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KL Rahul: Beyond The Boundary

In a country where cricket is treated as a religion and cricketers as demigods, one can only imagine the kind of an air that surrounds an Indian cricketer. However, all it took for KL Rahul to squash those beliefs in my head was his first ‘hello’. He was nothing like what I’d imagined him to be and I had never felt better about being wrong in my life.

Story By: Sadhika Sehgal
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Set on a shoot day is utter chaos. There is madness everywhere and as everyone is trying to find their calm in the middle of this storm, my sense of calm came from KL Rahul. Unexpected, but unforgettable.

In a few minutes I was going to be sitting across from a cricketer who had just been announced as the captain for the then upcoming ODI Series in South Africa. Naturally, I was tense. Not only was he right on time and following his schedule to the T, the fact that KL Rahul didn’t wait for us to come and greet him but he made his way to us, was the first sign of his humility. 

Knowing fully well that every person on that set knew who he was, he still introduced himself to us. Calm and generous in his demeanor, he spoke to us without the baggage or pride of being an Indian cricketer.

Would he take offense to a few questions I have in mind? Will he be in a rush to answer and leave? Would he even take this seriously? I thought to myself in the minutes leading up to the interview.

Are you nervous?’ KL Rahul asked, as though he genuinely wanted to know the answer. I said yes earnestly and was met with a warm smile. ‘Don’t be, it’s absolutely fine. Do what you need to do, I can see you’ve done this several times before.

Are you always this calm in your life?’I asked to which he nodded comfortably.

I have realized that in life, one must really not give a f*ck. It’s not worth it, it solves no purpose and it perpetuates unnecessary panic,’ said KL. As much as I understand his emotion, I point to my boss sitting in the distance and tell him how ‘not giving a f*ck’ is not an option for me.

He smiles, leans in closer and says ‘then in that case - only give as many f*cks as required. Not more, not less and you’ll be just fine.’ His advice, as basic as it was, was almost profound and hard-hitting in that moment.

What came through more than his words of wisdom, was his character. I believe that a person’s character doesn’t come through when he does what is expected of him - that is his duty, his discipline, his ethics. Character for me comes through when someone does what is not expected of him, when a person does what he didn’t have to do, with no ulterior motive than to simply do it because he can and wants to. 

And that is exactly what was reflected in our conversation. Who KL Rahul is as a leader in the Indian cricket team is exactly how he is in personal life. A man with a silent confidence, urge to help, to contribute and to break down matters in the simplest way possible to deal with them with as much patience as he does with panache.

An observation that you’ll see coming through in the following questions and answers.

How does it feel to be an Indian cricketer?

Each day is very different. It’s not like every day you’re really happy about it. We are who we are but we also understand that there are certain parts of ourselves that we can’t show very openly because they will also be judged. But off-the-field we are as simple as any of your friends that you’ve grown up with. 

We are all the same, we don’t carry the tag that ‘main Indian cricketer hun, I walk differently, I talk differently. We are very simple, very normal people. But on the field, we do realize that we have certain gifts that we are blessed with and we have the ability to make a lot of people happy (or sad..or angry), but that’s all that is.

What is peace for you?

For me, it is being comfortable in your skin. Being comfortable in the place you are in your life. In being who you are, what you are and how far you’ve come in life and having gratitude for whatever has happened in your life - the good or the bad.

Have you ever been in ‘the zone’?

The zone is different for different people. For me, the zone is when I am more focused on the job at hand and how I can win the game for my team. When you are in the zone, you only focus on the ball but also psychologically what you’re thinking and how you’re feeling within. For me when the focus shifts from ‘I’ to what the team needs to do - that for me is the best zone to be in.

Are you spiritual?

I come from a family that is very religious. My faith has always been very strong but like every other young person growing up, you have your moments when your belief is not very strong. I have been through that journey myself. In the last two years, my faith in god has been reinstated.

Advice to young men?

Be true to yourself, be true to what you’re doing. For me, it was being true to my game. Everyone is blessed with certain gifts and one must be happy with what they have been blessed with. Work hard, you can’t be at the same level as someone else but get there in your own style and in your own way with your hard work, don’t try to be like someone else.

A lot of people now only want success. They want to climb the mountain peak of success without actually having to go through the hard yards. You will have to go step by step and have a bit of calmness. Don't be in a hurry to get to the top because if you get to the top right away, you have missed so many learnings along the way which makes you a stronger person.

Head Of Editorial Content: Dattaraj Thaly
Story By: Sadhika Sehgal
Creative Director: Vishakha Kaushik
Photography: Rahul Jhangiani
DOP: Debashish Panigrahi
Styling: Rahul Vijay
Assistant Styling: Priyanka Saboo
Producer: Surajit Mondal
Make Up: Mansi Talwar
Hair: Istiyak Abbasi
Outfit: XYXX
Editor: Gurpreet Singh, Rahul Rawat
Graphics: Aarvi
Artist Publicity: Parul Parmar, Harsh Desai
Artist Management: Rahul Sawhney, Nidhi Shah