A shamed teacher who had sex with two teenage boys, and had a baby with one of them, has been sent behind bars for six-and-a-half years for her sex crimes today.

Rebecca Joynes was found guilty of six counts of sexual activity with child, two while in a position of trust, after a trial at Manchester Crown Court in May. The court previously heard how the 30-year-old admitted she had broken safeguarding rules as a teacher by being in contact with the boys on Snapchat and then having them back at her apartment in Salford Quays.

The day before Joynes was arrested she had planned a "date night" with one of her victims involving an Ann Summers scratchcard of sexual activities, rose petals and hidden notes around her flat. The teacher also discovered she was pregnant and had turned up at a social gathering the boy attended. Boy B, who cannot be named for legal reasons, told the court: "She was crying her eyes out and she said, 'If I lose this baby, it's your fault'.

Today Judge Kate Cornell told the disgraced teacher: "You were the adult, the one in control and should have known better. You were trusted by the school, the boys and the parents, for caring and protecting their sons. You abused that trust and exploited that role for your sexual gratification."

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'Stigma, fear and shame'

Reading aloud his victim impact statement, Boy B highlighted how abuse towards boys is still often regarded differently to abuse against girls. He told the court: "I held many things back, I thought better off dealing with things alone. The gender inequality I have faced is concerning and because of my gender it has been considered less. Despite the difference in gender, the mental impact has been the same.

"It has had a tremendous impact on me. I have been told time after time that now I am 18 I have to wait for support. The grooming started at 15, and I have been struggling to find services to support people of my age. There is a lot for young female children. There has been a lot of stigma, fear and shame. I struggled with it due to how it was perceived by others."

'This does you no favours'

Today, judge Kate Cornell told Joynes, who wept as her sentence was handed down, that she'd used 'flirtatious body language' with Boy A which was 'a clear Indication of grooming behaviour'. She added that, following her arrest, Joynes had 'shown an unwilling inability to face up to wrongdoing', telling her: "This does you no favours Ms Joynes."

Judge Cornell continued: "You were the adult, the one in control and should have known better. You were trusted by the school, the boys and the parents, for caring and protecting their sons. You abused that trust and exploited that role for your sexual gratification."

The game was up

The game was finally up for Joynes when, in October 2021, Childline received a report that she'd had sex with a 15-year-old boy, Boy A, treating him to a £345 Gucci belt before bringing him back to her apartment. While on suspension from her 'dream job' and on bail, Joynes then took the virginity of a 16-year-old pupil, known as Boy B, becoming pregnant with his child.

After news of Joynes' suspension came to light, pupil behaviour reportedly deteriorated rapidly, with eight male students even creating an online group jokingly identifying themselves as the disgraced maths teacher's 'victims'. Other pupils are said to have shared videos via TikTok where they referred to Joynes a 'paedo' who 'likes kids'. During one incident, a toilet was graffitied with the words: 'Free Ms Joynes'.

Paedophile teacher with 'cool girl' persona given sexy nickname by pupils

While other members of staff enjoyed attending work events, Rebecca Joynes would always decline - preferring instead to socialise with the pupils she was entrusted to teach.

During her trial at Manchester Crown Court, jurors heard how Joynes, from Heswall on the Wirral, was 'over friendly' with pupils in her care, and abused her position as a 'nice' and 'fit' teacher. Apparently concerned with being a 'cool girl', Joynes was seen 'strutting' around the corridors of the Greater Manchester school, chatting with the children about topics such as fashion.

The paedo teacher even earned an inappropriate nickname among the kids - 'Bunda Becky' - a slang term which made reference to her bottom. At the time of Joynes' conviction in May, a school source told The Times that, although they'd never seen the sex offender acting inappropriately with the teenage boys in question, she had noticed her walking along the corridor as if it was 'a fashion walkway', with a cardigan slung around her shoulders. The insider said Joynes behaved 'as if she was one of the Year 11s'.

Joynes' 'Bunda Becky' persona was a far cry from the 'quiet' gymnastics champ those who knew her during her own teenage years remember. Speaking of Joynes' hidden dark side, a Heswall resident previously told the Liverpool Echo: "She struck me as someone who was very quiet and fairly shy. She kept herself to herself. I hadn't thought about her in years but when my friends and I saw her name in the news we were shocked to see it. What was said in court appeared to go against her shy nature from when she was younger."

Rebecca Joynes, 30, of Pensby Road, Wirral, Merseyside (
MEN Media)

Joynes 'more like a year 11' as paedo teacher 'never' joined colleagues

Rebecca Joynes behaved more like a year 11 than a teacher, her colleagues have said.

Teachers speaking about their former colleague said she acted more like a teenager, and that she rarely socialised with other staff. An ex-staff member said: “Rebecca never joined. Even the near-retiring teachers would have had a drink.”

Joynes was, instead, spotted chatting with email students during her break. She was also described as "strutting" down school corridors.

The heartbreaking six-word statement from boy who had baby with paedophile teacher

The teenager who had a child with Joynes issued a heartbreaking six-word statement to the court.

She had a baby with Boy B, 16, earlier this year, which was taken from her within 24 hours of her giving birth. The teen delivered a victim impact statement to Manchester Crown Court today in which he recounted how he came to terms with the abuse he experienced.

He summed up that journey in a six-word statement in which he accepted he would "forever" be her victim.

Boy who had baby with paedophile teacher issues heartbreaking six-word statement

Joynes' actions shocked acquaintances who knew paedo teacher as 'shy'

An acquaintance of Joyners' has told how the disgraced teacher's actions outlined in court went against their established impression of her.

Speaking to the Liverpool ECHO, one person - who asked not to be named - said they were aware of rumours she was banned from her school. Multiple people said they knew her as a "shy" person.

The acquaintence said: "I hadn't thought about her in years but when my friends and I saw her name in the news we were shocked to see it. What was said in court appeared to go against her shy nature from when she was younger."

Paedo teacher's victim sheds light on their 'innocent' baby's future

Joynes' victim, with whom she had a child earlier this year, has shed light on the future of their "innocent" child.

In a victim impact statement shared during sentencing, Boy B told how he has come to understand that he was a victim, after initially being swept up in the affair. And he added that his child would have to grow up without a mother, which was "not what I wanted when I picture having children".

The victim said: "They will not have their mum present, and this will leave them with questions. I have no doubt I will have to deal with the questions that come. This is not what I wanted when I picture having children with someone I loved, the way I have been brought up, sadly this is not the case."

Paedophile teacher's victim sheds light on their 'innocent' baby's future

How paedo teacher used her last scraps of freedom

Paedo teacher Rebecca Joynes used her last days of freedom to cuddle with her child and go on a shopping trip.

Joynes was released on bail by a judge following her grave convictions on May 17, granting her weeks of freedom before she was locked up. She was seen hours before today's sentencing utilising her last scraps of freedom.

The former teacher was seen spending time at a retail park in Chester, having donned a baseball cap, black coat, and leggings. She was seen piling belongings into a white car.

Paedo teachers like Rebecca Joynes 'motivated by loneliness and rejection' - expert

Speaking to the Daily Mirror, Bricklyn Priebe, from the University of the Sunshine Coast Australia Sexual Violence Research and Prevention Unit, said paedophile teachers are often motivated by "loneliness and rejection".

They said: "Often this type of abuse is not calculated, and consideration may not be given to the inherent risks involved. A long history of social and institutional minimisation of abuse involving female perpetrators may also contribute to a lack of recognition of the abuse and the harms it causes."

Joynes scandal triggered 'toxic' environment at school

The Joynes scandal has created a "toxic" environment in the school where the shamed teacher used to work.

Staff members have discussed how the mood has changed significantly since Joynes' actions came to light. One said "distraught" staff believe teachers are no longer trusted, saying: "They completely stopped trusting us."

While Joynes is believed to have fostered good relations with her colleagues, she reportedly never attended work events or interacted with them "on a personal level".

Paedo teacher was given 'racy' name by students

Joyner was given a "racy" name by her students, the trial heard.

The trial today heard that the shamed teacher, from Heswall on the Wirral, was "over friendly" with pupils, and preferred to socialise with the children she taught. She was also known as a "nice and "fit" teacher, and known as a a "cool girl".

She was also known as "Bunda Becky" among the children. The nickname was a slang term which made reference to her bottom.

Inside Rebecca Joynes life before she was exposed as sex pest

Insiders have discussed the life Rebecca Joynes led before she was exposed as a sex pest.

Colleagues of the shamed teacher have told how they "would never have thought" she could be responsible for the acts for which she was convicted today. They added that she also had respect from her students before it was discovered that she had embarked on an intimate relationship with a 15-year-old.

One insider told The Times: "I would never have thought it could have been someone like her. She was strict. Not over the top, she was just really in control of her class.

"I remember you could hear a pin drop. If I asked any of the students who their favourite maths teacher was, all the kids would've said, 'Ms Joynes. [She] is so funny, she's a really cool teacher and she gets us'."

Paedo teacher Rebecca Joynes showed shock with tell-tale sign during arrest

Joynes showed shock at her arrest with a telltale sign, a body language expert has said.

Speaking to The Mirror, Judi James said the paedo teacher was composed when she let police into her flat, but that she showed "disbelief" and a "suggestion of surprise" when she was arrested. Ms James said: "When told she’s under arrest she maintains eye contact but her mouth drops open in a suggestion of surprise.

"Otherwise her pose does not seem to change, so no real hint of high levels of displayed shock or distress at this point. With her mouth still part-open she then rotates her head to glance at the first police officer in a gesture that could suggest disbelief."

Shamed Joynes' Covid whine as she's jailed for child abuse

Paedophile teacher Rebecca Joynes whined in court that she struggled alone during the Covid lockdowns.

Her defence counsel made mitigation on her behalf before she was sentenced to six and a half years' imprisonment for sexual offences against two children, Boys A and B. In a bid to have her sentence reduced,Michael O’Brien said she suffers from anxiety and depression.

These issues, he said, were especially present during the Covid lockdowns. Mr O’Brien added that Joynes was also assessed as "emotionally fragile" by the probation service.

Victim led double life

Rebecca Joynes' victim, known only as Boy B, who fathered her child gave a heartbreaking impact statement at the sentencing hearing.

He spoke of the "dark times" he faced and the "mental impact" the abuse had on him.

He told Judge Kate Cornell he felt backed into a corner and was forced to live a double life for 18 months, adding that his trauma had a massive mental toll on his parents too.

He added: "One of the hardest things to deal with was not being able to be involved in the pregnancy. The thought of not being able to see my child is heartbreaking."

Paedo teacher Rebecca Joynes' victim on 'dark time' and 'mental impact' of abuse

Miserable Joynes locked up for the first time

CCTV footage from the moment paedophile teacher Rebecca Joynes was first locked up in a prison van has been released.

Sitting alone in the tiny cell in the back of a police van, Rebecca Joynes was about to face questioning over what took place with two boys, one of whom she became pregnant and had a baby by.

The then 28-year-old teacher had just been suspended from her job and was arrested at her flat by two police officers.

Paedophile teacher Rebecca Joynes seen looking miserable as she sits caged in police van

Joynes locked in a police van (
Greater Manchester Police)

Teacher smirks as she grooms schoolboy

Sickening footage of a paedophile teacher in action grooming a teenage boy has been released by police.

The CCTV shows Joynes in the shop with the youngster picking out the belt before placing it on the counter.

She stand with her arms crossed and brazenly leans on the counter before smiling at him and using her card to pay for the expensive designer belt.

Paedophile teacher Rebecca Joynes seen smirking as she buys teen victim £345 Gucci belt

Joynes buys boy designer belt (
Greater Manchester Police)

Moment Joynes' jaw drops as she's arrested

Rebecca Joynes' mouth drops open and she can be seen asking a police officer "are you serious?" in newly released footage showing the moment she was arrested for preying on schoolboys.

Rebecca Joynes appears calm as she welcomes two police officers into her flat, having already been suspended from her job at school.

The footage was captured on a female cop's bodycam and you can hear her speaking throughout the video.

Moment paedo teacher Rebecca Joynes' jaw drops as she's arrested over sex with boys

Joynes looks shocked (
Greater Manchester Police)

CPS says she exploited schoolboys in the worst way

Jane Wilson, Senior Crown Prosecutor for CPS North West, said: "Rebecca Joynes was in a position of trust as a high school teacher. She abused her position to groom and exploit two schoolboys in the worst way, with no thought for the lasting impact it would have on them.

"Every parent sends their children to school expecting them to be safeguarded and taken care of; Joynes’s actions have eroded that trust. I would like to thank the victims for supporting the prosecution. I hope they can start to move forward knowing Joynes has been held accountable for her actions.”

Paedo teacher Rebecca Joynes jailed

Rebecca Joynes has been sentenced to six and a half years in prison.

She was found guilty of six counts of sexual activity with a child after a trial. Two of the counts were while she was in a position of trust, as a teacher.

During sentencing Judge Kate Cornell told 30-year-old Joynes there was a "gross breach of trust" and a "significant degree of planning of grooming behaviour".

She said: "You were a teacher at a Greater Manchester School. You set Boy A a challenge to guess the last two digits of your phone - a ploy to provide him with your number. He guessed and you both exchanged messages a few days before switching to Snapchat. They were not overtly sexual, but clearly suggestive, it must have been absolutely clear to you that it was inappropriate.

"It must have been clear to him that you were interested in him. You arrange to meet him after school. You agreed he could stay the night afterwards. It’s obvious you planned for him to stay, you had discussed it with him and he packed a bag to stay.

"You picked him up and took him to the Trafford Centre, took him to the Gucci concession stand and bought him a belt for £345. There is compelling evidence of flirtatious body language. This is a clear indication of grooming behaviour - I cannot accept this was because you didn't know how to say no, of course you intended to buy for him.

"You have shown an unwilling inability to face up to wrongdoing - this does you no favours Ms Joynes."

She added: "You showed breathtaking gall in breaching the bail conditions in this way and you involved Boy B in this deceit. You took steps to conceal this offending, encouraging him to lie to his parents. It is astonishing arrogance that you were keeping the police waiting at your door as you were restoring your phone to factory settings."

Read the full story here - Paedo teacher jailed for six and a half years

Rebecca Joynes' mugshot

Joynes can be seen crying from the dock

Joynes is crying and wiping tears from her face during the sentencing remarks.

Judge addresses Joynes

Judge Kate Cornell said: "From the outside it might be easy to fall into misconception these two boys were not victims. It might be asked what 15 year-old wouldn't want to have sex with their teacher.

"'Surely they were up for it, there is no crime.'

"There is no doubt this is a crime. They were vulnerable to advances from older attractive women. 15yo boys are no less susceptible to advances than 15yo girls.

"They are just as impressionable," she said.

"They did not have self control or life experience to step back," she added.

The judge went on: "You were the adult, the one in control and should have known better. You were trusted by the school, the boys and the parents, for caring and protecting their sons. You abused that trust and exploited that role for your sexual gratification.

"It is inconceivable you did not realise that too. You deliberately transgressed them and encouraged boys to breach that too. You turned a blind eye.

"Children of 15 do not always know what is best and do not always do what is best. Adults in their lives in positions of trust are expected to enforce boundaries, sometimes for themselves, when they do not appreciate the consequences of their actions."

Judge retires to consider sentence

Judge Kate Cornell has said she will retire to consider her sentence.

Joynes will be remanded in custody until the judge passes sentence.

“Miss Joynes, you know what the outcome is going to be,” she told her.

The judge had already told Joynes' defence barrister that Joynes "doesn’t accept what she has done" and doesn’t "recognise the impact" of her offending.

'Shorter time in jail - best for baby'

In mitigation, Mr O’Brien said Joynes understands her own conduct has seen her miss out on the early years of her baby's life.

"The baby will miss out on very important contact with her mother. The defendant understands that's entirely of her making - and it’s not the baby’s fault,” he said. "The shorter the time, the better for the baby,” the barrister added.

He said the baby was taken from her when they were born and it was ‘harrowing’ for Joynes. She is allowed supervised contact with her child two to three times a week.

"The nature of her offending will place her as a vulnerable inmate, I ask the court to sentence as short as possible in keeping with Your Honour’s public duty,” he said.

Joynes 'emotionally fragile'

Defence counsel for Joynes, Michael O’Brien, tells the court that in her evidence Joynes said she suffers from anxiety and depression, especially during the covid lockdowns.

She has been assessed as ‘emotionally fragile’ by the probation service.

Maximum sentences

Prosecutor Joe Allman has told the court the sentencing guidelines in relation to the offences against Rebecca Joynes.

The maximum sentence for sexual activity with a child is 14 years in prison.

The maximum sentence for sexual activity with a child by a person in a position of trust is five years behind bars.

Victim says his child is the most innocent

"The term ‘victim’ has been used to describe myself and Boy A, but it's bigger than that. It reaches further than us. All our families have been profoundly impacted. They're support never waived; they have been incredibly respectful, including to Rebecca and her family.

"The most innocent victim is our child, and I’ve come to realise how important my role is in ensuring they are supported by love.

"I understand the difficulty and impact this will have on my child. They will not have their mum present, and this will leave them with questions. I have no doubt I will have to deal with the questions that come.

"This is not what I wanted when I picture having children with someone I loved, the way I have been brought up, sadly this is not the case."

Joynes victim: "Not being able to see my child is heartbreaking"

One of Joynes' victims, known to the court only as Boy B, went on to father a child with his abuser.

In a statement being read to the court at the sentencing hearing today, he says is heartbreaking not being involved in his child's life.

The statement, read to the judge by the prosecutor, goes on: "One of the hardest things to deal with was not being able to be involved in the pregnancy. The thought of not being able to see my child is heartbreaking.

"When she was released on bail in November, I really struggled and wondered how my abuser could be walking free. I had a panic attack seeing the news, I’d never had a panic attack before.

"I struggled to understand how she takes no responsibility.

"It has brought a lot of questions from other people as well, and I get a lot of attention being a young dad. I avoid or deflect questions, I’m not ready to be open and willing with people.

"I now also really struggle with the idea of going into another relationship, due to the negative experience I have gone through with Rebecca.

"Rebecca was my first sexual relationship, she took advantage of this. I will be forever linked to her."

Baby's father - statement read to court

A statement has been read to the court for Boy B, who fathered a baby with the teacher. Prosecutor, Joe Allman, read it to the judge ahead of Joynes being sentenced.

He said: "I want to make people aware of how the situation impacted my life. At the time of the previous statement I was still in love with her, and struggled to come to terms with the abuse, and was in denial.

"Rebecca was in my head that much, I would argue until I was blue in the face protecting her and would not hear a bad word about her. I felt betrayed by someone I loved and felt a large sense of guilt for a long time.

"I was worried about giving a statement about the woman carrying my child. I was coerced, controlled and sexually abused, it was very upsetting this happened to me and I had little to no support from organisations.

"For months after the abuse it was a very dark time. I felt backed into a corner, I had just lived a double life for 18 months, and it had a massive mental toll on me and my family.

"It tore my family apart, they struggled to come to terms with the fact they brought me to school which was supposed to be a safe environment. My parents broke down every day and night."

He added: "I held many things back, I thought better off dealing with things alone. The gender inequality I have faced is concerning and because of my gender it has been considered less. Despite the difference in gender, the mental impact has been the same. It has had a tremendous impact on me.

"I have been told time after time that now I am 18 I have to wait for support. The grooming started at 15, and I have been struggling to find services to support people of my age. There is a lot for young female children. There has been a lot of stigma, fear and shame. I struggled with it due to how it was perceived by others."