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Jan 09, 2024
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Iraqi Hizbullah Brigades Spokesman Jaafar Al-Husseini: We Have Attacked US Bases In Iraq And Syria, As Well As Vital Targets In Israel; Next Stage Could Include The Gulf Countries; The Resistance Axis Will Spread To East Asia And The Caucasus In The Next Decade

#10795 | 04:50
Source: Mayadeen TV (Lebanon)

Iraqi Hizbullah Brigades spokesman Jaafar Al-Husseini detailed in a January 9, 2024 interview with Mayadeen TV (Lebanon) the scale of operations of the “Iraqi resistance” against Israeli and American targets. He said that their operations escalated during the period following the October 7 attack and that the next stage might include the Gulf countries. Al-Husseini said that they have attacked American bases in Iraq and Syria, as well as “vital targets” in Israel, using UAVs, short-and long-range ballistic missiles, and cruise missiles. He said that the retaliation for an American attack against the Houthis in Yemen would cause them “nightmares that will haunt them forever.”

Jaafar Al-Husseini: "After the [Al-Aqsa] Flood, the Iraqi resistance started carrying out operations, which were confined to the American bases in Iraq, and some in Syria. In these operations, UAVs or short-range missiles were used. I am talking about the use of improved precision-guided short-range missiles. In later stages, the resistance moved further forward, and incorporated aircraft with longer ranges, which reached all the way to the occupied lands, and crushed vital targets within the [Israeli] entity.

"We are talking about Eilat, about targets in the Dead Sea, and even in the Mediterranean Sea, where the resistance crushed vital targets by means of these aircraft, or by other appropriate weapons that this is not the place to talk about. This is not the right place to unveil these weapons or these tactics. In any case, the long arm of the resistance has reached there.

"At that stage, the Iraqi resistance used for the first time, short-range ballistic missiles, to crush major American bases – whether Ayn Al-Asad air base or other bases…"

Interviewer: "Did you really target American bases in Iraq with ballistic missiles…?"

Al-Husseini: "Yes. Ayn Al-Asad is one of the bases that were targeted by the Islamic resistance in Iraq, using short-range ballistic missiles. So these operations and these tactics are escalating. Using this kind of weapons and missiles was specific to a certain stage and certain bases and targets. These were targets that could be attacked by these missiles. Later, however, the resistance entered a new stage, and escalated [its attacks] by using long-range missiles. I am talking about improved cruise missiles, which were used for the first time to target those bases. The first of these operations was the attack against a vital target in Haifa, by the Islamic resistance in Iraq.


"All American targets and bases are [legitimate] targets for the Islamic resistance. We are talking about the American presence throughout West Asia. With the help of Allah, the resistance can reach any point in West Asia where the Americans are present. As long as the Zio-American war machine continues its crimes against the Palestinians, the resistance will continue to target the Americans and their subordinates…"

Interviewer: "What do you mean by 'their subordinates?'"

Al-Husseini: "To be honest, I am talking about the supporters of the [Israeli] entity. The positions of some of this entity's supporters are not clear now, but we see that this entity receives support from the Bedouins of the Gulf, and I am talking specifically about the UAE.


"The next stage [of our operations] may include the Gulf countries and the American bases there and elsewhere.


"When talking about Yemen, we must draw red lines.


"The Americans would see days that they might never forget throughout their history. The retaliation [for a U.S. attack on the Houthis] will cause the Americans nightmares that will haunt them forever.


"In the coming decade, the scope of the [resistance] axis will expand."

Interviewer: "How can it expand?"

Al-Husseini: "It will expand to East Asia and some countries in the Caucasus. This is not wishful thinking. It is reality. The seeds are there already. In the coming decade, our axis will expand to these areas.


"If the Americans leave Iraq, but then attack another country in the [resistance] axis, will the Iraqi resistance say 'nevermind,' just because the Americans are not here? No. The American forces should be driven out of the entire region, so that the region can be saved from their evil."

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