Third trimester of pregnancy

It's the third trimester – and the final countdown! You're now heading towards the finish line and will doubtless be thinking about all things labour and birth as well as life after pregnancy. Are you prepared for parenthood?

By Mumsnet HQ | Last updated Apr 17, 2024

When does the third trimester start?

The last trimester takes you from week 28 all the way to the end of pregnancy – however, we can't guarantee this will be bang on week 40. Babies have a way of keeping you on your toes (even before they're born) and rarely stick to their estimated due date.

Your questions about the third trimester and labour

Things to do in the third trimester

What Mumsnetters say about the third trimester…

"I'm having weird rollercoaster emotions – like how I really want to finish work and have this baby, then next minute never wanting him to come out!"

"I'm feeling the weight of the baby more and it's uncomfortable at times when I'm walking – it feels like a heavy bowling ball pressing on my bladder and dragging my tummy down. I end up waddling when I walk."

"I'm 35 weeks and feeling gigantic! Huffing and puffing everywhere. I've decided to start taking things really easy, walking really slowly, offloading as much as possible housework-wise onto DH, and ordering all my food online."

"All in all, I feel a bit 'been there, done that, time to move on' with the pregnancy bit and am impatient to get on with the baby bit – even though I really feel like I don't know what I'm doing…"

"I'm 31 weeks and I'm doing OK but I hate nighttime as I don't sleep well. My back, legs and hips hurt and I find it hard to relax, plus I have bad indigestion which feels worse at night. I love feeling the baby move around so much though."