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Zakir Khan on Men, Masculinity & Manhood

Zakir Khan’s unabashed vulnerability has taken him all the way to the top of the game. Armed with wit and heart, he has inspired millions of men to embrace their vulnerability. For International Men’s Day, India’s most loved standup comedian Zakir Khan has a message for all the sakht laundas out there.

Story By: Gavin George
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Zakir Khan contains many talents within one buzzing human. Unassuming and gently disarming, he has a knack for saying things that are relatable but also potently poignant. The comedian wears his heart on his sleeves, and through his artistic expression encourages others to do so as well. Perhaps that explains how he’s endeared himself to millions of sakht laundas in our country. 

Like every other guy growing up in India, Zakir has also struggled with the pressures of being a modern day man. The only difference is, through his art, he found ways to liberate himself from many outdated notions of masculinity. Not only does he embrace vulnerability, but through his performances - poetry and comedy -  he encourages other men to reconnect with their inner selves as well. 

Blazer - @massimodutti, Shirt - @cord.in, Rings - @inoxjewelryin

In many ways Zakir’s humble approach to his craft - and life in general - has allowed him to express his individuality as a man without shame. And as one of India’s finest comedians, he’s inspiring scores of young men to be softer and kinder to themselves. Time and again he’s encouraged his fans to free themselves from shame. Instead, owning up to your whole self; warts and all.

For International Men’s Day, we caught up with Zakir Khan and asked him some questions on men, manhood & masculinity

1. From your Sakht Launda days to Tathastu. How would you describe your journey so far? Are there moments where you’ve to pinch yourself to believe all you’ve achieved?

ZK: I think to realize anything there needs to be a breaking point. Thanks to the one above and my parents’ prayers, that moment hasn’t come so far. I haven’t had the opportunity to pinch myself yet. I believe that success or failure, good or bad, you only understand once they’ve occured. You only realize your peak once you’re past it.

Blazer - @massimodutti, Shirt - @cord.in, Pants - @massimodutti, Sneakers- @off____white, Socks - @dynamocks, Rings - @inoxjewelryin

2. You've one of the most loyal fan bases in the country. What do you think is the reason they follow you so devotedly?

ZK: According to me this loyalty goes both ways. The intent with which I talk to them and the intent with which they consider me (contributes to this relationship). Whatever it is that I have to say, they listen to. And whatever I want to explain, they also want to understand. I understand their needs too. The thread that I’ve given them is that of vulnerability. Whatever is going on in everyone’s hearts, the things that they hide from others, those things I say out loud on their behalf. That’s where this relationship comes from, from our deeper insights. That’s why they love and respect me so much.   

3. Zakir seems to strike a chord with millions of young men growing up in the modern day world. In a way, you’re their inspiration and role model. Do you ever feel this pressure? Does it get to you?

ZK: Yes I do feel the pressure, but it doesn’t affect my lifestyle. My walid sahab (father) had shared a lesson with me. “Don’t pretend to be a good man.”, he said,  “You’re getting famous now and people are getting attached to you, be genuinely happy when you meet them. People will spot it if you’re faking it”. Practicing this over the years has made me a lot more comfortable (with the pressure). Even then, I don’t feel pressure that I can’t make mistakes. I own my mistakes. And every moment, every decision I’ve taken in my life. I’m proud of it because at that moment it was made according to my best understanding. Now if that goes wrong or right it doesn’t matter. If a person is never allowed to be wrong then how will he ever learn? And I am eager to learn, I’m extremely greedy about it.

Jacket and pants- @smokelabofficial, @smokewear.in @prxkhxr, Shoes - @hypefly.in, Socks - @dynamocks, Rings - @inoxjewelryin @amrapalijewels

4. Why do men find it difficult to say I love you to their family, friends and other loved ones? What can people do to change this norm?

ZK: A lot of it is genetic, and a lot has historical basis. Men had to fight a lot of wars, and do things which most smart people won’t do. Such things wouldn’t be possible if men’s sensitivity was fully developed. Moreover, I think many men suffer from what I call the Raja Beta syndrome: The same boys that were raised with a lot of love and affection when they were kids receive a tight kick on their behinds and are thrown out of the house at the age of 13. There’s a dichotomy at play here. After reaching a particular age suddenly they’ve been made to feel like strangers. I don’t think this guy will ever grow up to be an emotionally available person. It’ll take many years to just fix this lack of trust. When his world changes so drastically seemingly overnight, do you really think he’ll ever be able to open up to anybody? Obviously not every man is like this, but many are. I’ve seen these troubles in the circles around me, and the main cause is our inability to trust people. A person can only be vulnerable with someone they trust after all. Men have been taught to trust unknown men but they’re never taught to trust themselves,  nor are they taught to be comfortable with their weaknesses either. Then softer emotions like love begin to be treated like a weakness. Maybe that’s why men shy away from saying I love you. 

5. Would you call yourself a vulnerable person?

ZK: I’m a very vulnerable person. And I’m very proud of it. I’m not ashamed of it all. Just take a look at my work, I often discuss my problems there. And if I had never felt these emotions I would have never been able to talk about it. If I’m explaining an emotion during a set, then it means that I’ve gone through that in my personal life as well. A sakht launda isn’t someone who melts nowhere. Rather, a sakht launda is someone who melts at the right time. Every man is vulnerable, they just need someone to reach out.  Everyone is a vulnerable person, whether they know it or not.

Sweater- @countrymade_in, Bottoms - @massimodutti, Shoes - @crepdogcrew, Socks - @dynamocks, Rings - @inoxjewelryin

6. The trope of the solitary, lone wolf who can do everything himself has led men at large to become increasingly isolated & lonely. What’s your take on this?

ZK: Men usually are taught to think like pack leaders. You are your unit’s caretaker. You are responsible for its growth. Everybody is dependent on you; your kids, your parents' health, your partner’s life. Since you’re coping with atrocities and fighting battles with the outside world, you’d rather not get them home because you don’t want your family to know what’s happening on that front. A father is his household’s hero but he’s always losing outside. But heroes aren’t supposed to lose, right? But he’s still losing to the outside world everyday. He’s insulted and troubled daily. Even though we’re grown ups now and can see that there are some days that are bad, and some that are good, then why do you still think your father is superman? ‘Papa knows everything’, ‘Papa can do anything’. Since Papa is unable to tell anyone indoors, how will he confide in someone elsewhere? If this man won’t think of himself like the lone wolf, then who will?

7. Do you think there’s anything unique about male friendships? Can you share an anecdote of such a friendship that you’ll always cherish?

ZK: I think it’s a part of our genetic coding due to the atrocities and wars that we have usually seen across generations. Imagine there’s a lion stalking us from the back, and we’re all out hunting rabbits. If the guy behind us can’t spot the predator then I won’t be able to catch our prey. The male tendency to look after each other in crisis situations comes from there. Men see themselves as a part of a unity. They don’t see themselves as a whole being. Like one of the gears in a clockwork he will keep on ticking. He does his job dutifully.  We’ve told ourselves that this is our job and we’ll keep doing it. Whether it be as a father, a husband, or a brother. I think that also extends to male friendships as well. I think male friendships are really high quality friendships. I don’t think people have ever touched that topic properly, but I have a feeling that there’s nothing more magical than male friendships. There’s so much to lose, and there’s barely any benefit to it, but still the other guy is willing to take a risk. The world of male friendships runs on verbal promises.

When I left home my parents didn’t want me to. I went to Delhi, and from there to Jaipur for an internship.At some point I ran out of money, and it was my roommate Vishwas who helped me out then. But mera baap hai voh? (laughs)  ‘I’ve 1200 rupees. Will that be enough?’, I was like ‘Yeah…’, He’s sending me money when he doesn’t have money for himself. 

8. Do you have any regrets? Anything you wish you would have done differently in your career?

ZK: No. I don’t have any regrets. I made the best decisions possible based on my limited understanding (in the past). And even if it turns out to be the wrong move, I don’t mind. I want to own both the risks and rewards in my life. Whatever went wrong was mine, and whatever went right is also mine. 90 percent of the people who take risks are not even okay with it not turning in their favour. I’m okay with it in my life… I’m more than okay with it.

Managing Editor: Dattaraj Thaly
Director: Zain Anwar
DOP: Kunj Gutka
Photographer: Dhruv Kakoti
Stylist: Humaira Lakdawala
Hair and Makeup: Bhalchandra Pawar
Producer: Saumya Shresth
Visual Designer: Disha Bhatia
Cover Story: Gavin George
Line Producer: All Time Filmy
Artist’s PR Agency: DNH