60 degree washes.

Am I missing something?

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